avi file save/burn problems

Discussion in 'Other video questions' started by bel76016, May 17, 2006.

  1. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    Thank you for the boost, I went and downloaded nero from limewire and after a few hours of figuring things out finanlly got my movie to cd, watched it, It was ok, lost all menu commands and some sceens kinda jerky and the whole movie was dark so not sure got the best quality. Actually when i downlaoded it it was AVI. file not not sure how it got changed to mpeg, and i coul dnever figure out how to copy from limewire library direct to desktop, had to do search on harddrive and found movie in shared folder already coded to pull up in windows mdeia player. Anyways, just downloaded the new tool you told me and it said for new updated version to be loaded and did that but said was trial version and could test it out but not sure how long have it for. Do you like this better than nero? and What type of dvd's do i need to buy to download too? i tried 4.7 gb dvd but at first would not do it, had friend loan me a dvd from her stash and not sure what it was but it worked then.

    Thanks so much for all you are doing for me, your the bestest!!!! Happy Memorial Day btw---Bel
  2. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    I love the program you recommeded, it looks a whole lot better, although i have to purchase it in order to get the watermark off the movie of the software.
  3. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    at least you know you can now achieve what you require.I would suggest that if you are going to use convertx to dvd, buy the application.For the price its relatively cheap and you can get the upgrades for free.

    the quality is not the best, so i assume thats why the picture is dark or jerky

    When you use this app on avi/divx/xvid it will convert your files to mpeg2, which is dvd movie format .Once in that format your nero will reconize the file type as one that can be burnt to dvd.

    For dvd's i suggest that you buy ritek, taiyo yuden or sony 4.7 gig(just remember that even though it says 4.7 gig you really only have 4.38 gig to use and that when you burn you really only want to go to 4.3 gig.Anything more than that will mean thaT YOU are attempting to burn to the very edge of the disc, where you will experience more errors as this is where the dye is most uneven and ultimately you probably will get a coaster)

    Now we have a winner, you have really progressed bel.Newbie no longer but well on the way to being a dvd master burner

    have fun with your new skills


    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2006
  4. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    thank you, i defiantly feel more at ease with doing it and like i am my way to knowing more about techie stuff!! Thank you for your help with all of this!
  5. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    no probs thats why we are here to help people like you to get there projects done.there are 2 ways to get things done, this was the easy way.Its now up to you to experiment to see if you want to get a better quality project by tweaking the settings.

    goodluck and if you run into problems there are always people here to help you

  6. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    An easier way to do all this since you dl'ed nero is to use nero vision express 3(if version 6) or nero vision express 4 (version 7) as it will encode the avi to dvd compliant files (time consuming depending on your system specs). Divxtodvd is faster :). If the encoded files are bigger than 4.3gigs you can then run your project thru nero recode which will shrink the file down to fit on a blank dvd and you won't suffer much quality loss. To be honest the avicodec wasn't necessary as you could view the file...that is used to determine what codecs are needed to view the file and what codecs are currently installed on your system. Extra step but hey you now get the gist of the basic dvd authoring steps. Divxtodvd is now called convertxtodvd and yes once purchased the updates are free. Also both nero and convertxtodvd do have menu options and you will have to play around with both to get the settings to your liking as guyrus stated. Another brand of top notch media is verbatim and are easily found in most retail outlets. Good luck and remember to stick around as there is a wealth of knowledge in these forums to pick up.

    See the 1st link for tutorials on how to use nero; also the guides tab at the top of the afterdawn page. Regarding media you can reference the second link in my signature for which brands are recommended by many who have vast experience in that area.
  7. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    thank you, will check all that out also. Trying to save money 1st will check my version of Nero. Thank you so much for all the help and will keep checking these and the links you gave me for up to date info and keep on learning!!!
  8. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    actually just checked and I have Nero 7 ultra Edition version
  9. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    nero doesnt always encode avi files the way you want them to.I prefer a dedicated converter, (one that is, its sole purpose is to encode) rather than an application that has heaps of other functions and encoding .It might be just me but never ever had a fiule encode properly.I am using the recode version
  10. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    As with everything its all in your settings, likes, dislikes so I would simply say play around with different applications that offer trial periods until you feel comfortable and go from there.


    I think the issue with using nero is your settings cause many that frequent the forums that use nero have not reported issues with the encoding. But as you stated its the users preference.

    Last edited: May 31, 2006
  11. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    ok new to next issue and think I undersand what you are telling me walk me thru, i have dvd movie that i purchased, i want to back up to hard drive and then burn to new cd, do i use a dvd shrink 3.2 to save to hard drive folder and then burn to cd using nero. This cd is previously viewed and copywrite proctected but i own it.
  12. matt72

    matt72 Regular member

    Mar 28, 2005
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    First try the free route with dvdfab decrypter from
    http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm. If the ripped file in your folder is larger than 4.3gigs then run it thru dvd shrink and set the target output to be 4300mb. Reference the first link in my signature which has several tutorials you can reference.

    Next there are 2 programs that I suggest that have a 21 day trial period. They are anydvd and clonedvd2 from http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html. Anydvd is a driver that runs in the background and bypasses copy-protection allowing you to rip your own dvd to your hard drive. Clonedvd2 has several features...one is the ability to remove annoying trailers and FBI warnings. (Also see the 1st link in my signature for tutorials on these 2 programs). Once purchased both have free upgrades for life (well anydvd is lifetime and clonedvd2 has a year though I have not had to purchase another key for the latter).
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2006
  13. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    ok will work on this and get back with you, thank you very much for the support!!!!
  14. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    ok, I have been playing around with my software, here is what i have Nero, DIVXtoDVD, ANyDVD and Shrink3.2, these seem to be all working good, I have to use diff ones depending on what i need. I am still playing around with things to understand them but will get there eventually. Thanks for the tips. I use Nero the most but ususally have to use the others at first then Nero to put to Dvd.
  15. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    nice to see your making progress bel, now below is a link if you want to try other free/shareware/trial software that takes your fancy


  16. bel76016

    bel76016 Member

    May 17, 2006
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    thanks will take a look at it and see if anything interesting. Actually I think you recommended all the great ones so far and I have them, dont know what I would w/o you, thanks again.
  17. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    no probs, ant time
  18. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    no probs, any time

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