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bbmayo............. Back!!!

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by bbmayo, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. Biglad

    Biglad Regular member

    Jun 21, 2003
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    Mayo, I have never spoke to you myself mate but you can't let people like that push you out of something you enjoy.

    You seem a very knowledgable chap who likes to share his knowledge which is great for all the newbies on here (and I am still one of those).

    I was over the moon when I found this site and it was people like you that made it great, always there to help out if possible.

    I hope you reconsider mate and all the best with what you decide.

    STEVE :)
  2. Bigfatboy

    Bigfatboy Regular member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Thanks for all the info, you have helped me from the start. I hope you reconsider because from all the post above me you will be missed as i will miss you also. Your guides are the best hands down.

    hundreds of burns, 0 coasters thanks

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2005
  3. safc_66

    safc_66 Regular member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    bbmayo- i totally see why you've made your decision, but can i suggest, as others have, ya have a cooling off period -review it in a week or a month's time. It ain't worth bailing out because of a few idiots -every forum has them.

    azmunch-stfu !

  4. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    no need to quit all together man, just take a break, then steer clear of stupid people. we all need a break now and then, hell i'm known for disappearing for a month or so at a time now and then, and it always helps!! If you have certain people that are giving you problems, no matter what status they are (except da boss), they can be dealt with accordingly. Hell just PM me and i'll personally take great pleasure in banning anyone that is giving grief to any addict or senior member. As far as i'm concerned you guys are just the same as mods except for we have the magic ban button ;)
  5. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Sorry azmunch, I accidentally hit the ban button........................................ or was it an accident?
  6. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    wow, I didn't even think that was that bad, what azmunch said. But this thread kinda reminds me of a funeral, so yeah, I'd say it was pretty inappropriate.
  7. retro78

    retro78 Member

    Mar 30, 2005
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    squizzle took the words right out of my mouth!:like being at a funaral and some frustrated guy walks in and says; well... ya pretty sucked at first and later ya sucked a little less.... bye yall !

    seems a whole lot of inappropriacy to me !!!
  8. bbmayo

    bbmayo Active member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Ok this will be the last one! I wasn’t going to post again here, but after I have seen all the post’s and overwhelming support I have decided to say thank you all, and I understand where you are all coming from and appreciate all your kind words. I just don’t want to go into details about my reasons as I am not one for calling out names. Let’s just say I am a 40 year old man and I don’t really need the crap I get here. A couple of people here know my main reason’s for leaving and if they feel obligated to let you know it really doesn’t matter to me. I truly do love this community and all the people in it so I will retract from my previous statement and follow some of your advice. I just may come back in a month or two, but it is unlikely. I am truly sorry if I have disappointed anyone that is not my intentions I just felt the right thing to do was to say goodbye. I owed you all that much. Besides I have watched most of you learn a great deal, and share your experiences with others so all will be fine without me here just share your knowledge with others so they can in turn do the same that is what I hope I have accomplished. From reading this thread it looks very promising.

    My warmest regards and respect,

    PS I am going to email my guides to CJC and he said he will post them on his sight if anyone is interested.

    I also believe I know who azmunch is :) Good luck with all your feauture endevours :)
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2005
  9. nohelpme

    nohelpme Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    I would like to ask you to reconsider leaving. There have been many times in my life where I thought of giving up something in my life becuase i recieved criticism from others or others making stupid remarks. I don't think you should give up just on the basis of others stupid comments of ill thoughts about the way things are or should be. You are such a valuable member of this community that I think this website take a hit if you actually decide to leave. A wise friend told me if you hit a nerve with people even if its positive or negative that means you have truly done something great. I will admit, there is a lot of jerks on this site. A lot of people on here have a lot of fun making fun of others. Or knocking others technical advise when they truly know nothing. In my opinion my friend, you out shine them everytime and you have helped so many I would not give up just out of those people. If we do not share knowledge and help each other and just give up, you let those people win. I think you are just to smart a person to let those nay sayers do that do you. Please, reconsider. Never let someone get the better of you like that. For all your smarts that you have showen on all your posts, I think you will agree with me. If not now, in the near future. We all hope you change your mind. If not, please don't let anyone ever make you feel this way in the "real world". People are too ignorant. I think you will rise above it.
  10. kinza

    kinza Regular member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    i second that reconsider. don't leave. i always read your posts with interest and have confidence in your advice.
  11. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It was his first and only post to the forum - bad move on his part.
  12. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    sounded like he did more just from his statement
  13. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    Take sometime to chill, then come back. Just think of all the "newbies" screaming for help, and all the times they have been sent to use your guides. You really are needed, think on it don't be too hasty.
  14. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Yo bbmayo, 1 less michigan fan here at AD now!!!!!! LOL

    Just teasing, I always enjoy reading your posts. You are up there with scubapete and ddp as one of my mentors!

