Any one have a ilo DVD Recorder With 80 GB Hard Drive, DVDRH04, from Wal-Mart,is it a good recorder?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by Joecephus, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. Groug

    Groug Guest

    Hope someone can help me. I installed hack on one HD-04 and tried now on a second but it didn't work on second machine. I got an error message then when restarted it now says 'put in cd' Which i have tried several differant firmwares with now and same result for all. 'error' and put in cd' Anyway to clear the machine so i can at least get an unhacked firmware back? The clock stayed accurate even after i unplugged it.
  2. DonnyDon

    DonnyDon Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Hey everyone Costco has the Philips HDRW720 for $200 120gb hard drive. DVD RECORDER dvd+R WOW .........6 hour buffer compared to 1 hour for tivo......this is the only dvd recorder hard drive besides tuvo that has LIVE pause, instant replay.....and Guide all in 1. This is recording at all times in the buffer....AMAZING!!!
  3. DonnyDon

    DonnyDon Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Hey everyone Costco has the Philips HDRW720 for $200 120gb hard drive. DVD RECORDER dvd+R WOW .........6 hour buffer compared to 1 hour for tivo......this is the only dvd recorder hard drive besides tuvo that has LIVE pause, instant replay.....and Guide all in 1. This is recording at all times in the buffer....AMAZING!!!
  4. dayturner

    dayturner Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Hope your phillips is more reliable than the phillips magotbox dvd/vhs recorder I have. It almost always balks at reusing dvd rws sometimes locking up and sometimes refusing to accept programming.
    Meanwhile, my ILO with HD has taking to making its own decision as to whether I want to record something, ignoring recording, even though the timer chart shows the proper time and channel were set. After the time has passed, the display shows a red exclamation point rather than a green check. Can't find what the red ! means. Anybody have any ideas what is going wrong?
  5. leestrada

    leestrada Member

    Nov 9, 2002
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    Does anyone know if recording on a dvd recorder gives smooth video - I have been recording from a capture tuner (MSI VOX USB 2.0) and video occasionally comes out a little jerky and sometimes audio out of lip sync ( by .350 of a second behind).

    I am considering buying one to record off cable instead of this PVR.
    My DVD burning software will recognize the VR format so I can post edit and burn to permanent DVD blanks.

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2005
  6. Nick2

    Nick2 Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    "Does anyone know if recording on a dvd recorder gives smooth video"

    For a fact I can say YES. I hated having to move because my new place only allows cable, not satellite and I knew that cable wasn't going to be as smooth and clear as what I was used to getting with my DirecTv. And yep, the cable is a little streaky when watching it at my new place, but after I record the program with my DVD recorder I watch the same program and it has magically cleared up and is just as smooth as my satellite picture was. I also noticed that when I transferred video from a VHS tape to the ILO hard drive and then burned it (or just left it on the HD) the video quality actually improved from what it was on the tape.
  7. LCSHG

    LCSHG Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    [ RAPR ]

    Wrote Quote
    I have a regular DVD-R in the ILO and I keep recording cartoons for my daughter once a day every week day. It seems like when I get 5 or 6 different things recorded my ILO pulls the "preparing" crap on me. This has happened with a DVD-RW also. You record on it, turn the machine off for a couple days, turn it back on and the ILO says "preparing" for fricken ever!!! I have to push the power button about 50 times to turn it off. Then it takes me a bit to open the drive.


    The ilo DVDRHD04,[Which I Have ] and the R04 are for DVD+R/RW disks only, My machine does not want anything to do with a - disk, period. Any attempt to use them will result in a lockup as you discribe . If you have used them for almost a year, I would think luck was on your side.

    By the way, I think the ilo is and has been a very good machine it has been in use for over 9 months. Dubbed some 300 VHS tapes and recorded many programs, no problems. The unit has some Quirks but I can trace any problems to my operations.
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2005
  8. Nick2

    Nick2 Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    my ILO has developed some quirks as of late as well. It also likes to do the "READING" or "PREPARING" for a long time. I end up unplugging it and plugging it back in. Also, lately when I push the "Browser" button to choose any of my recordings to watch the screen will instead remain on the channel I'm watching but the volume will cut out. I hit the "Browser" button again and the sound comes back. The browser just won't show me the programs I've recorded to the HD. I turn the unit off and back on again and it works fine--for awhile, then it does it again. Every so often I've recorded shows I like and have hesitated to burn them to disc, only to have the ILO freeze up and all my thumbnails have turned to solid black instead of showing the opening frame of each show. When that happens I know I've lost the recordings and can only erase the entire HD and start over. It's done that to me several times now so I am more proactive about getting my shows that I want to keep burned to disc instead of putting it off until later. For the money it's been a good little machine, it's just these anomalies that sometimes make me pull my hair out and curse the demon spawn who created it and brought it to the market.
  9. dayturner

    dayturner Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    well, the way I look at it: I have had a taste of this technology and when the ILO becomes too unreliable, I will probably shell out the added dough to get a quality machine -- whatever that is. I have had some shows just black out on me, too.
  10. RAPR

