Well every working tut I've seen on backing up gamecube games all wants us to connect our gamecube to our pc and copy them through a broadband connection. I would like to know if there is any way for a PC drive to actually read gamecube games. Maybe through hacked firmware? OR maybe it could be possible to dissasemble a gamecube and connect it's little drive to a pc and rip that way. Thoughts?
Apparently I'm so unhelpful becaue I post links which answer the question instead of wasting time trying to look like I write the guide.. http://wiki.nintendo-scene.com/index.php?title=Wii_Disc_Backup
you have to buy a dvd rom drive online that will read game cube and wii games, it's priced fairly reasonable, like 50 or 60 dollars. I can't think of the name of the drive, but do some googling and you will find it Bill