I don't waste money on the ROM drives ... for a little more $, you can get another burner and double your fun ...
I've got the Lite-on 167t. It did a fine job at ripping,but I wanted to use the lightscribe from my HP640c and swapped them. Ripping speeds have been the same from either the HP or Litey. Sony makes a fine dvd-rom. I don't see much about benq dvd-roms,but their burners are very good readers as well. I've got dual burners as well in my backup pc. I just may swap out a crappy khypermedia +8x drive and put that litey dvd-rom in her.
hi! i have a benq burner as well i purchased mine from evertek i have had very good performance with it i use dvd fab gold software and it works great it also has a dual layer setting you can get a free 30 day trial for several differant dvd copying software just go to www.dvdidle.com