    RAPR Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    Thanks for the feedback from all of you. I really do appreciate it. Sorry about the confusion, I ONLY use +R and +RW. I didn't realize I put -R -RW. I don't know what's wrong with this thing. I actually love this thing, it worked good for so long. I might just use it to it's potential (the only things left it WILL do) and wait for a better one to come along. For the price, I really can't complain too much. Let me know if anyone figures out some more upgrades or problem fixes. It might have some more life left in it.
  11. dayturner

    dayturner Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    I sure wish you guys had not started discussing these recent issues. My ILO had no such problem until after I read about them here and apparently transferred them by via some inexplicable process of osmosis through the remote and into the machine. All of a sudden, mine has also taken to getting stuck on preparing and if I have a dvd in, it will burn the little prep track onto the disc but does not read it. I am afraid to stick a disc that has been burned into it. Where are the experts of ILOs? Guitarman, help us techno disadvantaged helpless victims of what is probably a simple to fix problem. But just don't tell us to reformat, thus losing all that is saved on the hard drive.
  12. Groug

    Groug Guest

    If all i had to do was reformat i'ld be in heaven. Better to have a player that works than not have it available. Although it has been fun tooling around inside the machine.
  13. dayturner

    dayturner Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    If the only thing was to grab the latest firmware and install it, I too would be very happy. However, that wipes the HD clean and I had about 60 hours of stuff there I want to keep. I have found that I can copy to DVD RW but not a plain DVD. I ruined five dvds before i tried an rw. Guess I am a hard study. When I get all the stuff I want to keep transferred to rw, I will plug in the latest firmware (with the coooooooool hacks) and resume, hopefully, as though nothing had happened.
  14. LCSHG

    LCSHG Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    I have a ilo DVDRHD04
    I have installed different versions of the ilo firmware meny times and I have never lost any programs. On purpose I did not follow the total firmware upgrade procidure and lost nothing. I lost the programs on the HDD once when I tried to defrag the HDD. Defrag is a bummer whenever its used. If I didn't have a meed for the Hack and other non copy protection of the ilo and the fact its non compliant. I would still get a LiteOn product.
    My machine and the 6 other units I talked frends into all work fine.
    The ilo 04 does not develope quirks, it had them to begin with.
    Am I the only one that has an ilo and the 6 other machines that work OK
  15. wolf123

    wolf123 Regular member

    Apr 1, 2003
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    Can you hook up coaxil cable and get tv. But can you record and press a button like on a vcr tv/vcr button and watch tv at the same time.
  16. SpudNuts

    SpudNuts Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    As far as I know, you cannot record and watch TV at the same time on the ILO but.... you can split your cable to the ILO and the COAX input on your TV. Then, run the output of the ILO to another input on your TV. That way you can record on the ilo and watch a different channel on the TV and select the other input on the TV to watch the ILO.
  17. dayturner

    dayturner Member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    Shucks. I am now having trouble with dvd+rs. I cannot write to them. I can play them. I can record or copy to dvd+rw but not to plain dvd+rs. Well, not quite true. I did record a program to a dvd+r that had some other stuff on it, but once the time was up, the ILO locked up and I had to unplug. I have also reset and reinstalled firmware. I put in 1201 whereas I had had 1193 hacked version in before. I am assuming that there must be a software problem since the drive burns rws. Has anyone else had and solved this problem?
  18. DonnyDon

    DonnyDon Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Yes its a pretty good DVD Recorder. But for $278 its a complete rip off. The Philips Hdrw720 DVD recorder with 120GB is $200 at Costco ive actually scene a 80gb version cheaper with same features but no TVguide....Get that Instead of the 80gb ILO. It has a 6 hour Buffer going at all times. the PHILIPS is the ONLY true dvd recorder and Digital recorder with LIVE pause and rewind... Firmware Upgradable, With DVD recording to dvd+R. Has a TVGuide that does work ith DIGITAL Cable......ALso that ILO hack site was a nice IDEA but they have yet to offer any REAL HACK WHAT SO EVER. With the Ilo you cant even control your TV with the Remote, Nor have i heard anyone of finding a universal remote to control both PROPERLLY.

  19. ande1352

    ande1352 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    i use a logitech harmony remote and it controls all of my components, including my Ilo and TV, with ease. It was as easy as selecting the Ilo as my dvd recorder on their online setup, and after that i was able to control the Ilo unit without any problems.

    And as far as "real hacks" i'm not even sure what you're looking for. The macrovision and 3 hr mode hacks/activations were quite helpful in my opinion.
  20. SpudNuts

    SpudNuts Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    Any of you who don't have a remote that doesn't quite cover all of your devices, look into a "JP1" compatible remote. Go here to find out more:

    With this capability, you can control just about any device known to man. It's easy and very flexible.

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