Best DVD Copy Program

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by kaos1121, Oct 3, 2004.

  1. permatex

    permatex Regular member

    May 4, 2003
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    to scubapete-your point is well taken,however remember the old saying different folks different strokes.i think what we need here is to help each other with respect to what each want.take me for instance,when i copy a dvd i want the movie,no introduction and trailers and im not interested how the movie was not looking for a perfect back up i want a decent movie and i don't want to spend three hours copying a movie.too much emphasis is spent on which copy software is the best when the truth is everyone has to work with a progran that they are comfertable with .
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    As you so well said it . . .

    Different strokes . . . .
  3. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    Well said...

    There will allways be changes on the software scene. I have been haunting AD for about 10 months and there has been a lot of changes in that time frame. It should be interesting to see what is showing up in the next year..
  4. zizouille

    zizouille Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2005
  5. zest

    zest Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    this french website looks interesting, but my french is poor, does anyone know of a good way to translate this review
  6. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    i see that on scubapete list dvd2one comes second to CCE; seeing the quality of dvd2one afte transcoding a few very long movies(main movie-only) and seeing how slow shrink has become and after reading about dvd2one. i most agree with scubapete, that little application is great, the quality is just the best i have seen(not including RB). since sometimes i can't deal with the time that RB takes to encode a movie, dvd2one has become my most use program lately.
  7. zizouille

    zizouille Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2005
  8. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    to zizoulle. dvd2one does not handle entire movie backup well and i bet that that pic you have came from a entire movie one, why don't you encode the same movie but main movie-only this time and see the resolts. i bet you that pic came from the extras and not from the main movie part of the backup. i have backed up a few very long movies lately and the picture quality is great. so to answer your question, yes i'm saying that dvd2one is great.
  9. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Which leads uninformed consumer's to believe that you will have a 1:1 true copy with video compression. Something that we know isn't possible.

    I suppose I should retract the latter comment about their advertising because, as we know so well, Companies lie about their products all the time in their attempt to make their product sound as if it were able to do the impossible.

    To those pple using DVD2One, I say, continue on. You could do far worse.

    For those with an extra $79.00 to spend, CopyDVD4 is a good investment as it is a good combination of quality and speed BUT as always, there are better program recipes and it seems, there always will be.

    Cheers all,

  10. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    quote"Yes ive tried it...but I kept getting the "white pixellation errors".

    Trust me matey, I appreciate that this app can produce excellent results, but be prepared to "eat humble pie" when you have an instance of this error.

    For anyone else reading this, take heed..treat Intervideo with suspicion"

    to brian. you are soooo right. i have IC3, i can say two things about it. great picture quality yet, what a F-ing nightmare that program is.

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2005
  11. zest

    zest Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    i have made around 25 backups with instantcopy 4 and so far no problems, however i use dvdremake to edit and copytodvd to burn, so right from the get go i have eliminated most of the apparent bugs with the software, i'm not in love with ic4 but so far so good
  12. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Sorry, I seemed to have had a problem earlier when posting, My points to zizouille seemed to have gotten lost.

    Point One. You resurrected this thread from 5 + months ago when we were dealing with InterVideo DVDCopy2. Since then, InterVideo has had 2 version updates. The comments I made last May were based upon the programs and the way the performed then.

    With the advent of DVDCopy4, IMO, it does in fact do a better job encoding than does DVD2One, though I still feel that you do it a disservice to call it's video "Very poor." It sounds like a word for word quote from the article in question. Convenient that your personal experiences seemed so aligned with that article.

    We here at aD have gone through our phases of proggy comparison and the one thing we learned is that using screenshots and magnification almost any conclusion can be made to happen.
    Simply put, using a screenshot and magnification to "prove" a point, proves nothing at all. Using "screenshots" there isn't a proggy around that one cannot find "artifacts" in. The author used single screen shots to point out "artifacts" - IMO, a true comparison should be between GOP's. By comparing GOP's a full comparison can be made.

