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AnyDVD (from SlySoft)

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by fedward, Sep 14, 2006.

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  1. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    I have nothing but praise for AnyDvd, even still works with my now defunct DvdXCopy, which I and many members paid up to "$150" for.

    I KNOW AnyDvd works with CloneDVD, it was designed to.

    Please tell me why you believe that it's Slysoft's job to make sure it works with every program out there? It should be the other way around. 1ClickDVD Copy 5, as arniebear indicated uses the Machinist.dll. Let 1ClickDVD Copy 5 come up with their own decrypter, and gripe to them. Why did you choose AnyDvd? If you hadn't noticed, the recommendation at AD is AnyDvd/CloneDvd combination, certainly not AnyDVD/1ClickDvd! By the way, is this the same company that you have to pay EVERY year to use their program? Hmmmmmmmmmmm


    Last edited: Sep 15, 2006
  2. The_Fiend

    The_Fiend Guest

    Edward lee, again, are you using the latest firmware for that burner ?
    Is it an older model perhaps?
    Are you running any other software in the background ?
    There could be numerous causes to your problem.
  3. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Most burners nowadays come with OEM Nero. InCD, which is included in the software is a known conflict with many programs.
  4. slmh1296

    slmh1296 Guest

    fedward you are barking up the wrong tree I have been doing DVD's for 3 to 4 years and have been a member here for atleast that long. You are the first one to post about how crappy anydvd is and I know thier is probably a million pepole that use it so come on. Just because you cant figure it out you jump to the conclusion it is anydvd problem. Try opening your mind and look for the real problem. You yourself said you have been doing this for 2 yrs with no problem so you know it works take advice from others that are more tech savy than you. I agree with arniebear this program has conflists with anydvd because of the Machinist.dll file. search the net and get dvdshrink I have used this with anydvd never fails and it is free.Or try dvd decryptor its free.
    Do you not understand what slysoft does just to get around all the tricks of these big companys. I laugh ever time one of these big guns come out with new method to prevent copying because I know slysoft will crack it within days. What makes you think slysoft has to make there software work with all programs does Ferrari make motors to fit into Fords come on man.
  5. poolpro

    poolpro Regular member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Great point slmh1296

    Anydvd will forever live.
  6. mackdl

    mackdl Regular member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Why on earth would you choose to use AnyDvd when you state that 1ClickDvd does NOT endorse it, then complain? Obviously, LGInnovations knows there is a conflict, yet will not tell you why. The problem lies with THEM, not Slysoft.


    I'm sorry to hear your woes. Although you do use recommended Verbatims, the media does change. I have noticed it is almost impossible to find 8X. Have you changed to 16X? If so, you do need to make sure your firmware is up to date. If you answer Jizmak's questions we will try our utmost to help you.

    Please remember we are all here on our own free time, and help with what knowledge we have.
  7. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  8. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    while we are on the subject.. a new update

    we would like to inform you, that a new version of AnyDVD
    has been released. Here the list of fixes and improvements:, 2006 09 15
    - New: Added support for new versions of the SONY Arccos protection
    to the option to remove "Protection based on unreadable Sectors"
    - Some minor fixes and improvements
    - Updated languages
  9. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Lets see AnyDVD a bad program , better tell the 8 yr old on the other computer all his movies he's been makin back ups of ain't gonna be any good.I run AnyDVD and Clone on all my computers along with other proggs and the only problem I've ever had is on one computer till this day when it's time to burn have to disable AnyDVD.This is the simplest no brainer program to run and teach and learn there is.Best money ever spent and if myself or an 8 yr. old can do it then theres other problems than the program. Don't bring down something if you can't run it and every one else can.The updates are timely and as far as cost $300.00 wouldn't be outrages compared to what some people spend on programs that don't work.When I first came here Alkohol king of the excellent freebies was the one I studied from and learned. Then the recommendations of the great people here on theforum with AnyDVD for quick and simple.Lest I not forget Creaky with the Benq drives. If theres facts back them up.My 1/2cent. ( yeah raised health care again) Chris
  10. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    @fedward, I've had AnyDVD for as long as its been around and I used it because it was so simple. I will contenue to use it for as long as it's around, only problem I've had was bad media until I found out what was good and what was bad.
    You wouldn't be Robspacedout1 would you, you sound like a broken record!!!!!!
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2006
  11. fedward

    fedward Guest

    Who said I can't figure it out. Most of you don't seem to be getting the point. Did you really read what I had to say? DVD43 FREE PROGRAM, AnyDVD NOT. And why the dead silence from SlySoft? No
    apologies, (common courtesy), even if it wasn't their fault, which I still don't believe. And by the way, 1ClickCopyToDVD 5 did endorse AnyDVD at one time. I will be sending an email to 1Click Support and ask them why they stopped endorsing AnyDVD.

