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Blu ray will win

Discussion in 'Blu-ray players' started by GhostPhas, Mar 1, 2007.

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  1. GhostPhas

    GhostPhas Guest

    why, because i heard that a major porn producer has decided to use
    only blu-ray. if porn goes to blu-ray, then its all over.
    anyone else heard about this?
  2. jeray

    jeray Regular member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    i thought i read awhile back that porn was backing hd?oh well i don't feel like searching around.porn isn't going to decide it.the internet has changed the porn industry.if anything will pull blue ray ahead it will be the ps3.
  3. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    And those sales will be wiped out when the HD drive is released for the 360 with over 10 million units sold there is more than enough scope.

    As I posted elsewhere, this is a single manufacturer media format. Historically they have all failed in a short time leaving consumers out of pocket with expensive obsolete hardware.

    The only people who can passionately care either way are idiots or people being paid to spout off.. unless they are unfortunate enough to have paid out a large amount of money on a new and untested device.
    Remember how the minidisk was going to totally revolutionise the way we listened to music on the move? What happened? Same with the UMD disk.. only used in the psp, though at the time they promised us it was the end of the dvd as we knew it..

    While dvd's are cheap and still provide exactly what the "average" disk user wants and needs both formats will be in for a hard time. The mp3 players haven't made the cd extinct yet, and the HDD video recorder hasn't killed the dvd recorder.

    I think the next really big thing will be the "no moving parts" formats, derived from the flash memory cards. They get bigger and bigger every day while the cost is spiraling. (Ooo..a prediction)
    Lasers and spinning disks are already looking old and dated. We have been spinning disks to store information for a very ling time. There is a change on the horizon. Wait and see..

    All I see is again sony out on a limb with a different format. Name one sony only format that has been a widespread success across many manufacturers and become, like the cd or dvd universal.. go on.. just one...
  4. xhardc0re

    xhardc0re Guest

    $ony + pr0n FTW!

    In the future trusted media platform will probably run all SW from flash media or HDDs that you can buy at the store. you'll only have to pay for the SW. but those of us who have 100+ backups won't benefit when all the sw is uncrackable...
    just like AACS is uncrackable right $ony? ;) LOL!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2007
  5. Specops70

    Specops70 Regular member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    another one of these threads! blue ray this hddvd that.....lol. get over it damn.....they will both do well enough to stay in the business. so quit all the freaking whining.

    you like blue ray.....good for you!

    you like hddvd.....good for you as well!

    deal with it and carry the hell on!!
  6. Specops70

    Specops70 Regular member

    Jun 4, 2004
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    They are both good....unless u watch movies from a one inch distance.....they both look good................
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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