What am I doing wrong? I have tried firmwares BCFC and BCHC and I can't get MCC04s to burn past 4X on my 1650. I can get Yuden000 T02 to burn at any speed up to 16X. I've tried Nero, CloneDVD, Imageburn and still no joy on the MCC04 past 4x. I've tried 2 different Verbatim spindles of disks bought at different times, different places. I'm using QSuite 2.1 and I have tried all the different setting including the one Zebedee used in tread above that he burned at 16X. I'm ready to pull my hair out... Any suggestions...
Hi, @LABOY. Sometimes for some unknown reason SB appears to be either sleeping or overtly fierce. Sometimes flash hasn't taken properly, maybe some background pc activity was/is going on at same time. You could try flashing in safe mode. Flash back to the earliest f/w available, then reflash to desired f/w. Do this in safe mode (not essential, but maybe worthwhile if experiencing problems). Not recommending this, but I've have in the past when not having the results I expected, crossflashed (in the case of 1650/1655 to Philips 1660/1668)then back again. This can have the effect of 'waking up' the drive. (Remember this will void warranty). @paiger651. I don't know if you've tried higher speeds, but I've found it to be better to write @ 12x or @ 16x with 16x media. Particularly with some of the latest drives with the latest f/w. With my BenQ 1650/1655s this is especially true. Remember that SB takes a while to really show the best.(2 to 5 discs is typical, 10 or more to have truly settled down). Also as drives age they seem to 'bed in'. A bit like running in a car. It could be my drives get more use use, so this happens earlier.
@Zebadee thanks for your quick reply. Since I posted my thread above, I switched from QSuite 2.1 to 2.0 (just trying all options)and still no luck with my MCC04s. I will try your suggestion of loading in safe mode. BTW Qscan will only rate these disks as safe up to 8x even though they will burn only to 4x. I am beginning to believe I have 2 bad spindles of Verbatims howbeit one is a 100 disk spindle and the other a 50. I've experienced 3-4 write errors (burn failures)about 97% in the burn. I'll keep trying cause too many disks to throw away, since the 4x burns do turn up a minimum of 95% on quality scans.
Hi, LABOY, there has been a lot of poor quality with MCC 004 lately. Hence my trying TY. The sources available to me mean that TY is virtually double the cost of MCC 03RG20/MCC 004. For you, remember that QScan is trying to assess discs ability without the use of SB & WOPC. In your case with SB & OS enabled I'd still be looking for writing to be achieved @ 12x at least.
I'm still only getting a 92 to 95% using the BCHC firmware on the P16's. They play great, but will they last. I will not be purchasing the OD 16x media again. Much better luck and burns with the Ritek R-03 in OD 8x. I have about 96 MCC-04's on hand that I will use after the P16's are gone. About 20 to go. After they are gone, I'm gonna be a TY man!
Hi, @9mmrugger1. When using CD/DVDSpeeds' disc quality anything over 90% is very good & over 95% excellent. As to life span before unplayable. PIE is usually a good indicator. The higher the PIE the more likely that this disc will have a shortened life. Of course different dyes are affected differently. With important backups it may be worthwhile doing more than one. Use different media too. Scan on a regular basis. This should enable you to see any signs of ageing & the ability to replace before its too late. Don't forget that storage has a part to play in this as well.
@zebadee I tried your suggestion about flashing in safe mode, but it still didn't resolve my slow burns for MCCO4s. Many of my burns are failing with "write error" "bad or faulty media" warnings. I guess Solid Burn and WOPC recognize the faulty media and slow the burn speed down. It irks me that I have 2 spindles (150 disks)of Verbatim Advanced AZO disks bad or faulty. Unfortunately I don't have the receipts for them or I would take them back. I think I will think twice before I buy anymore Verbatim. I'll stick with TY if I can find them.
probably one of my "not as good ones" lately, but, still pretty decent by most standards...same settings as before: total quality score is lower than my 99 at the top of the previous page, but the PIE is 100x lower, which is a good thing docTY~
this is my first burn since upgrading the firmware, everyhing looks ok except the jitter, Im going to rescan it later with my 1650 to see if it comes out the same
just bored, this one is on par with MOST of my backups i've just recently enabled solidburn for KNOWN media too, as it's usually OFF by default for known media, but on for unknown media...don't really know if it REALLY does help, but my PIE have gone done considerably after a re-flashed my 1650 again with a speedpatched BCHC~ i dunno...i don't put THAT much weight on these quality scans, but when i'm bored like i am now, these results seem pretty good to me... burned @8x (as i always do), all other settings same as before other than enabling SB for KNOWN media too... interesting thread...good times docTY~
@zebadee, Just a warning. I just ordered a benq 1650 so I will probably be bothering you as to what is the best f/w and settings for this drive. You appear to be "da man". Thanks and let me know if You'd rather not be bothered.
Please forgive my 'Newbieism'! I just tried to run a 'disc quality' scan for the first time using Nero CD/DVD Speed using my new Sony DRU 820A drive, which according to an AfterDawn thread link, is made by BenQ using a Matsushita chipset. I got an error message saying "Drive does not support this function" Am I doing something wrong? Is there something inherently wrong with this drive? I've only used the DRU 820A 3 times so far, and the burns have been what I think are pretty good quality using; Alkohol's latest guide, with DVDFAB Decrypter, VobBlanker and Nero Recode 2. Right now I'm using some Sony D21 MIJ media, while I'm waiting for my order of Taiyo Yudens to arrive from Rima. Is there any way to know which BenQ drive model this Sony would be the most like? Thanks, in advance, for any help you can be!
Hi, @ Mort81, Feel free to ask, you should have a response to your initial questions. @Husker13, Your Sony 820, just like BenQs 1670 is based on a Panasonic chip which doesn't support disc quality scanning. You need a true BenQ or Lite-On. @kivory666, You should find that enabling SB for known media will pay dividends in the long run. You can also try disabling WOPC when using - media, this can also affect jitter. Thus lowering PIE a little more. Doesn't work so well with + media for some reason.( I believe this is because when disabling WOPC: with - media it's not complete (in other words WOPC still functions, but at a reduced rate). Whereas with + media WOPC is disabled in the true sense. A case of where less is more. None is too much.
@ kivory666 or zebadee i'm using the BCFC firmware for my benQ 1650 and i was wondering how the BCHC firmwareis working out for you guys. Are you all having any probelms with it?
i'll chip in here a bit, both versions of the firmware are giving me concerns (not problems, my burns, touch wood, so far, are fine), but i'm not happy how the MCC004 for instance, don't seem to be properly supported in either firmware. (i'm new to Benq drives/firmware so no-one shoot me), but i've made my comments elsewhere in this thread. i've also commented in a big thread over at cdfreaks website, and interestingly there's been no firm answers as yet as to why this anomaly with the firmware seems to exist
Hi, redice, I'm currently using BCHC without any problems. I believe that BCFC may well be better in terms of flexability (ie less fussy). However the potential may be greater with BCHC. I plan on doing some comparisons over the w/e as I'm trying to find out if SB algorithm has been changed/improved in BCHC. If so this could be why it's picky & apparently causing some folks problems. So you may want to stick with BCFC for now.
ok thanks zebadee and in that case i will stay with BCFC until i here something other wise. @creaky yeah i had read about the issuses with the MCC004 but i think i will stick with BCFC for now.