I don't know if this is the right section but i saw it's for n00bs so i thought i better post here. I was just reading these guides: http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/avi_to_dvd_avi2dvd.cfm http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/convert_avi_to_dvd.cfm and now i'm a little confused, so far i have burned a few avi files to dvd-r but all i did was use nero and added the files i wanted and just burnt straight away. what difference will it make if i convert the avi's to dvd like it says in the guides? i don't really understand because they seemed to work ok so why would i need to convert them?
(I didn't check your links...) Some DVD players will play .avi , some don't. If you have already burnt a DVD pop it in and if it plays yay, if not you need to convert. (some DVD players need a firmware update befor they'll play .avi.(i think... this ain't my area)) (Check the munufacturers website for updates.) I use a prog called "winAVI video converter" to convert my .avi's to DVD. It's not free, so you need to buy it or figure something else out..
I have NEVER converted my AVI files before burning, I let NeroVision do it, heres a simple guide http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_jump.cfm/356114/2104525
windvd creator also coverts and burns in 1 you can also burn it to hard drive...i like it cos its idiot proof.....it has to be lol