    And why don't some of you guys who claim to be so knowledgeable email these programs and help me get some answers to the problem instead of "hitting me over the head". The only one who seems to have an open mind is EdwardLee. Some of you guys sound like a bunch of fanatics or paid Reps. for SlySoft.
  12. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    You wouldn't be Robspacedout1 would you, you sound like a broken record!!!!!! Answer my question?????
  13. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Hmmmm seems as though your getting the same answer as from SlySoft here. Duh Wonder why.
  14. fedward

    fedward Guest

    @ little155, no I'm not, and you never asked me. CHILL BEFORE YOU HAVE A HEART ATTACK or GO POSTAL! And some of you should start using "spell check" before you submit your comments or are you in such a hurry to run someone down that you can't wait to fire off vicious responses?

    Years ago when the CB craze was big, you would be referred to as "Radio Rambos".

    To most of you.....thanks for nothing.....if anyone is calm enough to submit a HELPFUL RESPONSE, or suggestion (after digesting what I had to say).....I will be more than happy to listen. Otherwise go work for SlySoft "if you don't already". Has anyone tried contacting them and asked why it doesn't work with 1ClickCopyToDVD 5, WHEN IT WORKED BEFORE? Guess not, you of course have all of the answers. One more thought to mull over, "could it be that SlySoft is pissed because 1Click endorsed AnyDVD (free program)and therefore got revenge by making sure that their program wouldn't be compatible, (losing money you know)? The key here is, IT WORKED BEFORE! What makes you think that a program can't be updated purposely not to continue working with another? After all someone said that SlySoft keeps updating and updating, etc. And why won't they give me a straight answer?

    And to the "Duh responder", Duh yourself. Have you contacted them or is your ego as big as your mouth?
  15. little155

    little155 Regular member

    Jan 17, 2004
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    Why should those of us not having problems, contact Slysoft? Sounds like you are the one having a heart attack or ready to go postal on Slysoft. I hope you got a legal copy of AnyDVD? I don't work for Slysoft, I live in North Carolina.
  16. sandisk

    sandisk Regular member

    Jun 27, 2005
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    These guys at slysoft bend over backwards to break the latest encryption.

    Sounds to me your burner is on the way out.

    I use a lite-on burner and was burning for a year nearly with no probs and then one day like you, I got please insert blank media.

    Turns out even though I had the latest firmware, the model of burner which was 1633s I think, wouldn't burn disc's that were higher than x8.

    Sounds strange but its true.

    I was using verbatim x4 for over a year then shop re-stocks and gets in verbatim x16 and I was getting this "please insert blank media" msg.

    I thought I was gonna have to buy a new internal burner but I found a flash for the firmware and when I ran that, it upgraded me from 1633s to 1653s now and it burns the verbatim x16 and any speed now, saying that, I only burn x4 at all times.

    I'm not saying you have the same problem as me but it sounds like your burner could be playing up.

    Good luck

    Last edited: Sep 15, 2006
  17. fedward

    fedward Guest

    @ little155, I didn't expect you to, because you have all of the answers. And yes, (if you had taken the time to read my original comments, without getting so hyper), you would have noted that I stated that I purchased the program from SlySoft. Chill out man.

    @ Sandisk, Thanks for your calm input and suggestion. I will definitely take that under consideration. In the meantime, I emailed 1Click and am "holding their feet to the fire" for an explanation. Maybe you can recommend a tranquilizer for little155 and the other "Radio Rambos". Nice chatting with you.

    Final note: All I can add is that I have never had a problem with 1ClickDVD Copy 5 that they did not resolve (Ican't say the same for SlySoft). We will see what happens now.
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    robspacedout1 had the same problem with bad spellers. You're nothing but a spammer peddling your inept expensive program; albeit, better than the normal ones that get banned 1st or 2nd post. You'll be banned soon enough.

    Funny you and spacy are the only ones that seem to be having a problem with AnyDVD, besides those that are too cheap to buy it and use hacks.
  19. fedward

    fedward Guest


    In case someone hasn't told you, Oswald did kill Kennedy and the U.S. Government did not blow up the World Trade Center. What's with this other guy you keep confusing me with? Do you have some kind of fettish for him, do you miss him or something? Why are you so fanatical in your defense for SlySoft? I hope you're not in a sensitive position i.e., Missle Launch Technician or Air Traffic Controller. Get a life Rambo.
  20. wbfconst

    wbfconst Regular member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    The overwhelming majority of people on this thread are fanatical about Any DVD simply because it works. Had you been around three years ago, trying to copy your legally purchased DVD's, with all the problems encountered at that time, you would realize why we strongly defend Any DVD. WE have all tried at one tome or another, X copy, 1 Click, DVD 43, and a whole bunch of other programs, and it all came down to this, good media, and Any DVD = a perfect copy. For me it makes no difference if I use Nero Recode, Clone DVD 2, Roxio easy copy, Decryptor, or Shrink, I always get a perefect copy, everytime, no exceptions. I would respectifully suggest that your problems lie somewhere else. There are people on this thread that could help you out, if you truly wished.
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