Audio Out Of Sync The More It Plays

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by insaneuk, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. insaneuk

    insaneuk Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    we might be on to something lol

    i got the 2 different files, the good audio and the good pic form the cropped files and put them into womble and converted to avi (dub wont look at mpeg files) and had a look at the frome rate thing. i set frame rate to 24 for video and ..... it seems to be in sync.

    so i'm converting the whole thing now then i will have to convert it in dub, then convert the avi back to mpeg lol and then into dvd pro. right long way round but seeing as i have the file now already cropped and cut be just as quick as starting from scrath i guess
  2. insaneuk

    insaneuk Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    right i'm giving up lol

    it looks like along the way one of the films has been encoded just crap lol

    i created the avi with the good audio and good video from the cropped files and then loaded them in to virtualdub.

    messed with the settings on frame rate and got the begining spot on, but thouhg best near end as thats when it will go most out. after a bit of messing found out that the video needs to be at 24.0051fps to get it in sync at the end, sweet i thought. skipped thru the film amd guess what it aint in sync in the middle bit i tried. so i guessing when it was encoding some one did a hash job so no matter what happens i just aint goin to get it to work :(
  3. Suba

    Suba Regular member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    Sorry to hear.
    May be better luck next time.
    I did not think it will be that easy.
  4. insaneuk

    insaneuk Member

    Apr 6, 2007
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    lol yeah

    from all the stuff i have i can get stuff working spot on in sync delayed cropped etc etc. it's just the getting it in time all the way thru with it being ripped by a monkey it would seem on a tomy speak and spell lol

    thanks a lot thou for all ya help learnt a few things that will help in the future anyway :D

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