Just you wait gpatel, you'll be back. This is the most addictive site on the net. I used to be a crackhead and got up smoking crack at dawn. Now I get up at the crack of AfterDawn. You know you need it, Don'tcha?
The reason afterdawn hates you is that you always make a bad name for yourself. You don't get much stupider than to put bad things about ddp on public forums. idiot.
For an update I am a mod at http://www.dutchforce.com/~eforum/index.php and he joined my site I banned him.
I couldn't find him as a member on that site...if you look at the forum topics, I'm suprised he'd even bother with a tech site like that. I see he's gone again, was it this thread or another? Wonder who he'll come back as next?
well he went as a different user, not allowed to say by there rules however, I can say it starts with a "S" and ends with "D" I banned him because he sent me private message with swears and everything else but i can't say it in detail in a public forum.
So how do you know it was the same person, did he fess up to being banned from here as glitched and reupped as gpatel and got kicked off again?
LOL A person with that fragile of a self image shouldn't be allowed on forums, they will just get their feelings hurt.
zomgz!! games with looney tunes! @ireland, how much of your HDD is pix?!! you've basically got them comin out yer butt!