azureus nat prob

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by poisonpen, Oct 25, 2006.

  1. poisonpen

    poisonpen Member

    Oct 25, 2006
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    Ok so I'm on a tiger OSX Powerbook, I downloaded Azureus last night and apparently I have a Nat problem. None of the other how to guides or forum topics have helped me on this. I don't understand how to find out what my port is, if I have a firewall etc etc etc. Or forwarding IP addresses or whatever I've heard other people on about. Also my internet connection type says it's a built-in-ethernet, it's networked with two windows computers in the house.

    Can someone explain to me in comprehensible english exactly what it is I have to do to make this program work?
    Please, please, please, promise I will luv u forever if u can.
  2. poisonpen

    poisonpen Member

    Oct 25, 2006
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    could someone please help me over here?
  3. sqizzer

    sqizzer Member

    Oct 28, 2006
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    I joined just to answer you - understanding the pure frustration of trying to get the NAT error pop-ups to stop appearing. Unfortunately my problem hasn't been solved yet (not the brightest computer person around), but I did find this post:

    which did help me quite a bit. I (at best) now actually understand what could be wrong and what I have to do to fix it, and even though it's for windows, it translates into mac pretty easily. You'll have to scroll down to a couple of the posts where directions are put in a step by step format and you're given links to sites that have the information - a little bit of leg work and coffee are required for this part (be prepared to be sorting this one out for a few hours!!)

    This being said - I hope you get it sorted out. If you do PLEASE do me the favor and tell me what you did. If I get there first I'll repost here to give you the heads up.

    Good luck!!! It doesn't seem to be the easiest thing to fix.


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