Backup UK info 2003

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by mikemgs, Jul 15, 2004.

  1. mikemgs

    mikemgs Guest

    I want to make a copy of UK info 2003, I have the origional disks and tried using Clone CD 4.3, I copied to the H/D and then burnt the image down, I installe disk 1 on to my pc, but when I use the programm with the backed up copy of disk 2 in the cd drive, the programm refuses to start. Any ideas and help would be great.
    What is the best way to backup this software.??
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    To make a 1:1 backup of copy protected games (1) determine the type of protection present using a program called A-Ray Scanner (which can be obtained from ). (2) If the game is protected via SafeDisc2/3 then duplication is highly hardware dependent and to be able to properly make a backup, your burner needs to be classified as "2-sheep" (for information on this sheep rating and to see if your burner qualifies as 2-sheep, visit ). If your burner is a 2-sheep burner then head on over to for a step-by-step on backing up your game. If however your drive is a 1-sheeper, visit for a workaround technique. (3) If your game is protected with SecurROM then, even though it is not nearly as hardware dependent as a SD2/3 backup, having a 2-sheep burner is very useful. For step-by-step guides on backing up your SecureROM protected game, visit (using Alcohol120) (using CloneCD)

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