dvdripdvd, I didn't have problems with any of those either except RE2. BTW, it's not exclusive to Sony, Ned Kelly is from Focus. You all must remember, this is nothing new, it's only new to DVD, and so far I've only seen that one movie I couldn't get around but others I know did, tho it took some doing. By the time someone figured it out I had already traded my copy for a later release which DIDN'T have the read errors. There are sevral things you can do to get around hard copy read errors. Usually one or a combination of several will do the trick. Find where the read errors are and then take it from there. (Lots of times the errors are in menu stuff, but not the movie itself). Besides, the new version of decrypter, out today has already solved the problem with LBB, but you could've gotten around it even without decrypter. Sometimes it may take a little time and experimenting, but usually you can get around them. You can check out some of the methods used here, I plan on expanding them later this month, but it'll give you a jump on hard copy read errors anyway: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HELLO!!!! The read errors are fictisios. This is the new multi million dollar copy protection. Don't over complicate. The geeks that do this are ass kisser not MENSA members.
big orange, i heard someone saying that ainge contacted spurrier to play @ USC. but remember that is just hearsay. i know for a fact that cromptons parents went and had a closed door meeting w/ the phillipotomus. they were starting to lean away from ut but evidently he told them what they wanted to hear. also, brent wyman will be eligible. he signed 2 yrs ago then transferred to LaTech then came to knoxvegas. i agree about the secondary if they dont get better & if allen leaves early we could be in trouble. as far as s&h i tried DVD Decrypter, VOB, and DVD Shrink. none worked. i have a micro advantage 16x dvd+/- burner and am using verbatim 8x dvd-r(s). maybe i was just having a bad night w/ it. i will try it again later.
This is the new multi million dollar copy protection. Don't over complicate ?????? Sounds like you're the one overcomplicating. These are hard copy read errors. That's why you get a CRC error when you try to copy them. Or why Decrypter plainly states in it's log "read error". I don't know what they spent on it but i do know it exists and I also know it's been around awhile, just not being used in DVD encryption until the last year or so. Nothing "fictisios" about them (i'm assuming you meant ficticious, right?)
mjlucky13, I just heard Ainge's mother on the radio, sports talk, a couple of weeks ago and she said he's not going anywhere and will be wearing orange next year. Heck, he's the starter now, and it's his to lose only cos he's already proved himself. Besides, if he did leave he'd have to sit out a year, plus UT uses a pro set offense, which perfectly prepares him for the NFL.
thanks to you of those whom were amoungst the first entires you helped a lot i was begining to get very pissed off
I did not use ANY psl file for little black book. I just uesed the newest Anydvd (beta) and the newest decryptor and it went just fine.