I do not understand why everyone thinks that Porn is such a hush hush subject and that once it is brought out in the open, everyone wants to jump on it!!! When I was going to college I had the opportunity to make some extra money dancing as a male dancer on Tuesdays at a small club in Detroit. One thing led to another and when I was asked to do a porn movie with some hot babes, I couldn’t resist. I can honestly say that those [bold]few seconds[/bold] represented some of my best sex ever!!!!! LOL <JK>
How about a McPorn vid, McBrat? McDildos, McVibrators, McLove Eggs, McButt Plugs. Hell, you could do a fortune on the McMerchandising!! LOL Scubabud, how about a copy of your 15seconds of McFame?? Or is your arse too hairy for comfort!! LOL Pulsar
actually I think it has to do with the format of DVD. PAL vs NTSC. I find a lot of europian films that us PAL over NTSC to be lower quality. I don't know why... but that could be your problem.
Mort81 Sure there will.. just give it a few seconds like I did!!! And when that Director yelled cut... I grabbed my piece and said; not on your life buddy!!!! Back on topic... did it look like there was a lot of shaking in the DVD you were trying to copy????
I think if might have to do with the format the video was formulated. PAL vs NTSC. I notice that a lot of europian films that use PAL is lower quality than NTSC. I'm not sure if that's a DVD player issue or it's actually a lower quality format.
I always thought PAL was superior to NTSC. Different frame rates. Also in the UK we have 125 lines for TV broadcasts, don't the Yanks use 60 or so lines? Ready for a few shots across the bows from our American friends!!!! LOL Pulsar
I just had to get in on this one Thanks for pointing it out by the way Pulsar.. LOL You don't really want to know what causes that now do you?? Didn't your Mom ever tell you?? LMAO It is very possible you may just be going blind!!! HA HA HAA HA ROFLAO
Turns out I was looking at the fridge. Damn, I need to get new glasses. These milk bottle bottom types are not doing my eyesight, or my sex life any good.
bbmayo... Did the UK ever switch over from those 12" Black and White TV sets yet??? I heard that they were going to color sets and will even have remote controls soon as well!!!
How close are you sitting to the screen? Maybe a little 'souvenier' from the last viewing is stuck to the screen and distorting the image... Try wiping it off. Someone had to say it...