Any one have a ilo DVD Recorder With 80 GB Hard Drive, DVDRH04, from Wal-Mart,is it a good recorder?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by Joecephus, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. 4-n-zics

    4-n-zics Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    As I said in my other post... Best Buy here does not carry the Philips DVD/HDD recorder. They only carry the Panasonsic.
  2. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Give a few of them a call around there. I was looking at it a few weeks ago at bust buy there in the skurts of hotlanta somewhere. I think it may have been norcross.

    Also do you know if they cought that Berrera guy there from your town yet?
  3. SpudNuts

    SpudNuts Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    Well, i'm sure any crackhead can sneak into a Bestbuy with a product they stole out of the back of a truck (because Bestbuy doesn't sell it here either) and sell it to you real cheap. I say......good on ya for getting it that cheap but you might want to open it up and make sure his crack stash isn't hidden inside.
  4. DonnyDon

    DonnyDon Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Again I bought at BESTBUY for $308 why the fusk would i lie you bumhole. Ask them if they ever sold it..... And then find a BestBuy with one available. If not i dont give a shit, enjoy your ilo with the Special green tint. I only tried to help BITCHES
  5. whompus

    whompus Active member

    Dec 2, 2002
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    Come on Don no reason to spaz. Just ignore some remarks. If you enjoy your hdd phillips 1/2 as much as I enjoy my hdd ilo then you are good to go.

    As for crackhead or whatever. I wouldnt worry much about that. You must have a reciept and that is what counts. No matter where the crackhead (as refered to) got it from. With your reciept you got it from wherever it says.
  6. Nick2

    Nick2 Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Yes I applied the latest patch, which took care of a problem I was having with trying to split files. They would get to 60% and suddenly lock up. I would then have to unplug the machine and would lose the video file. The patch took care of that. The other problems started right after. Also, a new problem arose yesterday. When looking at my video thumbnails of all the video clips I had saved to the HDD, I saw that all of the thumbnails were black, there was no image in them. The only one that had an image was the video I had recorded just before. I had about 6 pages of videos, and the goddamn recorder lost all of them. They were all blank. Luckily almost all of them had already been burned to DVD so I only lost a few, but I liked to keep some of my favorite shows on the HDD for quick viewing. Now I know to burn them to DVD as soon as possible before the machine "loses" them again.
  7. 4-n-zics

    4-n-zics Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    I just got the iLO today and I have to say that I am very happy with it. I have not had a chance to record a TV show or DVD to the HDD or vice versa yet, but so far so good. I upgraded the firmware as soon as I got it all hooked up and it is running great.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2005
  8. SpudNuts

    SpudNuts Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    I havn't lost anything but the thumbnail issue was fixed with the latest patch. All you have to do is FF (While in "Edit") to a scene you like for a thumbnail and change it before you burn. I did hear that you should burn all your images prior to applying a firmware patch, i've read a few post that complained about loosing saved files after it's upgraded (That's pretty poor engineering).

    I havn't run into any of the problems that you mentioned, I suggest having it replaced. I'm sure, as pissed as you sound, you probably will go for something else. Like I said, I looked into almost every DVD recorder before I bought my ILO and the problems with the others out weighed the ILO's problems (After a firmware upgrade of course) and so does their price.

    As of right now, I only have 2 complaints.

    Audio from the front inputs is attenuated quite a bit and playback needs to be played at a very high volume.
    Color tint problem when viewing a scene in low lighting, most scenes with low light look black and white and light green and orange blotches show up on objects that are hit with alittle light. Both of these problems have been emailed to ILO's Customer Support and I did get a reply that their R&D is working the issues.

    I don't work for Walmart or anything like that, I was really hesitant to buy anything electronic from Walmart. You gotta do what you feel is best for you, that's all I can say.
  9. LCSHG

    LCSHG Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    RAPR & ydkjman Buzz using front conections on HR04

    ON an other site, guitarman, felt that the Buzz was coming from the ribbon cable that leads from the main board to the output jacks. The cable goes right throuh the front panel by the display which is not LCD. His opinion was that that the buzz was being picked up by the front input jacks from the display. Again not LCD. After looking at my HR04 I would agree with his assessment. The ribbon pass through on the front panel could be a problem but I think a light metal grounded shield could fix the buzz problem.
  10. LCSHG

    LCSHG Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    edge67 Sony disk problem

    The new sony copy protection is a problem for many players ( and TV's ) not only ilo. An example is that many TV's would have a bent or folded over settion at the top of the screen. My Sony did, my Sanyo didn't. this was caused by the copy potection on many of the copy protected VHS tapes. DVD does not (seem) to have this problem. The new Sony copy protection is causing a lot of problems not only with ilo. Seems that Sony is attempting to copy protect to the point that a disk will not play PROPERLY on most units and than blame everyone else.You can do the same to a PC with all the protection software and blame problems on a virus.
  11. Nick2

    Nick2 Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    SpudNuts wrote:"Nick2,

    I havn't lost anything but the thumbnail issue was fixed with the latest patch. All you have to do is FF (While in "Edit") to a scene you like for a thumbnail and change it before you burn."

    Yes, I understand about FF while in Edit mode, that's how I've been setting my thumbnails. Usually I wait and stop the video when the main title appears. Problem I was trying to explain was that after going through all my videos that I had elected to keep on the hard drive and setting the thumbnails to where I wanted them, I turned on the machine one day and found that all the thumbnails had turned solid black. Then when I tried to play the videos I found that the files were empty. The ILO had lost them all. Luckily for me my usual procrastination hadn't yet taken hold and most of the videos had already been burned to DVD so I didn't actually lose much. It just pissed me the hell off. I fired off an abusive email to ILO and have yet to get a response. Maybe denegrating their products and questioning the marital status of the parents of their engineers at the time of their birth didn't endear me to customer service. Go figure.
  12. taslomk

    taslomk Guest

    Here's a new one for anybody. The manual for a dvdrh04 states you can save your mp3's and jpeg's to the HDD and play them back from the browser just like you can from the DVD disk drive. How do you get the mp3's or jpegs to the hard drive. The copy function only works for video titles. I've tried the help line but they don't have a clue how to do this.
  13. Nick2

    Nick2 Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    are trying to copy your mp3s and jpegs from a dvd or from a cdr?
  14. taslomk

    taslomk Guest

    I've tried both. DVD disks with mp3's and CDr with mp3's. I can play them but I can't transfer them to the hard drive. The only way I know of to try to transfer is by using the copy command and everytime I try that the unit says to change disk.
  15. ydkjman

    ydkjman Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    LCSHG Have you come up with any thing that is best to use to get this sheilding to work ?
  16. ande1352

    ande1352 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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  17. Ray_Ray

    Ray_Ray Guest

    The new ILO firmware WMJA1193.DS3 is up on the ILO website and also the MV/LP version
  18. Ray_Ray

    Ray_Ray Guest

    Just curious, will this version overwrite the hack already installed by loading the non-hack rev 2 version?
  19. Gtrman

    Gtrman Regular member

    Jan 13, 2005
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    New firmware will always overwrite the old. If you want the hacks, you will need to download the hacked version. It is posted on my ILO Download page. Look for 1193 RevB MV/LP Hacked.
  20. Ray_Ray

    Ray_Ray Guest

    Thanks for the response gtrman!

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