No, read the thread - he has memory errors. Don't post in help threads if you have no technical expertise.
I have another BSOD, it was when I turn back on my PC from idling, it work for a couple of minutes then BSOD. This is was to stressful, I spent money, a lot of money and this crap makes me want to throw it away.
Have you run memtest again since the new memory? It's uncommon, but the issue could be the memory slots or memory controller, not the memory itself.
This is with a clean install of windows? System service exception I see more with software than anything else...
Yes clean install of windows, because it's a new SSD. By the way, my pc won't start up again, so I pulled out the first slot memory and it worked with just 1 memory on the second slot. Here's another BSOD. when I dragged the bsod.jpg from my iPhone folder to th desktop there's an error that popped up (Windows stop respoding). Uploaded with
Sounding like a board problem not memory then, if the new memory hasn't solved it but using slot 2 does - what happens if you put the memory that was in slot 1, and put it in slot 2, by itself?
I put the 2nd memory from slot to to slot 1 and it works fine. But with both memory on board the pc won't start. New memory 4gb x 2 Kingston Hyper X 1600 New SSD Kingston 128GB Sv100 (latest firmware)
I haven't use slot 3, just 1 and 2. Right now it works fine with 2 sticks on slot 1 and 2. I just removed them and put them back, I guess you're right, maybe it's the memory slot or controller. Last time I have my old ASUS board it's the same problem...
Well the reason I ask is that normally you're not meant to use 1 & 2, you're meant to use either 1 & 3, or 2 & 4 - memory is run in alternating pairs.
I I didn't know that, I always put the rams beside each other so either 1 and 2 slots or 3 or 4. Goodness gracious, I think that's the source of the problem, putting the rams close to each other. So it should 1 and 3 or 2 and 4?
are the slots same color or 2 different colors & if 2 different colors then which slots are same colors?
First set of slots (Black) Second set of slots (Light Blue) I tried using sammorris method, which is to put the rams separately, slot 1 and 3. But I got this BSOD. Then I took out the memory from slot 3 and and leave the memory on slot 1. My PC froze. I took out the memory from slot 1 and transferred it to slot 2 and I had a little bit of lag at first but right now it's running fine.
Here are the minidumps I got.
Been playing games since 22:00 (world of tanks and starcraft 2), haven't crash yet. Now, I'm gonna check if it's going to crash during idling. I'm gonna leave on on till the morning.