    As for your statement that:

    Actually what the article stated was, under the heading of, CANOPUS PRO TO CODE controlled by DVD2SVCD

    Leaving out the AC3 audio would suggest that the encoding wasn't exactly the same size as with other programs. If the AC3 were left in, how much longer would the encoding take ?

    Upon reflection, you'll have to admit that any "Logic" which says that a certain proggy is the "best" simply because it took 10 hours to encode is a ridicules statement to say the least.[/b]

    Time is not, and cannot be, the determining factor in anything except cooking.

    I found the paper interesting but as with all studies, much more need be done before "Statements of fact" can be stated.

    and that's

    My 2-cents
  13. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    On the open ocean, we have a saying, . . . Whatever floats your boat.

    As long as you're happy is all that matters ~

    When pple are unhappy with their backups, then we sugest what, in our opinion we feel is superior methods and, there are a few.

    As I've aged, I've decided that I like quality above most other things (but still within reason, Lol).

    A hi-quality disc will burn better, turn into fewer coasters and actually last longer. No, DVD's and CD's don't last 100 years. Some discs barely last a few years and then become unplayable. These things are what is important to me.

    You're delighted with your backups, I have 2 words for you, "Burn on," my friend, "BURN ON . . ."


  14. catfreak

    catfreak Active member

    Mar 15, 2004
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     My experience has been that if you want a backup as close to the original as possible ... and if you're really anal about it ... you should invest in several spindles of Verbatim DL discs and use DVD Decrypter to make 'exact' DL backups of your original discs ... you simply can't beat the quality of a DL backup of an original ... and, if you're really worried about a backup not lasting more than 3 or 4 years .. well, you still have the original right? just make another backup .. in 3 or 4 years the DL discs will surely be less than a buck.

     Just my advice which, after all, is a bargain for what it's worth

     catfreak's smiling .. just snuck in another cat under the wife's nose ... he he he he
  15. brian100

    brian100 Guest

    It's been a good while since i've darkened these doors...but that's a long story.

    elizerroj..I thank you for quoting me concerning Intervideo DVD copy "3"..the white pixellation error I received from that programme caused...well a say the least. Many people rubbished my views on that, but it was proven to be correct. I have since used version 4 & I have had no problems with it whatsoever.

    zizouille..I agree that DVD2one CAN produce some bad results, but that is usually due to backing up LONG films (typically over 2 1/4 hours. In my findings DVD2one has been excellent at backing up films up to 2 hours. Infact my original copy of "Red dragon" was backed up at 55% with superb image results! It really is a very good programme for the MAJORITY of backup needs.

    catfreak..The story of D/L backups..well...In my honest opinion there is absolutely no need whatsoever to adopt this technology. The vast majority of movies can be backed up fantastically well using the vast array of transcoders available these days. I would personally use D/L media to burn 2 movies onto one disk if I ever adopted the technology, which is very doubtful. catfreak.To be honest you are 100% correct. D/L media is the answer to DVD backups..period. always go on about good has been your mission AND QUITE RIGHTLY SO. What is the point in taking time & effort to transcode a backup then "shoving" it on crappy media, that fails within a month? (remember the ole Princo 2X media?). I have many..many backups burnt onto Ritek 2X (Silvertop) media that are well over 2 1/2 - 3 years old..ALL still good.ALL still play..NO READ errors. Gees I miss that media so much. I use Taiyo yuden's extensively now..the silver top variety of course!!.

    In general, with experience gained in nearly 4 years, it is always best to give picture quality the BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE. IE strip out everything that is really not necessary prior to transcoding. Just ask yourself these questions "Do I really need those extras?... am i due to have French, Italian or German friends over for a film watching marathon? hearing is good these days but i really outta keep them english subtitles..menus are good but really, do they enhance the experince of "watching the movie"?

