Then Bestbuy are ripping people off MERCILESSLY. $180 by exchange rate is like £90. After VAT it's over £100. You can buy an X800GTO for less than that, and one of those will leave the X600 for dead. Almost no Graphics cards are OEM by the way, the vast majority are retail. <List Updated>
by OEM I mean not from Bestbuy and other ripoff stores... So the card from Bestbuy is a good deal, period? Or is it just a good deal compared to the other cards Bestbuy has to offer (price wise)? And I don't see that card in your list sammoris, what happened? P.S. Sorry if I offended you sammoris by calling you a fanboy, I didn't intend it that way. Is the ATI/SAPPHIRE X800GTO PCI-E 256 MB better than the card on Bestbuy's site? I ask because in this OEM store...I found that card for the exact same price as the one from Bestbuy....
just because they're not from ripoff prices doesn't make them Original Equipment Manufacturer items. The card from Bestbuy isn't great, but it's alright. The newegg deal is 5x better but unfortunately being Canadian you're not allowed a look in. The X800XL? I must have forgotten it! Damn, there are too many! Give me a minute! LOL well fanboy is what you said!
Is any graphic card here ({A0C33043-8E12-4C5A-862C-FF94367D5698}&cc=VIDEOCARD) a better deal than the one from Bestbuy??!! Remember: money is very, very important to me (lol) and I want the the best deal...
lol!..well..the ones that are 256 MB and that are PCI Express 16x...and that are better than my X600 PRO
after scanning thru that page, i would say there arent any good deals. even if they were retail, they are overpriced.
try this card: after rebate its 180. its a pretty good card. if you dont want to spend that much, u should look at this: its not that bad for its price.
sukhvail...those prices are in canadian dollars (be aware of that) and 1$ US is like 1.20$ Canadian (last I checked)... Now that you know that, get back to the page I showed and also be aware that I am aware that there are better deals online but I cannot get them, unfortunately...thx anyway for trying to help...
the site im linking you to is canadian. compare the prices of some of those cards and you will see the dif. im canadian as well so i know about the price differences
Oh so is that why you chose best buy? You're pricing yourself out of all the good deals by not buying online. Why not?
r u talking to me? ______________________ P.S. Should I get the gfx card from best buy and pay an extra 20$ or get the x700 pro and not pay anything at all? (in fact, I will even make several dollars) (either way, I am leaping higher in terms of performance from my X600 Pro) Thx, in advance...
gta=grand theft auto? _____ P.S. Which card is better the ATI Saphhire X700Pro 256MB PCI-E TV/DVI, ATI Sapphire X1300Pro 256MB PCI-e, ATI Sapphire X1600Pro 256MB PCI-e, or the ATI Radeon X800XL 256MB PCI-E Graphics Card - Bilingual?? Please answer that because it means alot to me and all those cards are in my price range...also tell me how much better each card is from each other...(slightly better or much better). Thanks, in advance!!