backing up a xbox HDD

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by drworm06, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. drworm06

    drworm06 Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    .......... well that was interesting.

    I would have to say that at the moment my best choice would be to hard mod my xbox as i was having trouble following the tutorials for FTPing and backuping *embarrassment*.

    All i wanted to do is backup my save game files to my new HDD so i wouldn't have to start all my games again.

    I wouldn't even know how to put a softmod in my xbox let alone put a HDD in.

  2. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    ok to you it sounds easier as what it appears to eyes so i respect that ..

    but softmoding being hard? i do it in blind mode and stil mod it perfect.

    but before going to try out something check out my tut on ftping on .com and while your at it check the chips too and then we'll see what you chooce .... hope 2 see you on hq lates

    ps : is it hard to put 2 files from the mem card to memory section on ms dash then put the game and a couple of clicks like create ms back up ( few secs ) create eeprom back up ( few secs again) and install softmod ( a little again) and done?....?

    ftping can be a drag if everything is not acuaired .... from cable connection to complete set up to the xbox ip adds. ( YOU CANNOT FTP if the xbox isnt moded in any way )
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2006
  3. Mousertm

    Mousertm Member

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Very interesting thread. Sometime ago I purchased a X-Box for the wife and had it modded. At the time I could not afford to upgrade the hard drive. Now I find myself with 3 120 gig'rs just sitting here on the shelf and am wondering how hard it would be to install one of them. I've only done the ISO thing from a computer and never FTP'd into the box itself, but know that I can by hooking a lan cable to the router and connect that way. I guess what I am looking for is some assistance on figuring this out. I've purchased a lot of games for the wife and feel that because the grandkids are always playing them I better get off my duff and make some back ups.

    Can anyone give me some quick advise in common english terms that I might be able to follow ?

    Thank you in advance for you input.

    Kind Regards,

  4. AngelosHQ

    AngelosHQ Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    If you want to go cheap, mouse, softmod's the way (you can learn everything about softmods by going to and grabbing SID 3.11 or SID 4.5. Either one's great, depending on what you want to do. All downloads come with a .pdf manual to guide you through the softmodding process... hell, even my fiancè could do it, and she hates Computers.

    If you're looking to upgrade (which it seems you are :D) then a chip would be the safest way to go. I got my Xecuter 2.6CE from . They were slow, but it got to me safely. You need pateience with those guys. Others are or . All sites of good caliber. Just remember, the last one is based in canada, so Customs will delay shipping horribly.

    As far as chips go, cheaper is in no way ever better. If you're puttin out the money, you're getting great features. If you're paying 10 or 15 bucks for a chip, you're gonna have a complicated install, and most likely will be majorly confused.

    Whichever way you choose, We're here to help. Either here, or on the forums.

    Take It Easy,
    Angelos Dracul
    FTP/Forum Admin - Xbox-HQ
  5. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    yea same here pm me or ask me how to do xbox hd's as i really know how to do them via softmods . So you got help :D like angelos said either here or on xbox hq
  6. Mousertm

    Mousertm Member

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Thanks for the info. Guess I will just try to get in touch with the guy who did the hard mod to the box and go from there. I don't want to loose the "saved" part of the games my wife already has that she has not completed yet.

    As for the soft mod thingy, after reading everything, I am not sure that its the best way to go. I am not a "gamer" per-say and don't wanta take a chance on messing with something that works now. I have always been the type that would rather leave it to those who know what they are doing then mess with something I don't truely understand. I just figured that if there were a easy way to take the box apart and change out the hard drive (like in a computer) then I'd go for it, but I don't see that with the box.

    Thanks again

  7. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    if your box is chiped then just pop new hd run aid and formate the hd .

    if softmod , you have to use xboxhdm1.9 and you wont loose 1 game save progress i assure you that. further more wanna learn?
    i dont have the stuff that is needed here so im limited .... check that site out and see how you like it .....

    but yea if you have chip then you can make new hd urself
  8. Mousertm

    Mousertm Member

    Apr 8, 2006
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    Thanks, but I think I would rather leave it to someone who knows exactly what they are doing. I am not one for messing with something that works fine and then it don't becuase I might have missed something. I'll search around and se if I can find someone who can do it and not charge a arm and leg......LOL.....

    Thanks for all the input tho.

  9. AngelosHQ

    AngelosHQ Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Actually, if it's chipped, my friend, you could easily do it in 5 minutes (maybe longer depending on the contents of your drives. Go to download the AID 3.0 iso, burn it, then just FTP in, copy your E and C drives (and possibly F drive, if you have one) to your computer. Open the xbox, pop in the new Hard drive, close it up, pop in the AID 3.0 disc turn off the box, and boot it back up with the disc in. AID will ask you if you want to prepare the drive, you say yes. Let it do it's magic, it will reboot (keep the disc in) then when you're greeted with the AID menu, note the IP your xbox is pulling, then FTP back in, and dump your backup to the respective places. Simple and done, it's as if your xbox never changed... except the fact that you have massive space. :D

    If not, you can ship your box to me, pay the shipping here and back, plus 15 bucks, and I'll do it for ya. I'm an admin of the Xbox-HQ, and all the big wigs over there know where i live and all that jazz, so I'm not gonna screw ya over. My name over there is AngelosDracul. Hit me up.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  10. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    ya man check out see how you like it there. you'll learn more about xbox , as we specialist in xbox only ( we also have other things we touch now and then but usualy its mostly xbox ) so we can get in deapt deatils about the xbox . as where this website is based on alot of things so i think its better to just check out xbox hq . what you got to loose?

    chipping takes longer and can be a bit tricky but if done correctly then its best at long run... softmods to date are usualy every xbox oweners choice ... due to fast modding and be able to play on xbox live and no ban anymore :D ..... hit us up on hq and we will explain better :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2006
  11. helblazer

    helblazer Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    you might want to edit that gus, your making it sound dangerous, which it isnt, and the network just doesnt deal with xboxes either.
  12. larrylje

    larrylje Active member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  13. gus738

    gus738 Guest

    i dont get it ??? ^^^^
  14. helblazer

    helblazer Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    never mind gus LOL
  15. Mousertm

    Mousertm Member

    Apr 8, 2006
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    I do ! (get it that is)...