    I have explored all methods...with all applications. An individual can backup a DVD in 1000 different ways. It really is THE choice of the individual. Use the method that suits you best..then stick with it. BUT keep an open mind..and be prepared to experiment. Your eyes normally make your mind up.

    For the record I backup "Movie only, no extras, english 5.1 (Never DTS), english subtitles". I currently use DVDrb/cce (basic) for the vast majority of applications. I use DVDshrink (with AnyDVD running in the background)to RIP and prepare ALL files before transcoding. I use DVD dedcryper to burn all DVD images (images created from shrink if backup has NO compression). I use Copytodvd (a remnant to when In used DVD2One all those years go) to burn all transcoded files.

    For the membership reading, you may disagree with everything I have written, and for that I respect your personal views on this subject.

    Well I'm off to play on Google earth..anyone interested in football (soccer)..well why not check out this (my) thread on the keyholecommunity

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2005
  16. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    this is what i see going on with dvd2one. no matter the mode you use(constant or variable compression)dvd2one applies much more compression to extras. and gives as little compression as possible to the main movie. thus giving the extra stuff a very poor quality picture. i have experienced this time and time again. having siad that, if one uses dvd2one in main movie-only, the quality of the backup is hard to beat. i dare to say that in main-movie only mode dvd2one beats shrink(not by much though). but, it is not because dvd2one can't handle movies over two hours, because it is an application that does a much better job in main movie only mode. whenever i have a long movie(2 or 3 hours)and i'm going to backup the main movie only(most of my backups are)i choose dvd2one over shrink always. now if it is a the entire movie backup, shrink is the way to go.

    Some of the long movies i have backed up with dvd2one are: lord of the ring(all three), alexander, kindom of heaven just to name a few. the backup's picture quality is great; main movie only of course.
    Just my two cents.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2005
  17. elizerroj

    elizerroj Regular member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    programs i use:
    1clickdvd. when very little to none compression is needed and scratched discs(best progy for this purpose); fast.
    shrink. when i want to do a entire movie backup(although no longer updated, great program).
    dvd2one. most of my main movie-only backups, most are(great for long movies, great picture quality. IMHO). i don't do entire movies with this one.
    dvd RB-pro with HC, main movie only, once in a while because it takes too long but, nothing better than this combo, and i mean nothing; yeah, yeah, you are going to say CCE. not, not in my opinion.

    I am not expert. but i do have a pair of 20/20's and a 42 inch tv.
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2005
  18. zizouille

    zizouille Guest

    [bold]ScubaPete says:[/bold]
    Hi scuba; i'm the author of the french article and happy of speaking with specialists
    It's not necessery to compare a full GOP because you know how transcoders works: first they compress the B frames and If the resulting video size after compressing all b frames is still too large, then the transcoder try to distribute the remaining compression over the remaining I and P pictures, and this is when artifacts start to become really noticable...
    It's why my screenshots only refer to B frames: if a B frame have a good quality then the transcoder have done a good job, its my opignon

    I don't understand very well
    I only says that CCE SP and CANOPUS procoder have the same quality of output video (B,I and P frames); but i prefer CCE cause he encode a dvd video in 3 hours when CANOPUS put 10 hours

    [bold]elizerroj says:[/bold]

    Yes it's true 1click dvd copy and Aurora dvd copy are the best for scratched dvd, but they are very bad to compress the video
    You say you prefer HC to CCE: in my article i say that the quality of both are te same and it's true.But it' true than CCE put a half time than HC

    Please can you open one vob of your backup with VIRTUALDUBMOD and check the quality of the B frames ?

    [bold]Brian 100 says:[/bold]
    It's my metod to, but i use SMARTRIPPER and NERO

    Please if you quote my post can you write with simple language cause my english is a little poor

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2005
  19. gamename

    gamename Regular member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    thats odd, ive used hanks encoder and cce. i really didnt see that much difference in tme or quality. guess ill have to get out the stopwatch this weekend and see.
  20. zizouille

    zizouille Guest

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