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Ask any XBOX question and it shall be answered ! HERE

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by vegeta999, May 16, 2007.

  1. mad2012

    mad2012 Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    sorry if this has been asked before, but is it possible to use the netgear wGA54AG over a secure encrypted network???
    I read other people having probs were told to turn off all security, but in my town that is really risky. any ideas??

    i have problems even getting this thing to work on my xbox (i have unleash x) as I dont know how to configure it, can anyone help???
    I can't use the manual instructions because Unleash X has different menus.

    please help
  2. niik

    niik Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Hi, I've got a v1.0 original Xbox. Someone tried softmodding it for me a few years ago but it didn't work right. I've just tried again using Krayzie's Ndure but I can't install the softmod because it detects the file system isn't as expected. Anything I can do to restore to factory state? I have the HDD key / etc. if that's needed. Thanks.
  3. 2mystuff2

    2mystuff2 Member

    Oct 18, 2007
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    try hdm
  4. dumbdevil

    dumbdevil Regular member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    is it posibel to get onto xbox live with a old xbox and if so how do i do it
  5. Cricket10

    Cricket10 Member

    Jul 17, 2008
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    I was wondering if there was a way to have the home screen menu for XBMC show "emualtors" "XBOX Games", etc.

    I know that evox and unleashx can do this quite easily, but I need it to work in XBMC to make it easy for end users (wife and kids). I don't like the thoughts of end users messing around with evox and unleash x. I have already set up the box to boot straight to XBMC, but then it gets to be a hassle having to explain how to navigate through submenus to get what you want.

    PLEASE help.
  6. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Eh the easiest way in xbmc would be to go to the "my programs" option and then press B to back out of the games folder. Highlight the emulators folder and press the clear button. There should be an option to make the folder default. After you did this you can restart your xbox and now everytime you select "my programs" it will go to your emulators folder. This way a novice user can just select the emulator and it will load.

    I wouldn't try adding or messing around with the code at all. xbmc is setup for those 5 options. I guess if you really wanted to you could change the "weather" tab to "my emulators". It would be the exact same code for the programs tab and you could make the default folder the emulators folder. *this is just an idea*

    So either way let me know how it works out.
  7. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    ok so i was reading this guide
    and this

    and psp is under the working memory cards

    so can i really do it using
    007 agent under fire
    (this is the one i bought i hope this one will work)(confirm please?)

    the files from this guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/578329

    a PC USB to XBOX Adapter (Please Confirm If this one will work)
    would this one work

    and my Sony Psp with my original 32mb pro duo card?(also have a 512mb and a 4gb pro duo to)
    BTW My psp is modded with custom firmware i dont know if that makes a difference( maybe theres an easier wat O_O)

    has anyone tried this

    Please Confirm( im kinda anxious about it because i bought all the stuff anyway because the usb adapter would be nice to have(to play pc games with an xbox controller) and the 007 agent under fire
    games was only 5 bucks

    also is there a usb hub thing i can buy that plugs directly into th xbox because i would like to plug my usb mous and usb keyboard into my xbox if thats possible

    and alos the hub could it be used instead on a the adapter i pictured if one even exist

    also how would i do this

    so i plug my psp into my xbox with the adapter i pictured and a usb cord (that came with my psp) and then
    it formats the memory card and then i plug it into the computer with a usb cord(the one that came with my psp) to my psp ?
    and then change the file in the guide to action replay can read it then i transfer the saves and installer to the psp memory card
    and then i disconnect it and plug my psp back into the xbox.


    then what do i do next?

    EDIT:::i found this one and i think this is what i needed im ordering this to can someone just confirm

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2008
  8. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    I think you're a bit confused on what you need.

    The main thing is getting your exploit to the hard drive on the xbox.

    You are looking for a cord that will plug into your xbox and will also have a place to plug in a usb device. Both of those cords will not work. You need a female end on the usb port.

