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Burni ng Movie from Hard disk to DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Jodi26, Jan 22, 2008.

  1. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Hello Cyprusrom!
    I tried to burn on Nero; it was very simple to set up.
    when I clicked on Burn I got a message "there is not enough
    space to burn this compilation on to this disc.Please insert
    another disc that provides more space.
    Data to be written 4,717MB(4,946,362,368 bytes)
    space available on the disc 4,359mb (4,571,201,536 bytes)
    disc required for for the compilation DVD/RW,DVD+RDL
    (my disc is DVD-RW)
    I checked the the movie and it's 684mb (717,962,268 bytes)
    the media is 4.7 GB'
    I strongly believe I did something wrong some place
    when I set up "DVD Flick" Reading some of your post I realize,
    You had a folder labeled "target" I did not find this folder. I found
    a folder labeled "DVD"with two TS folders, with the folowing files
    scattered throught out my document folder;
    ffmpeg_audio (x2)
    ffmpeg_video (x4)
  2. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I am not sure why you have 2 Video_TS folders. Are you sure one is not Audio_TS?
    As for all those files "scattered throught out my document folder", don't mind them. They are like DVD Flick's logs, you don't need them
    probably you did not set the target size right in DVD Flick.You only need what is inside your Video_TS folder. Since it is a bit long, you can use DVD Shrink or Nero Recode to shrink it down.
    Next time you use DVD Flick, set the target size to "Custom" and choose 4300MB instead of DVD5.
  3. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    I am quite sure!
    I checked and re-checked,the information I sent you;
    they are both video.
    I think what happened is: when I had to
    setup the burning speed in ImgBurn, I lost the page I was on.
    I had to go back to the beginning. but every thing was there
    I think it was coded twice;
    However I would like to delete this and start clean from the top;
    But I don't know how I can delete all this mess there;
    I am qurious though, would you answer just one more
    question for me please? when I started DVD Flick it gave me a path
    C:\documents and settings\name\my documents
    I thought this is where the output will be. it did get to my
    documents folder but not a target folder, my question is:
    was I expected to do something with this path?
    I noticed you missed something else;
    the disc needed is DVD+ I am using DVD-
    dear Cyprusrom! you have been kind and very patient
    with me all through this and I thank you!

    best regards

  4. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    okay...so we lost some files? If you can't find the compilation that DVD Filck made, go to START->SEARCH and look look for any VOB files. Type in *.VOB. It will display all the VOB files in your PC, and you will be able to navigate to where the movie is stored.
    Are you talking about the path that shows in here?


    Just click browse and you can choose any location on your hard drive. For example I made a folder named "DVD_FLICK_DVD" and I select that as the destination folder.

    As for the DVD+R/- thinggie...not sure what are you referring to. Why can't you use DVD-R and have to use DVD+R? Unless you have an older burner, or your player does not like the "minus" format...
  5. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Yes this is the path I"m talking about "project destination folder"
    I found 6 VOB files, they are the movie in 3 parts each part twice:
    they are playing( I watched for a little while.)
    I tried to send it to you, could not.
    My Burner is BenQ 1620:
    I dont understand either; I have been using "dash" CDs
    but not DVDs (I'm using an RW not R)
  6. ste0087

    ste0087 Member

    Oct 12, 2007
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    just delete the doubles. then open nero and try burning the folder where the vobs are if the size is to big your going to have to get some blank dvds
  7. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Hello Cyprusrom!
    I have been trying to figure out which files were for "disc 1" and
    which was for "disc 2" it's not easy to do. some were plain # 1 and # 2;
    but some could not be matched.
    I tried to burn anyway.
    and this is the message I got.
    DVD - VIDEO Files compliance test Failed.
    The resulting DVD-VIDEO might be unplayable.
    Do You want to continue?
    I think I'll leave this for tonght.
    Tomorrow I will delete the whole thing,
    and re-do it.
    good night
  8. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Sorry about that Jodi!
    Sure could fix it if i could see the files, but probably would be easier to start over.
    And I looked up your Benq drive- it does not support DVD-R burning indeed.
  9. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Dear Cyprusrom:
    I Know you would, and you certainly tried!
    it seems everything was against us;
    first it was the double coding; then the drive will not
    accept the media;
    I have no + discs at hand, and the weather is downright
    rotten. don't know when I could get out to get new discs.
    I thank You for Your Kindness;
    "Parting is such sweet sorrow"
    best regards!

  10. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Since you have to go out and get the discs, it means you are not buying online, so you can't get Tayio Yuden discs.
    I would suggest you get Verbatim, made in Taiwan, or Sony. These two are good quality.
  11. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    funny you should mention "SONY"
    I'm stuck with A 5pk My burner kicks it
    out without looking at them!!
    I've heard a lot about "Tayio Yuden"
    people who use them swers by them!
    I also heard you can run into pirated stuff
    if you don't know where to get them,
    or the people you're getting them from;
    I use Verbatim most of the time.
  12. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    With verbatim you are good to go.
    yes, there are plenty "fakes" ou there. If buying online, do not buy from ebay and such. Buy from renowned stores, like supermediastore, newegg, rima...They have a very good return policy.

  13. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    I'll Keep this in mind.
    thank you very much,
    for everything
  14. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Hello Cyprusrom!

    just to keep you updated;
    as promised I started from scratch, I encoded
    and burned with the ImgBurn, in place there.
    everything looked OK, when I clicked on the DVD.
    It opened the WMP10, but nothing showed.
    the scroll bar at the bottom was showing (Title 1 Capter 1 playing;)
    then (title 1 chapter 2 playing,) ect.
    i used "Verbatim +"
    the only thing I could think of is; after the Burn, the tray,
    opened.But it closed right back up, and did another burn,
    this was not as long as the first.
    Is this normal?
  15. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    The tray opened because that's how you have set up ImgBurn. After the tray closed, it did not do a second burn, it verified the burned disc.

    The reason why probably your DVD did not play in Windows Media Player is because you don't have the proper codecs installed, for DVD playback. Have you been able to watch any other DVD with WMP?
    You could install a codec pack like K-Lite, or install a different player, like VLC.
  16. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Hello Cyprusrom!
    Thanks for this, I was concerned about the
    tray opening a second time.
    No I have never tried a DVD movie disc on the Computer.
    I have my backups on a DVD disc, and I can read this
    very well.(I now see this is not the same as a Movie)
    Yes I did try it on "VLC" no go there either.
    I will get the K-Lite pack. I was at Microsoft download page,
    there was something about codecs for all version of WMP;
    I will go back and take a better look at this also;
    The link you provided pointed to "WMP11" do you think I should,
    get this new version?
    Best regards
  17. cyprusrom

    cyprusrom Active member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Are you able to watch that DVD on your standalone DVD player, the one conected to your TV?
    it doesn't really help if you get WMP11. When I wrote the full name, it automatically hyperlinked, since that software(WMP11) is in AfterDawn's database, it wasn't me that posted that link.
  18. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    I do not have a standalone DVD player;
    But thinking of geting one.
    I will let you know how things work out.

  19. Jodi26

    Jodi26 Guest

    Hello again!
    just to let you know I downloaded the codecPK K-Lite.
    The Movie played in "VLC" media player, but not in "WMP"
    that's OK.
    my thanks to all who helped.
  20. theemon

    theemon Member

    Feb 2, 2008
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    hi i followed the instructions in this thread and my dvd flick made the dvd skip, well not skip, but like you were trying to watch a video online with a crappy connection. i did it twice, why is that?

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