Blindwrite 5 backups won't work

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by AmPaRo, Apr 2, 2004.

  1. cdkiller

    cdkiller Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    wow, i read the rules but i did not think that giving out my own license would be wrong since i paid for it. rest assured such an act would not be repeated. i apologize to everyone affected by my error. :)

    what i have noticed is that blindwrite 5 does not read topology of the entire cd when u do an automatic image dump. i could be wrong but did anyone else notice that? i also noticed that alcohol 120% displays a read error when dumping securom 4.8x cds however clone cd does not detect this error neither does blindwrite. what is that about? is it that alcohol is a coaster maker when it comes to securom 4.8x?
  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Posting your paid-for license for others to use without paying is not exactly a good thing. Software developers kinda need income to keep making their products better :)

    My general impression from the reading that I've done is that Alcohol is better at SafeDisc and that BlindWrite is better at SecuRom.

    I only used Alcohol for the 30 day trial and made good backups of both protections but ultimately bought BlindWrite which also has given outstanding results for both protections.

    Next week I should be getting Far Cry on DVD which I've read is supposed to be SafeDisc 3.2 so we'll see how BlindWrite handles a SafeDisc DVD :) Lord knows I need a new shooter!
  3. cdkiller

    cdkiller Member

    Apr 24, 2004
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    i was surfing around and noticed that many people recommended disc juggler for safedisc. I bought disc juggler today and installed it only to realise how complicated it is. Can anybody tell me what settings to use to successfully copy safedisc? one good thing about DJ is that it allows burning on ur entire network, with a price increment for each additional burner license.

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