Hello. I was wondering if anyone out there knows a fast and efficient way to convert an .avi file to a format suitable for dvd. I am trying to burn an .avi movie onto a dvd so that I can view it on my dvd player. I tried using both iMovie and Toast Platinum on my iMac G5 but was shocked at how incredibly sloooooooooow the encoding process was. I left Toast running all night long and was dissapointed to realize that barely a quarter of the 700 megabyte .avi file had encoded. Any recommendations?
As of now, I use Nero to transcode my DVD's but unfortunately that is quite time consuming as well, taking 3-5 hours... What are the specs on your computer?
I use a 20 inch monitor, IMac G5 running Panther. How do the converted .avi movies look on dvd? Is the quality any good?
If the .avi came from a good source, it should look very good. If you captured it hrough a video card, example vhs to hard disk, some quality will be lost. ecause the signal is converting from analog to digital.
if you want to conver it into dvd format use roxio's dvd builder. The only downside is that it has to encode it and to encode it it has to play the movie very slowly so it might take 2 hours to encode a 1:30 min movie and burning it to the dvd is fast so overall about 2:05 mins to encode to dvd format and download to dvd. Thats it your done!
*warning* : Do not leave CAPS LOCK on when starting a new thread plz And I would answer to encoding speed problem but Ive never used Mac :S
toast is really the only way to do it.. how much RAM do you have in that IMAC G5? stock when it was 256mb? and what G5 exactly? 1.6, 1.8? 1.9? 2.1? and were you running anything else. *yes i do realize you left it overnight.. but if anything else was running.. that wouldnt help. i did an avi video last night that was about an hour and a half.. took i think 2 hours. this is on a 2.1ghz IMAC G5 with 1.5gbs of ram.
I have something like 800 mb of RAM currently. When I bought it, I had 256 mb. Not sure which version but I provided an Amazon link with the closest specs to mine I could find: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/te...=de_a_smtd/104-2402638-9146346?_encoding=UTF8 Mine also came with Panther when I bought it, not Tiger. Nothing was running while I was encoding the dvd--iMovie only. Also, will the .avi that is encoded to the dvd retain 5.1 surround sound? Is the quality as good as regular dvd?1.5gbs of ram.