audio sync problem using nero vision express 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Vectra, Jan 12, 2006.

  1. Omejoop

    Omejoop Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Okay guys and gals, I first off want to thank everyone for trying to fix this issue. But after litterally spending two days messing around with all the various suggestions mentioned, losing about 15 DVD's to out of sync video, I decided that I needed to fix this before I went nuts.
    After reviewing all of the info and trying many of the suggestions, it came to me that I did not start having this problem until after I installed the latest and greatest copy of Nero Vision Express on their web site over a week ago.
    I am unsure what the reason for the audio sync problem is, but I do know now that Nero is solely to blame for it, and not my PC or the files I got from my TIVO box.
    In reading on other forums the various solutions, I found out, all though I was not sure, that this issue may be resolved by reverting back to a previous version of Nero Vision express. In the US, I had no luck locating anything older than, but after some extensive research, I found an earlier copy "NVE-" on a Korean site, here is the link:
    No I do not speak Korean, but by looking at the page, you can tell what the intent is. You click on the big"button looking" thing, which takes you to another page with a similar button. Click on that button, and your download begins.
    Uninstall anything and everything that has to do with the latest and greatest copy of Nero Burning Rom, and Nero Vision Express.
    I used the original software of Nero that came with my DVD/CD burner and this included Nero Vision Express I installed over this the later version NVE-, and voila, the problem went away.
    In short, the problem is definitely with Nero Vision Express, the suggestions given using Virtual Dub, DivX etc. did not work for me, but I am happy to say, I can continuing backing up my TIVO files to DVD.
    Thanks again for everyones help, I hope this suggestion makes your life easier.
  2. grant1982

    grant1982 Member

    Feb 1, 2006
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    I forgot to also thank everyone for the help despite the fact that I still not had a good outcome (Thanks guys, I do appreciate it, I am just frustrated :p). Also, I am sorry to the last person who posted, I am afraid your conclusion is not completely right. I have had the above problem with easy media creator 8.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2006
  3. Dekz

    Dekz Member

    Nov 26, 2005
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    I'm hesitant to blame NeroVision because if I play the VOB files in the VIDEO_TS folder on my computer, there are no sync problems. Once I burn that folder and try to play in my DVD player, that is when the sync problems arise.

    I've had spotty results with VSO DivX to DVD in the past, but maybe I will try it for the files that are giving me audio sync issues. Audio sync is WAY more annoying than the green/pink blotches that VSO gives me.
  4. kekes

    kekes Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    after 3 days and trying everything to solve the audio sync problem i have finally done it with PERFECT RESULTS.

    i tried everything, older versions of nero, virtualdub etc etc etc.

    tehn i saw another posters suggestion and put it to the test.

    IT WORKED!!!

    this works for nero 6 vision express all versions.


    its that simple, once this is done you will be able to make dvd's from avi's without the sync problem.

    how do you do this.

    1.remove your digital serial number. (make sure you keep it somewhere to re enter later)[edit: this serial number is the digital plug in serial, you only have to remove it if you originally put it in, if you have never put this serial in then skip this part]

    2. put your pc's date forward 1 month so the codecs expire.

    [edit: you will know the codec have expired IF when you load an avi to convert nero pops up a box saying the codecs have expired, THIS IS WHAT NEEDS TO HAPPEN FOR IT TO SYNC PROPERELY]
    3. use nero vision express, it will now work correctly.

    when done, put your serial number back to you can use recode and other things that are disabled when you remove the serial. also dont forget to put the clock back to the correct date.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2006
  5. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    hey man i would like to try your suggestion but i am not sure what you mean man when you say to removoe your digital serial code i have no clue where to find that as well as wouldnt that cause some major problems with burning other types of files if you have no codecs any more
  6. kekes

    kekes Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    ok, nero comes with a 30 day trial of its mpeg 4 codecs. these codecs cause the audio sync problem. you must disable these codecs. put your pc clock forward 30 days so the codes expire and/or remove the nero digital plugin serial no that you have previosly entered in the serial number section of nero. if you have never entered teh serial number for this plug in then dont worry about it. its only for users that have that plug in.

    what should happen is that when u load an avi to convert nero will pop a box up saying the codecs have expired. if this occurs then you know the codecs are disabled and every will sync.
  7. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    now i still have 2 Q's for you 1. where do i find the serial on my pc now that i have installed it also 2. if i do this does this mean i cant out back in the serial and it still work cause if what your saying is true then woyuldn't i have to do this every time...cause once i enter the code wouldn't it auto update the codecs on its own....i am not sure if that is true but this definately sounds iffy to me and sounds like it is gonna cause more problems in the long run then good...thank you for the help so far i am willing to definately try this and if it works YES more power to ya thanks again
  8. kekes

    kekes Member

    Feb 9, 2006
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    ok, just change your pc clock forward to make the codecs expire. thats all you need to do.

    from the sounds of it you do not know where the serial numbers are stored in nero, hence you would not have activatd the serial no. that screws the sync up. so u dont have to worry about the serial number part.

    once u have put the clock forward, load an avi into vision express and there will be a pop up saying the codecs have expired. when this happens you know that everything is fine.

