anyone have either emerson dvd recorder from Walmart and do you like it?

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by jbarth, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. bkrawitz

    bkrawitz Guest

    I repeat....I re I re I say I repeat the emerson is a piece of crap.
  2. booser108

    booser108 Guest

    I repeat I repeat no one asked your opinion
  3. Jmark

    Jmark Regular member

    May 3, 2005
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    Re: the besmerched Emerson...EVERYTHING is made in GE air conditioner was made in China. Not many things deserve paying 4-5x as much for a flawless one. Anyway Emerson is Funai (see back of operating manual). At big conventions and shows (for some reason) people always use Funai stuff for 24 hrs a day use. Ithas a very good rating.
  4. bkrawitz

    bkrawitz Guest

    I repeat I repeat go f-yourself
  5. goodzilly

    goodzilly Guest

    I too have just upgraded the firmware to be able to use 8x disks and have discovered thet I lose the forst 30 seconds or so when I dub from the VCR

    Has anyone found a fix for this yet?

    I've emailed Emerson to see what they say.

    I'll let you know


    PS the upgrade worked fine and 8x disks are now OK.
  6. dahauss

    dahauss Member

    Oct 17, 2004
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    I havent tested recording since the 8x upgrade but I would like to know if there is a fix. Also, I see NOTHING wrong with the emerson DVD recorder.. I got it for $100 and I see no reson to spend more ofr a higher priced one just because of the brand name. Sure it doesnt have all the fancy features but for what I needed it for (mostly dubbing from my direct tivo to dvd) it works perfectly and the quality looks great!

  7. Jmark

    Jmark Regular member

    May 3, 2005
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    One of the best advantages of the DVD technology is that the machines, whether expensive or not, offer quality performance. A $25 DVD player has a great picture--just like a $400 machine. It's all or nothing in this technology. Also, China makes 99% of all the DVD players in the world and the similarities are obvious. If you always seek the very BEST and pay the very LEAST you can...caveat emptor. I bought 2 VERY expensive VCRs in my life--both crapped out in less than a year. I then got an 2 inexpensive Sanyo machines which have performed flawlessly for over 10 years. ALSO--the drive belt was on the bottom and could be replaced in 2 minutes--not buried somewhere under 3 circuit boards.
  8. bkrawitz

    bkrawitz Guest

    this still doesn't change the fact that "funai corp" has both bad technical support, and a worse product. Emerson LMB
  9. Jmark

    Jmark Regular member

    May 3, 2005
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    Not to be contrary...but what kinds of bad things happened with the Emerson products you speak of? I for one, always like to keep abreast of faulty stuff...there are brands I would never buy again (Akai, Vector Research) and ones that do brainless things (like Panasonic whose best VCRs won't let your cable signal play through them when off).
  10. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    I have this machine and it works great.

    I use CompUsa DVD-R x1 and DVD-R 1x-4x. Also Maxell DVD-RW 2x.
    These DVD's work great. The Comp USA brand are very inexpensive and seem to burn a 1.5hr movie using the Emerson within 1-2mins with the DVD-R x1. The DVD-R 1x-4x seem to burn a little faster.

    I really have not had one problem with these disc's. As for the upgrade I've gotten the disc from Funai, but with the great success that I have had with these Comp USA's I've just bought a crap load of discs and will use these until there are none left before installing that firmware.

    Any word on that record/delay issue after frimware upgrade?

    The DVD RW's work excellent as well and the whole machine is very easy to use.

  11. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Oh yeah...

    I picked this up at Walmart as they were blowing them out for $75 bucks.


  12. booser108

    booser108 Guest


    Just to answer your question.

    The reason why it might not record the first 30 seconds of the program is because of something called extended data services (XDS). It is a packet stored on line 21 - field 2 (or 1) that contains such information as start time, station name, name of the show, etc. If you press record and detects a new show being started within 30 seconds by looking at this data, it won't write those 30 seconds to disc and start recording at the beginning of the show. It is a feature that I happen to like, although most people don't know about. You would probably have to hack your firmware to disable it and I'm sure you're not willing to do that.

    Their is also (unfortunately) a two second record delay (bug) if you start recording in the middle of a show.
  13. bkrawitz

    bkrawitz Guest

    Does this explain why I have the same 30 second problem when recording from a Beta SP as a source. The deck is just crap. When my engineering dept contacted service repair they were told there were many decks being sent back for this problem, and customer support is pretending there is no problem. Every time I had called them "It was the first time they heard of the problem". Also what happens when they phase out disc's 4x and under, you have a $200 paper weight! Do yourself a favor buy a DVD recorder and a capture card for you computer, you will have better results.
  14. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Well BKRawitz, you have a point about this becoming obsolete, but like I said earlier, people can always stock up on the DVD's. They are dirt cheap as many places are blowing out the slower speed disc's.

    Just went to Comp USA yesterday. 10 DVD-R x1 for 3 bucks in slim cases. 30 cents a pop.

    W/o the upgrade my recorder starts immediately. I love it. I have my vcr in line 1 and recording is a breeze.

    This forum is the only places that I have read that there has been an issue with the upgrade.

    Did you get the upgrade from Funai or did you download from the net?

  15. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Actually, I do recall twice after pushing the rec button ":30" showed up in the timer field. This happened when I unknowingly tried to copy a copyrighted VHS tape.

    Is your Beta Tape copyrighted?
  16. bkrawitz

    bkrawitz Guest

    not the case, these are raw b-roll tape from the field, Me thinks emerson is in big doodoo
  17. GregRod

    GregRod Regular member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    Next question.

    When you try to record do put the new disc in and wait for it to finish cycling through its setup before you hit record?

    You should see the speed and time before you hit the red record button. If not you will loose the first 20-90 seconds of recording.

  18. motorcycl

    motorcycl Member

    May 19, 2005
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    I have some questions about disks.

    (1) Do RW disk have to be finalized before they will play in another DVD player? The one I tried would not play in another player.

    (2) If a RW disk is finalized, can it be re-formated and used again.

    (3) Can a RW disk be formated on a computer, or does it have to be done on the DVD recorder.

  19. brgordon

    brgordon Guest

    I dont really like Emerson or Walmart If you want a cheap DVD recorder there is one I think called Cyber home but I still love my Magnavox MRV640 and the price keeps dropping over at best buy Its now down to 142$ I might even get another one There is a DVD VCR Combo but it is a bit more expensive Personally I think if you already have a VCR the combo is not helpful VCRs are going to be phased out soon Like tape players people will still use them but wont build systems around them My advice is to shop around Use sites like Next Tag Compare prices on Ebay Check stores like BestBuy If you do a little research you will be surprised what you can get I still think I got the most bang for my buck with the Magnavox Until there is a bigger price drop in the other high end brands like Sony Toshiba etc Im sticking with Magnavox :)
  20. brgordon

    brgordon Guest

    DVDs do have to be finalized to play in other DVD players I do think you can rewrite on them though afterwards if you erase them When all else fails read your instruction manual :)

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