    Thanks for the heads up.....I can ead between the lines and feel there are a few problems between here and there, and I do not, in any way, blame admin (owners) here for thir actions -- matter of fact --thanks ! ! !! !!!! !!!!!



    (btw...I do not, under any conditions, feel that there should be any links to any other forum (e.g. = as above so many times) for anything. I found the answers to my questions, by reading contents of the forum itself, not by the push to go to ******* ... I personally would kick you if this were mine...but..none-the-less.....

    thanks for the problem/concern will soon be answered/resolved and not by sending to anyone that has posted in this thread....

    Some people just don't get it, but I surely do.... ---HUMMMMM try google for a registered search engine and stop using this great place for your own personal gain.....

  16. AngelosHQ

    AngelosHQ Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    First of all, it wasn't "pushing" as you so lovely put it. It was a suggestion, in case you couldn't find your answers here. Yes, the URL was dropped, but "personal gain" it was not for. The HQ is the LARGEST source for xbox info anywhere. That is a fact. 50,000+ members, sure not a big number as far as the internet is concerned, but most of us have born a kinship, that obviously you couldn't understand.

    This might be another forum, much larger than ours, but that's because Afterdawn is more generalized, thus a bit harder to find the info you're after. When you have a specialty site, it's much easier to find that info, especially when tutorials, files, and (in some cases) live support is available.

    Check out the site before you go judging what we do, and how we do it. Gus might have been adverting, but I will not be labled as a Spammer in any way shape or form. And AIDeluxe was only mentioned because the only other REAL alternative is Slayer's, and that's outdated, old, and everything including dead[/].

    But for now, I have a website to help manage (I.E. why I was directed to this site in the first place) for now have a nice day.

    -Angelos Dracul
    XBHQ Site Admin
  17. Mousertm

    Mousertm Member

    Apr 8, 2006
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    I did and stand by what I said.....
  18. KC36330

    KC36330 Regular member

    Dec 9, 2005
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    if 'your' site was/is all it's cracked up to be then none of you would have a need to venture elsewhere like here on AD. I've seen the URL pop up constantly the past week or so, thats defiantly trolling for members and has defiantly done more harm then good the way 'your' members have went about it.

    i really see no reason to 'check it out' if it's so screwed up it has to go hunting for members, who needs it?? and with more and more of the members popping up here it shows that AD must be doing something right.

  19. AngelosHQ

    AngelosHQ Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    That's got to be the most retarded thing I've ever heard. Do you really think our members stick to only one forum? I'm not going to get into some huge, moronic argument over this. I'm simply going to say this; A lot of our members were AD members before they came to the HQ. Many times threads have been posted in our forums "Couldn't find info anywhere else, so we came here". So, maybe those people come back and tell people about this site... Wait, hold on, maybe because... Could ya think of this?! BECAUSE IT'S A GOOD SITE!!!!


    If you call that trolling for members, fine. So be it. But none of us tell the members to running out and get as many people as possible. Google says it all, if you have an Xbox problem, Google it. You'll most likely get Xbox Scene, because they have sponsers and get paid. Xbox-HQ makes no money from what we do, yet somehow, we get ranked 2nd in 85% of xbox related searches. Go freakin figure.

    Once again, I'll let the numbers speak for themselves. You can go ahead and stick around here, KC. I'm sure your skills are needed more here, you're obviously a more "well rounded" guy. PS2 modding, perhaps some PC hacking, great, that's what you do.

    And as far as the URL being dropped doing more harm than good, I just ask you this. "How?" Are you really that much of a half wit that you believe that? Have you ever heard of "Options," KC?

    But why bother continuing to argue? I'll just continue to point out things from my point of view, then I'll get responses trying to make me look like a jackass.

    "You've done that on your own"

    Yeah, you're right. By stepping into this forum and making a post at all. My reputation has been sullied now by n00b bashing "tech gods". My ego is soooo crushed.

    Heh, have a nice day.
  20. djb77

    djb77 Member

    Aug 17, 2004
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    This is definately way out of hand here...

    I myself like the AD forums and have used them on several occasions to find out info. All of this shite started because one of our members came on here with an opinion, went too far, and yes he did step the line saying he was going to bring more of the admins / mods in here (I think we all know who I'm talking about, gus738).

    Believe me, it's not our intention to come here and steal members, that's not our game. I apologise if it seems this way, but that's not what we're here for.

    You do have to admit that Auto-Installer Deluxe is now at a point where lots of people use it, and it just so happens that Xbox-HQ is the home of that tool. If anyone does have any questions about issues or what to do with it, all the resource is there for you guys, either in Tutorial form, Manual form, or just various forum posts about it. I will admit, just ONE simple link to the page (or maybe a few in one post) it would've been sufficient, but its gone totally crazy.

    Might be of best interest to lock the thread or something, so it all stops, but ofcourse it's your site and I'm not telling you what to do. If it was reserved roles here I'd understand where you guys are coming from, and I don't think I'd appreciate it too much either. I want this shite to stop just as much as you do, before it leaves bad blood between us, which I hope doesnt exsist too much.

    Senior Admin of Xbox-HQ
    Creator of Auto-Installer Deluxe

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