with VCOREA on speedfan i'm getting 1.57 volts and with VCOREB i'm getting 1.60 volts...my processor should only be at 1.5 as far as i can find out. could that slight overclock be the source of my heat issues? and why did this happen without me screwing around with it? any ideas? still no ideas on the heat sensor, ddp?
might be the board doing like what i said before about 1 cpu getting 2 different temp reading from 2 different boards. check board site for bios update & changes they did to the updates
the updates area is down. i'm really thinking it has to be some kind of mistake; i touch the metal of the heatsink, and it's slightly warm, almost cool to the touch. it can't be pressed any further down, and the AS5 i an like a sixteenth of an inch thin. in the morning, i'm going to order another 512mb stick of that Gigaram pc3200 and run things like that. at this point, i think my two bottlenecks are my ide hard drives and my ram. i've got a slightly faster drive i'm going to use Casper XP to copy to and boot from tomorrow to see if i can improve my performance. i believe it did several months ago when i first adopted that system. at this point, i'm not really worried. my computer restarted with Doom 3 back when it was a 2600+ with 768mb pc2100 ram, and it's restarting now for the same reason: overheated gfx card. at least, that's what i believe. is it a possibility, ddp? and ddp: thank you so much for sticking with me on this. it means a lot to have such a knowledgable person to call a friend.
to remind you, it's only a 9600XT. and speedfan doesn't tell me how hot it gets, but it gets decently warm to the touch. i know it's hit 71C before with my old setup.
ok ppl i have a seriously hacked and virused comp (not this one) about 712 viruses and 20 hacks i havent touched in a wile got it 2 log on screen once but it normally sayz primary drive fails and 4 some reason it keeps askin 4 a boot disk plz help me im desperate! i come so close on the logon screen so hacked up sayz files r contaminated booting up a temp logon place then freezes up
halofan54, can you make a new thread in this forum instead off trying to hijack this 1 so other people can get involved too. what computer are you posting from & what antivirus programs are both computers using? can you get on in safemode? what windows are you using?
nvm srry this thing 2 bad i asked family comp fixer hes fixed many comps sayz to fix it will be more money than the comp itself err uhh cya and there were no virus programs on the last 1 we learned the hard way its a paper weight now thanks anyway
welp, last night i order that extra stick of matching ram. and this morning, i went ahead and ordered a Thermaltake Venus 12 hsf for the processor. 90 dollars down, but i'm hoping it makes the difference. if it doesn't, looks like i'll need another couple hundred to finally play doom 3 for more than 10 minutes at a time.
yeah, hopefully it will. if i don't get a lower temperature reading after this, i don't know what to do. arg.
the venus 12 is installed with a very thin topping of Arctic Silver 5 and maxed out, and still reading 65C, so it's got to be the mobo. i'm doing a bios update tonight to take care of a ddr 400 issue and it might fix this, as well i'm still having a firefox issues, though. whenever i go to Bookmarks and right click to open something in a new tab, i get a little gray square right to the lower right of the mouse pointer, just where the options box would open up. but it's only about 5 mm wide and tall, and no box ever opens. i'm going to downgrade from firefox 1.06 to 1.04 and see what happens.
the downgrade on firefox didn't work. when i open the bookmarks in the side panel, i can right-click on those. but i still can't right-click on them from the drop-down menu. miniature gray box still appears and then i can't access the specific bookmarks folder until i restart firefox.
can't help you with Firefox as haven't used it enough yet, however have a glance at my sig for the temperatures i get on my 2800 Athlon..
arg...still having the firefox problems...*whines* i want my bookmarks! and as for the bios update: when i download it, it's just a bin file (which i burned to cd). there's no read-me file or anything to tell me the specifics of updating on my board, and there's no help on Chaintech's site. the bin isn't bootable, and i can't even remember how i did a bios update on the old board. so, that's on hold at the moment. but, at the moment, the system [bold]is[/bold]stable. with that thermaltake, i imagine it's pretty damn cool, and it's got a gig and a half of pc2700 ram. so, i'm gonna try a few games later, methinx. first day of school! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! at least i'm a senior now.
ah, memories, i was 17 was when i got kicked out of 6th form early for messing about/pranks etc. then got a job 1t 18 (and whispers, i've been working for [gulp]18/19years now) anyway, back to BIOS updates. i'll have a look see what i can find out for you...
the chaintech website is crap. can't find anything useful on google either, re how to flash the bios on your board. what you're missing is a flash utility to update the actual .bin file you have there, or there's some newfangled embadded utility that must do it... see how you go from here