backing up a pc game takes a really long time, why?

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by manners, Jul 18, 2004.

  1. vans12

    vans12 Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    Last edited: Jul 22, 2004
  2. manners

    manners Guest

    I think I have "fast error skip" enabled. I will have to check, I just dont want to wait another 2hrs. But if it must be done in the name of science then it must be done.

    I will check back in and see if it was any faster.

    regards: Vanessa
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]all dreams must come to an end
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2004
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I just read back through the thread and need to clarify a couple things.

    The whole peocess of backing up a PC game takes well over two hours no matter which program you use, correct?

    But you can back up DVD movies in the normal amount of time (30-45 minutes for the rip/compress and 15 minutes to burn)?

    With the PC games, is there a time difference between using the ROM or burner when ripping?

    Just to cover basics, is DMA enabled for both the drive? I imagine it is if backing up DVDs goes fine but you never know.

    Any packet writing apps such as InCD, DLA or Drag To Disc installed? Again, it's a long shot since the DVD process goes fine.

    Are you using the default settings in A120/BW5/Clone when backing up your games?

    What is the specific make/model of your ROM? The main page for the Copy Wizard in A120 should list it.

    If you plan on regularly backing up PC games I'd highly suggest adding a good 2-sheep burner to your arsenal for the simple fact that it is becoming near impossible to dupe the newer protections with a 1-sheep burner anymore. The Lite-On 52327S and the Asus 5232AS are both very competent 2-sheep burners and can be had for around $30 apiece. If you want the best out there the Plextor Premium ($80 but so worth it) is arguably the best drive out there for backing up PC games - it has a special write method that does a sublime job on SecuRom backups and this write method is supported in BW5 (using BW5 Tweaker).

    Here's a link to BW5 Tweaker and A-Ray Scanner (the best scanner out there now):

  4. manners

    manners Guest

    yes it took 2hrs with AL120% for 750mb BF1942 but with the other programs I didn't let it finish since BlindWrite was at 1.5% around an hour.

    I can back up movies with ease in reasonable time frame, 30-45 min, whole process.

    Ive noticed the pioneer was faster than my dvd-rom when being ripped so I think I'll stick with that.

    The bases are loaded with DMA enabled (can't say that with the Diamonbacks)
    Nope! should I have somthing like this?

    yes I am using the default setting
    1.Skip reading errors. checked
    2.Fast skipp error blocks. checked

    rest are unchecked with image making wizard AL120%

    BW I have touched nothing. BW tweaker I will check out
    As for my dvd-rom it say's IDE DVD-ROM 16x(2.0)

    Like I said before "More time than money"

    Regards: Vanessa

    IAIHMB Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    If you are using Alcohol 120% use the Safedisc 2/3 profile. After about 6% you won't get anymore bad sector errors and all will be good. :p
  6. manners

    manners Guest

    I do use the Safedisc 2/3 profile

    As geestar20 stated;
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    That's what she's doing :)

    Lol! Too true.

    You shouldn't need any packet writing apps since they tend to cause more problems than they're worth by constantly requesting access to your burner when other burning apps need exclusive access to run properly.

    Some burners don't support fast error/sector skip but it's usually older drives or really obscure makes. I'm not too familiar with the qualities of the Pioneer 107 as far as backing up PC games but I'll have a look around and see what I can dig up :)

  8. manners

    manners Guest

    Clonyxxl is in German, I don't speak German!
    Can't find English version.
    I downloaded Alcoholer and that thing is useless, I select BlindWrite and it says not installed, select AL120 and it start's but that's not what I want.

    Started BW5Tweaker and Will post the log when its finished.


    IAIHMB Member

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Get A-Ray scanner, I believe it is more up to date than ClonyXXl anyways. Even if you do get ClonyXXl the english translation is p00. :p
  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    With Clonny it starts in German but you can change it to English by clicking "Optionen/Tools" and then tick the English flag.

    I'd stick with A-Ray since it's being updated regularly whereas Clony isn't :)
  11. manners

    manners Guest

    Ok peoples..heres the deal, I copied BF1942 with my pioneer using BW5, took 46:46>>> I copied the same game with my IDE DVD-ROM and that took 32:06>>> tried to burn with BW5 and it failed so I burned with COPYTODVD and it burned fine, didn't want to play in my burner but played in my ROM. Why it took so long with AL120%, I have know idea.

    I used clonyxxl settings and I did select english and still some words were in german, OH well..still crappy program.
    A-Ray scanner is very nice and simple.

    I have another question but can't think right now, my brain is fried.

    Regards: Vanessa
  12. manners

    manners Guest

    funny, funny
  13. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Ha ha! I love Calvin and Hobbs :) I've a couple of the books with all his cartoons.

    Good news on the copy of BF1942. Strange it wouldn't burn with BW5 though. It's often hard to get a copy to play in a burner so don't feel like things are amiss. You know you've made the best copy you can when it will play in burners too.

    Ask away with the other question when you're brain is unfried :)
  14. Reflector

    Reflector Member

    Aug 7, 2004
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    hi, im new to this backing up safe disc and stuff, but i manage to make a working back up of pain killer using my dvd-r pioneer and alcohol 120%, its not a 1:1, all it needs is the emulation provided off alcohol, it only took about 8mins per disc (reading and writing)
  15. manners

    manners Guest

    Thanks for the reply Reflector but I don't have painkiller and Im sure it's a totally different copy protection than battlefield 1942 (Ill tell you a secret...{in a quite voice} I dont like this game)
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]all dreams must come to an end
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  16. 2005

    2005 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    you can automatically insert the bad sectors from memory with a game....

    1. start up alcohol 120% (minimize it.. DONT CLOSE), make sure that you have the bad sectors emulation turned on under extra emulation in the options.

    2. insert the game into your dvd rom drive and start the game up and just play it for a min or two.

    3. exit the game without ejecting the disk from the drive

    4. now go back to alcohol 120% and try to immage it... the game should insert the errors in a matter of seconds.

    what type of drive do you have ( the one you wish to burn from.. post the make/model) if its not efm capable youll need to read and write using the safedisk 2/3 settings and make sure that Ignore media type is turned on. If your drive is EFM capable then you can read and write using the safedisk profile... you may still need to use the ignore media type option if you play it in a burner.
  17. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    Just make sure you eneable fast error skip and that smart sector skipping thing (both of which require hardware support but 2sheepers typically support it) and you'll be fine
  18. 2005

    2005 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2004
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    well like i said.. if done correctly and pending the safedisk version in question is lower the 3.15 he should have no problems inserting the bad sectors from memory... doing in ten seconds what he would have to wait for an hour to do.
  19. manners

    manners Guest

    [bold]SHE[/bold] should have no problems inserting the bad sectors

    Thanks guys, Ill try that on another game or maybe the same game. I don't knbow..this is frusting

    pissy morning :( sorry
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]all dreams must come to an end
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2004

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