    This is what you want...
    Same thing on ebay
    You just got to take the memory card out of the psp and put it in the adaptor and then follow the directions. Make sure you back up your memory card first because you have to format it as fatX for the xbox to read it.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
  9. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    the second picture is the same thing as the cord you posted it just looks different because its a cage type thing
    and what i was thinking was to have to pro duo inside the psp and then plugging in a cord like this into it


    then enable the usb connection on the psp

    and then it would be read by the xbox and then format and then plug it

    i think the usb 2.0 thing you posted would pretty much serve the same purpose as the psp does when plugged in?
  10. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    Eh it looks like that cord is a mini usb cable. If i were you i wouldn't attempt using the psp as a memory device because you have to format it as fatX.

    Everything i posted looks correct and that's probably the easiest and safest way to do it. I still don't see how you're going to hook up your psp to your xbox using that cable, there's no female usb end to plug it into.

    If you ask for help and you get the right answers and then want to argue with them, don't ask the question in the first place. Obviously if you buy the cords you're thinking of you'll be disappointed when you can't hook it up to the xbox.
  11. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    this is from the product description from the second picture
    its would let me plug the mini usb cable into it
    Provides one USB type A female socket

    and i can format my memory card from my pc when its in the psp

    but i guess ill buy the cord you posted and the stuff anyway i could use them thanks for all the help

  12. Xbox4Real

    Xbox4Real Member

    Jun 12, 2013
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    hey i am trying to copy a file from my mem card to my hdd of the xbox but it does not let me copy any suggestions?
  13. drgreat

    drgreat Guest

    So i turn on my xbox and cant connect to xbox live couse of the IP adress.

    This morning i moved my xbox to my room, but my internet didnt work up there so i moved it down again and now it says that i have to check if i have any other devices running on the same ip adress. What should I do?
  14. aberton

    aberton Member

    Aug 22, 2008
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    I need help to get my xbox working again. I put in a xdsl live cd today and it booted up nicely, I just wanted to see what it was like, it was running slow so i rebooted the xbox and took out the disc. Now the xbox just starts up, does the microsoft thingy and stops at the "microsoft xbox" screen. PLZ help, i want to start my xbox again. I had just put xbmc dash on it, and also ftp doesn't work any more. PS: Hope i havn't screwed my xbox.

  15. unedited

    unedited Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I have a 500 gb drive, formatted with xboxhdm. I formatted the G drive with aid 4.3. Now I cant get anymore onto the G and it still has 85 gb available. Any ideas?
  16. jenns

    jenns Member

    Apr 20, 2005
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    Hi im planing on changing my old xbox for the new xbox the elite one but i was wondering if theres any way i can transfer all the suff i have on my old xbox to my new one all the saves and all the gamer profiles all that to my new xbox
  17. isaacbomb

    isaacbomb Guest

    i dont know if this will work but you can buy a xbox to usb cord and then plug a flash drive in it will format itself as an xbox memory card you can put your saves on it then maybe plug it into a 360 and access your saves but i dont know if ti will work
  18. C4RN1

    C4RN1 Regular member

    Feb 14, 2008
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    wait wait wait issac before you go giving bad advice...

    We need more information right now. I've never heard of anyone transfering saves from an original xbox to a 360. You can easily tranfer saves from one 360 hard drive to another but this is a completely different concept.

    There might be a way to do it but there's no reason to do it. You have to understand the xbox 360 was built differently. You can't just go transfering saves like that now. If it was that easy you could ftp your udata folder to your comp and throw it on a flash drive then plug it into the 360. But the removable media has limitations and can't be used as a memory card.

    So post with more information what exactly you want to do and we'll tell you if it's possible.
  19. unedited

    unedited Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    This may not be the right thread to ask this question in, but perhaps someone can direct me to the right thread. If your F and G partitions are both 234 mb with 16k clusters they should not be subject to corruption. Is this correct?
  20. unedited

    unedited Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    Sorry, I meant 234 GB

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