I use Audacity 3.0.2 to record sound clips or make my own and save as Mp3 or Wav but it's leaving a high pitch and doesn't sound right. Is there a better free version or a better program that's as easy as Audacity? Thank you.
When you say "high pitch" do you mean tinny with no bottom end or do you mean high pitch as in high shrill squeal? Do you have a sample I can hear? Are you recording yourself live playing an instrument or making an edited copy of another source?
It's tinny especially with vocals in a song. If I remember right it worked fine with Vista but not since I got Windows 10. And I can send a clip tomorrow afternoon if I get your address.
You can upload a file to something like dropbox, one drive, wetransfer etc. Share it and get a link for it. Post the link here.
Tinny usually means the audio has been compressed or the source capture device isn't catching the full range. Some companders (DBX) will compress and then expand on the final product. I also use audacity on largely finished products for online posting. I'm also a singer song writer with experience in audio recording. So if you can describe to me step by step as closely as possible on how you got to where you are that might help? I would like a sample of your recording. As Wither suggested you can upload a clip to Dropbox or another equivalent. If you have a YouTube page you can post it there too, but provide a sample for review.
Are you using Audacity's eq and reverb effects? If so try making a flat recording and see if the issue persists.
What are you using as a mixer, and how is it all connected to your computer? The overall tone sounds thin, mid range, compressed which means it's missing low frequencies. The problem could be with the input, source.
I have to admit I don't know I'm doing. I record a song once in awhile off Youtube or make a wav audio clip from a dvd or something online and trim the songs and use the gain slider to adjust the volume cuz it needs to be raised if I save as Mp3. I've used it for years but just for basic things.
The volume is lowered when saving as an Mp3 so I have to raise it before saving it so I don't have to turn the volume all the way up on my Winamp player.
The sound shouldn't be lowered when saving as an mp3. When you say you're recording sound clips,what is the actual process? For instance, where are the sound clips? If they're on the web, you shouldn't need to record them.
What is your primary source and how are you capturing it? For ripping Youtube you can use an application such as 4Kdownloader. https://www.4kdownload.com/-kqgat/video-downloader Once you have it downloaded then you can use VLC PLAYER to remove the video and leave you with a high quality Mp3.
I was about to tell my process which is sometimes a pain cuz it changes a bit from song to song but the video downloader sounds great plus I might like to save a video or two. Thank you. What is a good quality to save because some qualities are over 100mb's?
Experiment. It's going to vary with the length and quality of the video. Audio requirements are lower than video. Remember, if you just want to keep the audio you can strip away the video and convert it to Mp3 using VLC player.
I downloaded a video and it sounds and looks great but I just can't figure out how to save the audio and haven't seen how in the tutorials. I've used VLC to watch videos for years. I can just download the audio from a video online using Video Download but the quality wasn't quite as good as on the video.
Open VLC. At top left choose media, in the menu select Convert/save, and a window will open. Then down at the bottom of the window you will see convert/save again with a small arrow. Click on the arrow and it will open a menu, select convert. In the window it opens you will see a field and a image of a wrench. Click on the wrench and it will open a window with lots of options, check Mp3. Or you could just follow this simple guide. VLC will remove the video leaving you with an Mp3 of high quality. https://www.howtogeek.com/2719/how-to-convert-video-files-formats-to-mp3-with-vlc/
Thank you for all of your great advice. It's much easier and much better quality and I had wondered how to save a video from time to time.