Jaysfan, you become independent at 16 where you live??!! P.S. Here is my "tip"...do not move out unless you have the money and do not drop out of school...school is the priority or at least what leads to money...lol. _____ Back on topic...whatever card is the best buy is what I will buy...ATI or NVIDIA, but if they are equally good in terms of price and quality...I will buy a ATI card... ___ @ sammoris: Ya...all those cards ARE better but are the majority of those cards much better or slightly better?? If they are slightly better...I still consider my gfx card...very good! I ask because I haven't checked but I'll check now since I am bored and have nothing to do but even because of boredom, I just simply don't think I have the time to see what each card offers so save me the searching trouble (I assume you already researched each individial card). Thanks sammoris!!!!!!! For keeping me excited about gfx!! One of the most important things in games I might add....only some games can make it without the graphics...Half-Life for example...although I prefer Half-Life 2 more than the first and it is not because of the graphics...it is because people admire you because of what happened in the first Half-Life (I don't know because I didn't beat Half-Life but I did beat Half-Life 2...I am almost done Half-Life). They say things like "My god! Is that who I think it is?? Gordon Freeman!!" It gives you the feeling that you are big sh*t! Unlike the first which people totally ignore you!! Not to mention...the gravity gun (especially on the last level) I got off-topic but to defend my case...Half-Life 2 has demanding graphics...lol...and I hope my ATI RADEON X600 PRO can deliver the full performance that Half-Life 2 requires...according to a magazine that I have read...if you have a 256 MB Card, that is the maximum gfx that Half-Life 2 supports...mine can deliver the full performance, right? I ask because, I want to trade my Xbox version of Half-Life 2 for the PC Version... P.S. Do not think I am mean for this but...Hey! If there are no stupid people in this earth...we smart people can't make money (etc)! So...every while (a few months or so) I want to sale my gfx card for the same price that I am going to buy a better one....how? By selling it to someone who only buys from Future Shop and Best Buy for example and does not know about OEM product while I buy the better one (which will be the same price that I am selling mine) but OEM!! I just need some help to facilitate this for me....of course, I can do this myself but...I like when people solve my problems...I know this is psycological but I'd rather solve someone else's problems and have that person solve my problems then me solve my own problems...however my trust relies only on afterdawn... P.S. #2 Do I talk (type) too much??
most of them are much better, I'm afraid! HL2 doesn't have very demanding graphics compared to newer games, I ran HL2 at a higher res on my old X800 than I can play FEAR at on my X1900XT. Your X600 Pro won't do too badly, but you may still fall short of having the high levels of detail. The not supporting more than 256MB of VRAM is mostly cobblers, and in any case, it'll just use 256MB of the 512MB on a bigger card. Since HL2's aging, that's all it'll need. You don't really type too much, there are worse people at that than you. Let me know what you're buying and I'll endeavour to help. If you're on AGP though, a new mobo may not be out of the question, PCI express stuff is cheaper and increasingly better.
In some ways yes, it's the best performing high-image quality card, and will give the best performance with combined AA and HDR (since nVidia can't do that). A game rendered with 6x Temporal Anti-Aliasing, 16x High Quality Anisotropic Filtering and full HDR lighting, even at 1280x1024 looks absolutely STUNNING.
Quote: "X600Pro X600XT X700Pro X700XT X800GT X800GTO X800 Pro X800XT X800XTPE X850 Pro X850XT X850XTPE X1600 Pro X1600XT X1800GTO X1800XL X1800XT X1900GT X1900XT X1900XT-X Quite a long list!" _______________________________________________________________ Sammoris, are those in order of which is the best one? In other words....is the first one the worst then gradually getting better and then X1900XT-X is the best one? P.S. Sammoris, when I said 256 MB is the maximum Half-Life 2 can support...I did not mean that 512 MB Graphic Cards wont work...as you said...I meant that on a 512 MB Card it would only use 256 MB... Plus, Half-Life 2 has very, very good graphics!! I only imagine the newer games...what game do you recommend that I buy?
i wouldnt say the x1900xt-x is the best card; what about the 7950 gx2 dual cor gfx card? once nVidia gets the drivers right for quad sli, i doubt it'll be replaced for a while.
Well, I meant only in the ATI area...the X700 Pro is better than the X600 Pro, right? I ask this because on the list...X700 Pro is better than the X600 Pro but where I bought my Graphics Card...the X600 Pro is more expensive than the X700 Pro!!! P.S. We have our ATI Fanboy (sammoris)...now we need a NVIDIA fanboy...lol...I am serious though...the fanboy's will point out the good sides of each card from each brand....thanks sammoris for the previous "work" and maybe the future "work" you will do for us (or me). P.S. #2 Is this a good graphics card? (It is better than the X700 pro, right?): http://www.bestbuy.ca/catalog/proddetail.asp?sku_id=0926INGFS10077502&logon=&langid=EN (canadian money) Well...the x700 pro is 140$ while the one in the link is 170$...which one is a better deal for me? Answer this...but I will still probably buy the X700 Pro...it is better than X600 Pro though, right?
at newegg, they have an amazing deal on the x850xt. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814102688 . if you know anyone in the states, see if you can give their address as the shipping addy and see if they can send it to you. @sammorris- the 1600 series is better than the x850xt?
He_man: No, Geforces can't do HDR and AA at the same time s3a: That's correct, and yes, that was my point, and only 256MB will ever be needed anyway. The best looking games out there are FEAR and Oblivion really, but plenty others like Farcry, Quake 4 and even UT2004 (that's very resource polite and will run well on your X600) have stunning looks when turned up! sukhvail: the nvidias are faster, but for what? Higher resolutions being able to be played? All that earns you is a better image quality, and ATi cards have a better image quality for the same resolution anyway! s3a: I'M NOT A FANBOY! If you ask me for a card in a certain midrange price range, the 7600GT wins hands down, but I just choose * recommend ATI for superior image quality, everybody knows that, even nVidia supporters. sukhvail: No the X1600 Pro can only match the X800GT and the X1600XT can only match the X800XT, not the X850XT. That link to the X850XT is a PHENOMENAL DEAL. I urge you buy one now! They're more than that in pounds here than that is dollars!
That card from Best Buy will cost me like 195$ (with tax) and I want to sale my x600 pro for 175$ So...my question is, for that extra 20$ is it worth it?? Is that card from Best Buy much better? My guess is yes...but I need to make sure from you sammoris, I trust you (don't ask me why)... P.S. On Bestbuy's page does it say when the deal expires? And also...do I have to buy it online or no? I don't see anything that says online only or about when the deal expires...I think I am blind from excitement...sammoris...can you please make sure??? Thanks alot!!!!!!
If you can sell your X600 for that much I'll give you half that much on top, they're not worth anywhere near that much. I'm surprised that there pretty much is no good value canadian PC component store!
i highly doubt you can sell your card for 175. maybe 75 but not 175. the x850xt is a great card for that price so i urge you to look at that. and sammorris, wouldn't your depth chart be wrong then?? there are a few like pcvonline.com , www.cancomputer.com , canadacomputers.com , btecomputer.com and www.lucomputers.com
oops, i thought your list on the 2nd page was a depth chart of the ati cards, but i see now that its of all hte cards better than his. my mistake.
Yeah, from slightly better to astonishingly better. I haven't included All In Wonder cards, but could at anyone's request.
Bestbuy sells the x600 pro for 180$ candian plus tax!! (refurbished!)..so...I am in fact, giving ppl a good deal...well...people who don't know OEM products exist...