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Blu ray vs DVD (which is better?)

Discussion in 'HD DVD discussion' started by Nameme, Apr 26, 2006.


    MARLBOR Guest

    omg i cant beleave there r this many stupid people all in one place

    ok did i insulat any of u no did i go an attack any of u no for what u all said no i did not i gave my opinion that was it

    i gave a edited by ddp opinion u dam wel should be smart enough to decied for your self on weather to listen to it or not edited by ddp if u disagree with me fine ill get over it

    no 1 has yet to post a comet saying y i am wrong only that i am stupid and bias and blah blah dont know what i am talking about whatever then plese tell me at what point was i wrong on any thing i said that would help me
    to see your point of view

    now basic truth blu ray is by far way better then hd as for who will win the war who know who cars buy what u want

    note this last remark has nothing to do with the question at hand neither has any of your remarks since i posted so my basic stament is stick to the matter at hand not to put your personall feeling
    other wise i dont care what school u went to how many degrees u got
    u r still stupid

    the qustion was about what 1 was better blu rays or hd

    if u cant not post a coment stating your opion with actuly info in other then your supid and bull crap like that i will asume u r and edited by ddp there for u will do the work of making your self look dumb with out me cominting i am not going to fight with u people any more i simple gave opion now it time to put up or shut up

    put some actuly info in the post instead of your personal coment

    gee i see y that 1 guy said dont waste your time u people dont care about fact and actuly info just what ever u want to beleave

    and sad fact is i dont even realy care about blu ray or hd so i guess i am not better then any of u for allowing this to continue

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2006
  2. Dfeyeant1

    Dfeyeant1 Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    First of all this thread started as Blu ray vs DVD not...

    "the qustion was about what 1 was better blu rays or hd"

    Second of all, you must be new to forums because long threads like this frequently evolve into a new discussion. That's cool you want to get things back on track or whatever, but there's no need to get all worked up. I think your lack of effort to spell and type correctly makes you look somewhat lazy and hotheaded, and info you share in this fashion is not easily deemed as reliable. You didn't state where you got your info either, so why would expect anyone to backup their arguments against your so called facts? Anyone can say they've been following Blu-ray for 6 years, so prove it if you want to command any sort of respect. Any for God's sake, stop typing like a drunk.
  3. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    MARLBOR, read the forum rules above about posting & language. post edited
  4. BluRay

    BluRay Regular member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    havent read all the posts sorry if i am repeating anything.

    BluRay rocks!!! sony all the way.

    i heard that TDK had made a prototype 200gb BluRay Disc.
    i read it somewhere.
    but that has to have some potential, right?
  5. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    @ Nephilim,

    This is the oldest Blu-Ray vs HD DVD thread I could find... Can we continue our debate now, please? It just started to get good.

  6. Fredil

    Fredil Regular member

    Jul 19, 2006
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    Did anyone bother to read the first sticky in this forum? lol
  7. Dfeyeant1

    Dfeyeant1 Member

    Jun 14, 2006
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    "This is the oldest Blu-ray vs HD DVD thread I could find... Can we continue our debate now, please? It just started to get good.


    Good Point, Ced. Well, first I want to say that I don't own a single blu-ray product, so by looking around my apartment, one would have to assume that I would vouch for DVDs. Turns out that I work at a Blu-ray authoring facility and haven't yet been convinced to drop the $$$ for a proper set up. The resolution is 4X that of DVD, the available sound quality is much higher, and the menus are much flashier, yet I still would rather pay $2000 for a 60" 480i stretch dolby surround 2.1 system than $4000 for a 50" 1080i 5.1 DD system. The load time on these things is ridiculously slow and I would rather spend the money on repeat viewings at a full-res theater. Picture quality is nice, but if it aint big, who cares? I stare at a 1080i screen all day and then go home to standard def DVDs every night, and could care less. It's not that I don't enjoy the higher res; it's just that I don't need it to enjoy the experience, the art is enhanced, but I don't see the big deal.

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