    You have so much to offer everyone here and we'd hate to see you leave. Whatever decision you make,whether it is to take time off to cool off or retire with dignity,LOL, I hope you the best in life. This would trully be a loss for AD. You are one the finest assets here. I hope you do decide to come back and have some more laughs. You can also gang up with scubabud on bashing my BUCKEYES!

    Good Luck Buddy.
  15. wolfniggr

    wolfniggr Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Enjoy the vacation, buddy. Maybe I'll take one too, in a while.

    I'm sure azmunch is another member who has been banned before or is too much of a puppy to reply under his normal nick.
  16. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi Everyone, I guess I have to quit leaving town on the weekends. I get back and see a second post from a higher member leaving the forum. This is the second one in less than a week I have posted to. I usually have some idea on what happened but this time I'm completely lost and maybe its better that way. I just don't like seeing anyone leave that has made a excellent effort to help the forum. I myself have almost signed off from here 2 times but with some suggestions from other members through PM's to hang in there I decided to stay on.

    BBMAYO, As I said above I don't know what happened or with what member or members your problem is with. It not any of my business. My suggestion is similar to those in the other posts. Hang in the background for a while as a cooling off period. Maybe PM the others involved and try to work it out. If you don't want to do it directly maybe go through one of the Mods. I know its not their job but I'm sure they will help if possible. There shouldn't be a problem that can't be worked out. The main focus of this forum is to help others. You have been a big help to many so we don't want to loose you or any other of the good members. There are always a few I wouldn't miss but Neph, Flip, Herbsman and the other mods will get them in time. Best suggestion I can give you as someone thats already been there is sit back and relax for a time and see what happens. Its still your call.
    Best of luck either way you decide to go.

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2005
  17. squizzle

    squizzle Active member

    Apr 19, 2004
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    In that case, good job Neph!

    Well, I'm not gonna nag you to death mayo, but it's been great learning from you. Enjoy life, don't let assholes get to ya. See ya :(
  18. mrpat67

    mrpat67 Regular member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    bbmayo thanks for all the great advice. I am a newbie on AD who has been using the site for quite some time. I have never had to post a question because of the guides and threads I read. With the help of you and a few others I am quite compent at dvd back-up. It is truly sad that a few people will keep you from doing something you obviously love to do. Best of luck in the future.

  19. venomX05

    venomX05 Regular member

    Jan 18, 2005
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    Screw This....don't quit dude!

    Seriously, you want to know who was the FIRST person to help me on aD...it was you! And dude, without your guidance and help, I would probably STILL have been fighting the issue.

    Your posts kick @ss and everytime you write, I know alot of us gain mass knowledge from your posts.

    Dude, this is totally sucking now...because I know how you feel. I don't post much in aD either, but utilize the time in the irc chan. If you have to stop posting, just do so like everyone has been saying, for a little while. Come hang out in the chan. with us and then come back to it.

    Don't let people get on your nerves around here. That is as much advice I can give you.

    BTW...thanks again for your help and just know that alot of us will be sad if you ultimately decide to leave. But please reconsider.


  20. Damon1

    Damon1 Regular member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    Hey BBMayo,

    You don't know me (long time lurker, but I don't post alot), but I've read quite a few of your posts over time. It's always seem like you have a genunine interest in helping people, which is what has impressed me the most.

    If you want to still keep in contact with the some of the Afterdawn people, drop in and lurk on #ad_buddies (unofficial AD chat channel).
    It's on: irc.stormchat.org #ad_buddies
    or copy/paste this link if you have an IRC Client

    Or if your not an IRC'er, CJC and I did a javachat up for #ad_buddies


    Some of the regulars that hang out in there are Dela, Darthnip, Xian, Mattrage (send the kids out to play in the street and chat sometime, dude...hehe), carefree, Cozza, Cyprien, VenomX05, the list goes on....

    and a whole lot of others pop in and out all the time.

    Maybe after chilling in the channel for a while, you'll get the urge to post again, and if not, just chat on in the channel...hehe.

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