    fyi, the serials are located: open nero start smart. in the bottom right corner there is a button with a fire logo on it. click that. it opens the serial section. click the serial number section and u will see your serial numbers. from my understanding you should only have 1 serial number there for "nero ultra edition". if i am wrong and you have more than 1 serial there then write down the one called" digital plug in" then remove it. and put it back once u r finished. you will have to do this everytime, unless u decide not to use that plug in. if that is the case then you will only have to do the pc clock for 1 month, then it will truelly expire and u wont have to worry about it.

    personally i use the plugin to use recode, in order to convert my files for my ipod

  9. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    ok well check it out this is the thing man i got like every plug-in for nero that i know of....i removed the nero digital serial move th time a month forward tunerned on nero vision and nothing man it didnt pop anything about my codec
  10. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    well this is just wonderful now i cant even put the serial # back in for some reason it keeps telling me that it is an invalid serial #...well i guess i will reload and update my stuff thankx for the help anyways man
  11. ferretktf

    ferretktf Member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    I HATE these Audio sync problems ... only occur on AVIs not MPGs

    I didn't have the digital plug in serial - only Nero 7 Premium Serial

    However, I put my clock forward, launched Nerovision (, loaded an AVI and DID NOT get any pop up :(
  12. terry117

    terry117 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2006
  13. MaxBurn

    MaxBurn Regular member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    If you want to use Nero, remove Roxio and INCD as these programs conflict with nero. Im not sure if you have INCD, but you did mention easy media creator, and i think thats Roxio. You cant just un-install in, but should use the zapper program.

    Also run the INCD zapper too:

    worth trying before tossing that laptop into the closet.
    Also you could try posting a burn log from one of these locations, and ppl could look thru it for you to find any errors/conflicts. That would also tell us if you have INCD or Roxio installed.

    [bold]Nero 6 history log location: Program Files>Ahead>Nero>NeroHistory.txt

    Nero 7 history log location: Program Files>Nero>Nero 7>Core>NeroHistory.txt[/bold]

    These things record all burns, and we only need the last one. The burns are seperated by something like this
    that was from a Nero 6 log, but 7 looks much like that. Underneath the divider is the operating system, and right below that is the begining of the serial number. When posting a log, just include the last burn log, and edit out your serial numbers by typing xxxx over them.

    Please use one of those logs, and not the vision log. Those vision logs always throw off the page formatting here, dont tell us as much as the other log i referred to, and are a pain to look thru also.

    Last edited: Feb 21, 2006
  14. daphne.

    daphne. Member

    May 9, 2005
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    I'm having the same issues, too...but I tried the serial theng that kekes suggested, but it didn't work for me.

    Is it possible to simply remove the offending codecs?
  15. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    man i have had no luck with the codec thing either...i tried it and all it caused me to do was have to fully reload nero cause it wouldn't ket me put the s# back i had to fully reload all of nero, the plug-ins and updates....i solved my audio problems by converting to mpg with ImToo RM Converter then write to the hard drive with nero vision...then i burn at 2x...if for some reason the program doesn't burn i then run through voblanker and then burn the new vob files at 2x....this should fix the well as i have noticed if the avi is divx i dont have to use the voblanker cause i was having problem with shield S.1 in xvid...but same season in divx and the problem was solved...also was haveing problem with South Park S.1...turned them to mpg and the problem went away...hopefuly this will help you
  16. daphne.

    daphne. Member

    May 9, 2005
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    I tried recoding with virtualdub. I encoded the xvid to ms mpeg4 v3...but now Nero just locks up in the "transcoding streams" phase.

    Which mpeg codec did you use, drnknnja?

    And can anyone tell me the codec that Nerovision express likes best? Maybe I need to bring chocolates and some roses?

  17. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    i always go with mpeg 1 or 2 i dont use mp4 very much i am not very fond of the format except for handhelds like my psp or my roomates as well as well as i couldnt give much advice on the virtualdub i only use that to make xvid compresions other then that i use ImToo Rm Converter it converts faster for me....just a smaller conversion selection about the only down fall but has what i am looking for....mainly the fact that it also converts things out of .rm and .wmv format something not all programs do.....if the mpg doesnt work for you convert to divx with virtual dub...write to the hard drive....and burn it..also someone sent me an pm saying that i was right and wrong about the mpg thing...he said that, that is the favorite format of nero depending on the lenght of the projuect he told me i would have better results with avi if it is gonna be a project longer then an how much of that is true i don't have a clue just figured i would pass on the word since he didnt post it in her
  18. daphne.

    daphne. Member

    May 9, 2005
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    Thanks. You get a brownie with whipped cream on top.
  19. drnknja

    drnknja Regular member

    Jan 11, 2006
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    mmmmmmm prob let me know how everything turns out for ya
  20. daphne.

    daphne. Member

    May 9, 2005
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    I wonder if they made this deliberately obtuse so it wouldn't cause too many redundancies in the vid conversion field.


    OK...I read about the Nero and Roxio and their inability to get along (maybe couples counseling?) so on a lark I downloaded the Roxiozap ( ) and I was surprised that Easy Cd Creator IS Roxio. Who knew? Well, I'm sure you guys did. ;)

    I thought I was home freeeeeeeee......

    However -

    Now Nero transcodes without locking up, but the DVD it spit out was completely empty. Grrrrr.

    I've tried so many different DVD authoring/burning trials and demos that I'm wondering if there's some residue left from a previous incarnation. Filthy, maddening residue.

    I'm ready to wipe the damn comp and start all over.

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