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Ask any XBOX question and it shall be answered ! HERE

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by vegeta999, May 16, 2007.

  1. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Alright justagame one question at a time.

    It sounds like your router is going south or you have it hooked up wrong. Make sure that you have the cable from your modem going into the right port probably labeled "wan". Here's a picture for you.


    It sounds like your router only has one ip address to share so it is giving the ip address to the device that is attached first. Or if your router will assign the ip's by the mac your computer could become the default connection if the ip is higher in the hierarchy.
    Either way it sounds like you're doin the right thing by upgrading your router.

    Next question...

    Why don't we share the media from our computers?

    We want to be able to take the media with us. So if we transport the xbox somewhere else we will have the media we want. We won't have to setup another network and share the drive at the new location.

    Also i don't really think it works with the games as well as you may think. I have had my games on my xbox for years and i always transfer them over via filemanager from xbox2xbox. It takes quite a long time, and i can't see doing this before i want to play a game (i'm a pretty impatient person).

    Hope i answered your questions.... let me know how the new router goes.

    Scruffy i'm going to pm you so check your messages
  2. evlrit

    evlrit Member

    Apr 11, 2009
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    im new to the xbox modding but i got the soft mod finished using this site but now i wanna put games on the hard drive and im not sure how to ftp cuz i dont understand what a crossover cable is what is the difference from a Ethernet cable if any
  3. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    here's a typical crossover cable. Usually you use a crossover cable because a regular (straight through) ethernet cable isn't designed to communicate directly with other devices. If you wanted to use a regular ethernet cable run a cable from the computer to your hub, then from the hub to your xbox.


    Here's a diagram on how it should be hooked up.

    use this tutorial to ftp
  4. jaden360

    jaden360 Guest

    I have xplorer360 and it says it can't find fatx drive how do i fix this i have a windows vista and my xbox 360 harddrive is pluged into the usb port on the front of my computer.

    first time modding i'm afraid lol
  5. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Jaden i think you're confused, you can't softmod a 360 yet.

    So until then you just have to flash the drive or go with a stock xbox.
  6. jaden360

    jaden360 Guest

    k i got my 360 hard drive connected to a usb port but when i sear for the drive on the new xplorer360 it says no fatx drive found how do i fix this error?
  7. justagame

    justagame Member

    Apr 27, 2006
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    thanks for the advise,

    my setup is somewhat complicated.. first we have a 3800HGV-B Gateway from at&t that goes into a netgear 8 port switch which runs to 5 or 6 wall mounted jacks in our house.. the jack in my bedroom is connected to a netgear rp614 router which is connected my xbox on lan port 1 and my pc on lan port 2.. in the router configuration i have it set to assign up to 10 different ip addresses and the pc is set to alwayse recieve the first one so i can use port forwarding for things like file sharing and remote desktop connection.

    but the weird thing is. if my xbox is off and my pc is on, the xbox will not recieve a dhcp assigned ip address when its turned on.. but if the pc is unplugged and i turn on the xbox, it will recieve an ip address from the router.

    its confusing and i think i don't care anymore im just unplugging the pc everytime i turn on my xbox until i get my new router
  8. ddrc3po

    ddrc3po Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    How do I Backup a game and play it on my xbox? thanks
  9. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Easiest way is if you have a computer with 2 DVD-R, RW, drives, or one DVD burning drive and 1 DVD rom drive, If you have the second option like me, DVD-RW drive + DVD ROm drive, insert the XBOX DVD/CD game in the DVD rom drive, and then insert a DVD R/RW burning disc in the other, now what you want to do is open up whatever burning software you have and Since im using "Burn on CD/DVD" , Select an option portraying " copying of a DVD " ... BEcause what the computer is gona do, is copy the Files from the disc in the DVD rom drive, and burn them Directly to the disc in the DVD RW drive... once thts done... There u go, u got a backup of a game, tho to play it on ur XBOX, ur XBOX needs to be either hardmodded ( modded using a modchip) or Softmodded ( using the game save exploit ) ... you cant play it on an unmodded XBOX because it'll register as either a DVD movie or a " scratched and dirty disc "... Need anymore help, just holla... oh and if you dont have a Burning DVD drive, ull need one...
  10. ddrc3po

    ddrc3po Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Thanks man, yer i think i may need more help, im pretty sure i can get a good copy of the game but is more the modding of the xbox i dont know how to do. If you could point me in the right direction or give me some details it would go along way, thanks
  11. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Heres a quick tutorial posted by RomanS ( suspended )

    " Ok so you got a xbox, and you wanna softmod it and have tons of fun. If you don't know what what softmod is It lets you mod your xbox w/o opening it.If you are wandaring what you can do with a modded xbox you can play burnt games,play emulaters,And mod games (usally people like to mod halo).

    What you need:

    Action replay (You need this to transfer linux to your xbox)

    Meccahsult,Splintercell 1, or 007 Agent Under Fire ( you need one of these and it has to be orignal, the reason you need this is because these games have a linux program in it)

    Your gonna need a linux installer each game for if your gonna use meccahsult (i prefer this game) AIM me i have the installer.

    If you are gonna use Splintercell download http://eastcoastxbox.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdown... SC%20UXE%20Installer%20v2.7
    (scroll down)

    If your gonna use 007 Agent Under Fire
    http://eastcoastxbox.com/modules.php?name=Downloads&d_op=viewdown... ller%20v2.7
    (scroll down)

    Ok so you got all those Things then your ready.

