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Are Afterdawn Mods too harsh with the rules? ***WOLVES FEEDING TIME***

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by secKEn, Mar 6, 2008.

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  1. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    I really hate people that complain, I mean, you guys are complaining about the mods doing their jobs. Don't like what they do? Well then don't break the rules, simple as that.

    A little off topic here, but does have to do with complaining. They are trying to pass a new law here in my city/state. Not sure if it's a statewide thing, but nonetheless, they are trying to pass it. Basically they are saying that if you have any outstanding ticket violations, such as speeding tickets that have yet to be paid, you can not register your vehicle again when the tag has expired - UNTIL YOU PAY YOUR TICKETS.

    So people are whining and bitching, "how are we going to pay these expired registration tickets, hell we can't pay our other tickets?", well there are several options here.

    1. Don't wait to the last minute to pay a ticket, pay it now! You wait to long and other fines can be applied. Also, you may have a warrant issue for non-payment - another fee to pay!

    2. Don't break the law. If you just wear a seat belt and don't speed, what's the issue? "Yeah, yea, but screw them...I hate cops..they don't have to give me a ticket!", well if you know you're a broke ass, maybe you shouldn't give someone a reason to give you tickets that you can't pay!!

    /rant for the day

    Bottom line, don't like the rules at aD, well then get lost! Anyways, you're probably leaving pointless posts like, "Wii 5uck5..360 rul3z!" and "HD DVD is so gay, bluray FTW!".
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2008

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    Not at all, if you are mad at me maybe you should read again who banned you.
  3. XEnigmaX

    XEnigmaX Regular member

    Jun 16, 2006
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    The Saftey Valve is still open to the public. The only difference is that posts here don't count towards your member rating.

    Let me put this in analogy form for you guys. Let's pretend that Afterdawn is like store. Even though it is private property, they are giving you the right to enter their store and shop--under the conditions that you don't steal anything and keep the peace.

    It doesn't matter whether you like the store or its security guards, by entering the store, you show your willingness to abide by the rules.

    If everyone in the store tried to be security guards, and tried to throw people out that they didn't like--the store would be a disgusting place to which no one would want to go. The rules don't state that the mods are better than us, nor do they think they are, they just say that they actually have the right the throw people out.

    So don't act so immature when the mods decide that you're bothering the other customers. They act within the best interests of everyone--not just the few that believe they are being treated unfairly.
  4. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    woodANGRY (account created on 6 Mar, 2008) has used same IP address as wood43 (banned on 6 Mar, 2008)
  5. 07anto07

    07anto07 Active member

    May 21, 2007
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    well said
  6. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Harsh.. HARSH?? the mods aren't harsh.. I am ;)

    We don't want to go back to the dark days of last July do we?

    Things are back on track.. everybody is getting along.

    There is always the alternative you know.. If you don't like how a mod has treated you then complain to an administrator.. with links.. and see if you get anywhere.
  7. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    LOL, looks like we got another b4nned4Life huh ddp?
  8. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    This is exactly the harshness i'm talking about....

    Wolves feeding time???

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  10. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    Well, damn i'm not going to this store anymore!
  11. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    yep thats harsh
  12. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    U know that i wouldn't get anywhere and that's the problem! The average person can't complain!
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    if you don't like it then complain to drd as we mods answer to him not you.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    So give us some links and examples where you've been mistreated by power hungry mods. Keep in mind, you opened this can of worms not anyone else.
  15. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

  16. 07anto07

    07anto07 Active member

    May 21, 2007
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    that's good
  17. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Hey LOCO, how much are you being paid off?
  18. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    I got all the proof right on this forum. You just banned a guy cause you didnt like what he said and you just assumed it was the same guy banning 2 accounts, The law cant be based off "assuming"
  19. goodswipe

    goodswipe Guest

    Dude, the guy made the second account from the same IP, it's not rocket science...

    Well maybe for some, muhahahahahaha! LOL
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2008
  20. secKEn

    secKEn Guest

    U dont no that, anyways why did you ban it. it didnt even do anything wrong. and this what i mean by 2 harsh! look at you guys! your mad with power! and if this forum is not aloud to get in trouble how come you just found another forum wood barely slipped up in just to ban him. Your mad! Showing pictures of wolves, renaming the forum, laughing at us! what the hells wrong with you people!!?!?!!??
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