DVD Backup stopped after a few seconds into the first 1024 meg VOB. I also noticed the Windows utils had problems with this one. Think this is the new wave of copy protection we've been hearing about?
No. I was able to copy it on my PC using my usual setup of AnyDVD and CloneDVD 2. That being said, some people have had problems. But it seems that some people have problems with almost any movie. Not all the same people or all the same movie. Interesting. I feel fortunate (*knocks on wood*) that I have been successful.
This is a Sony movie so it has the new Sony Arcoss (sp?) copy protection that came out a few months ago. I used the latest AnyDVD w/ Nero Recode - no problem - play back fine.
I've never had a problem with backing up movies before. Interesting. I guess I'll have to wait for the mac community to catch up to Sony.
I used MacTheRipper 2.6.6.....it goes right into Full Disk ArCcos extraction and there were no problems.
I had a similiar problem in extracting "Being Julia"....the extraction finally succeded when I did a "main feature only arccos" extraction.....popcorn was used from there....
I had a terrible time with "Being Julia" and I'm not a newbie. Tried on Mac and PC. Several times. Nothing but problems
On the Mac: click the mode button in mtr and then select "main feature ARccOS" then use Popcorn.....this worked for me.
Full Disk ArCcos in MTR....should I use this all the time? or just on Sony disks? Are other makers using it?
MTR is supposed to automatically switch into that mode. Sometimes it doesn't though. So if you run into those problems try it.