    How To Soft Mod Your Xbox.

    1. Open up Action Replay and drag you linux installer into the Pc Data Base.

    2. Now drag you linux installer onto Memory Card.

    3. Alright cool you got linux installer on your memory card.

    4. Ok now put thay memory card into your memory card and transfer it to your xbox's hard drive. (make sure you delete all past game saves of the installer you are using)

    Some Linux Installers have to parts so copy both of em onto your xbox hard drive.

    5. Now ok you got your linux Installer on your xbox. Ok restart your xbox.

    6. Put in the game you are using.

    7. Ok load up all the profiles and you should see "run linux" go there.

    8. Ok it took you to a whole differnt screen it'll say netherlands or english, if u speak better in netherland then pick that if not pick english.

    9. The Rest of the questions it'll give you is really easy exept when it asks you if you want Nk patcher.06 or Nk patcher.67 Pick Nk Patcher.06. then when it asks you if you want Unleashedx or evoltuionX. PICK UNLEASHEDX.

    10. After that you are all done your xbox is modded.
    Enf of tutorial

    Got questions? AIM me Condemned10.

    Softmods are hard to find now good luck -.- "
  12. ddrc3po

    ddrc3po Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Yo, this doesnt sound like Xbox 360 modding mate. Thanks anyway
  13. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Errr mate, correct me if im wrong but you said " Xbox", not " XBOX360 ", anyway, its not the same as the oridinal XBOX and as easy, this time u need to open your XBOX360, remove the DVD drive, connect it to ur PC via SATA, and flash the firmware on the drive.
    Heres a quick tutorial on how to do it...

    Flashing the Firmware of your xBoX 360
  14. ddrc3po

    ddrc3po Member

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Yes, you are correct, my fault. thanks alot for your help though. :)
  15. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    No problem man, happy modding, and remember... backup games that you own ( >_< )mhm, forget wat i just said, coz i cant talk, haha, ...
  16. Doom64

    Doom64 Member

    Mar 20, 2009
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    Hi,I have a xenium 1.1 xbox,ind bios,and a 750 gb SEAGATE formatted with only one big partition F by 64 clusters,filled with 540 gb of files!No problem until now:

    Today my xbox started to act strange.When i switch it on,and load xbmc or any other dash at the beginning,things get very slowly...It takes 3-4 secs for every act of my joypad,it seems the frame rate dropped at 1!Then after 5 minutes like this,everything returns to normal.

    I tried to move the HD to another xbox,same problem!I think my 750 gb is dying,but I'm not sure..I must say that with 20 power ups i had only 2 error codes (7-9),not a big deal..
    So my xbox slows down only at the first power up and every time i power it on,then if i wait a little,things get faster as normal,i can reload the dash by IGR or stuff like that,but if i switch off and then power it on again,same thing,dash acts very slow for 3-4 minutes!

    What the hell is going on here???

    I must say that my samsung dvd drive started to act strange from one week.It always loads as it has a disc inside..So i swap it with another dvd drive...But the problem of the slow downs is still there...
    My hard drive has only 2 months,so is new,and very rare to find where I live..

    The hard disk works fine,sadly i have to wait 3-4 minutes to get things going to normal speed every power up(by button),but after then i can reload xbmc by joypad reset,dash reset etc...And if I power it on again same cycling problem.

    I hope you can help me!
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2009
  17. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Ok Before your HDD totally drives with all the games and files on it, if i were you, id pretty much think about backing up everything onto another harddrive which you can use, coz it sounds like theres a delay in power delivery to your xBOX HDD, tho try someone elses hard drive that may be the absolute problem... but if i were you, youd need to think about backing up your games Either to ur PC Via FTP ( tho it'll take absolutely ages ) and then when u get a new HDD with a softmod on it, transfer all the files and directories onto the XBPX Via FTP age, ( id suggest you wake up in the morning, set the ftp Network going with all ur files in a Que then leave for work, they should be doen when u get back, and enjoy a game...
  18. Doom64

    Doom64 Member

    Mar 20, 2009
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    Thanks for the answer!
    I always have a back up of my files on my pc,and i also trasferred about 250 gb yesterday to my segate 400 gb in another xbox,so the files are safe!:D
    But the problem is that i use my xbox as a media center, so i need at least 750 gb for my movie collection,that's way i hope my hard disk would resist,even like this.Seagate doesn't make this hard drives anymore. :(
    So you're saying that there is a delay in power delivery to my xBOX HDD?Is it normal this happens only at firt boot,or power up by button?
    Because as I said,if i wait 3 minutes,everything turns normal speed..
    And from here if i try to igr or reload evoxdash.xbe by file manager,this problem never happens,only power button!
    I tried everything:
    1) I put my hd on another xbox,nothing!
    2) I put another hd on my xbox,works!
    So it must be my 750 hd,without dubt.
    I'm interested on saving this one,if there is something i can do!
    Tnanks,for your help.
  19. vegeta999

    vegeta999 Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Mate, well im sure there are Hard Drive specialists who can save ur HDD from hitting the grave so snap a few dollars and cash in for the repair of the drive... or just get another 750GB HDD, and use that... you can keep the faulty HDD as a spare if you reallllyyyyyy neeeeeeddd itttt...
  20. Doom64

    Doom64 Member

    Mar 20, 2009
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    Anyway,can xbox handle these large hard disks,without any problems?

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