Burning DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by sue10436, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Save the keys and serials in a safe place. Delete the apps from Add Remove and then clean up with adware removal and AV ware, run the reg cleaner, reboot, and then install the new versions released on 4/21. Then reboot.

    As for the media, use the Verbatim made in Japan, Sony or Taiyo Yuden or most of the name brands made in Japan. I have no idea what's under the Staples brand. A lot of people are avoiding Memorex. Get DVD Identifier, free, and let us know what you've been using.
  2. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    What does a DVD Identifier do? Im going to try what you said,And Ill get back to you.Thank You
  3. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    A DVD Indentifer will give you the manufacturer and media id of the discs. It can also give you the supported speeds.
    Since you have Nero pop a disc in the drive then go to Nero ToolKit>Info Tool. Click on the disc tab - the info will be listed there.
    Let us know how it goes!
  4. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    Ok i tried eveything u guys suggested,but it still doesnt work,(error BAD MEDIA).I think its the media im using.If u guys can think of anything else let me know.OH heres the medis im using

    Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD-R:MCC 03RG20 ]
    Disc & Book Type : [DVD-R] - [DVD-R]
    Manufacturer Name : [Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.]
    Manufacturer ID : [MCC 03RG20 ]
    Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4.71 GB (4.38 GiB)]
    [ DVD Identifier V4.3.0 - http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com ]

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2006
  5. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    The MCC Verbatims are good stuff. One of the brands many recommend. They're way better than the other 2 you listed.
    What speed are you burning at? If max take it down to 8x or lower.
  6. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    still no success!!!Im getting really upset.Im really thinking about throwing this software out the window(figure of speech).MAN why wont it work.I spent all day tring to get this to work.I did use Nero7 ultra with anydvd and i made a copy of Narnia.It worked fine.I Really dont get it.Does slysoft give refunds???
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest

    On 4/21 Slysoft updated their software. If you haven't updated, give it a try. Some people have been claiming some recent windows updates are messing with their system. Mine didn't but different systems react differently. Speculation is this weeks updates may cure those problems, if they actually exist. A lot of rumor and spceculation. AnyDVD and CloneDVD 2 are 2 of the better matched programs available. Irregardless, AnyDVD is a keeper. It's the best available and is a background decrypter as well as a ripper with compliance processing. I wish I could see what was happening with your system. Normally CloneDVD is trouble free and is easy to use.
  8. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Sue10436 did you get Nero to install? If not youmight have to shut off your anti virus when you download. Panda wouldn't let mine load. Chris
  9. Janpen

    Janpen Member

    Mar 9, 2006
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    who use imtoo dvd creator?
  10. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Just to add to brobear's post - CloneDVD has been updated to Version as of 4/23. He's also right Clone is usually trouble free - it's usually Nero that has the burn error but Clone works. I use that combo alot and have never had an issue using Taiyo Yuden & Verbatim.
    Try the update and let us know how it's turns out.

    I don't use it- just know that's it a converter and burner.
  11. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    YA,getting really fustrated,IM just gonna rip it to the hardrive using AnyDVD and shrink,then use DVDcloner3 to burn it to disc.Just untill i can find a sollution for CloneDVD2.Im gonna go out and buy Sony DVD+RW and Double Layer disc,maybe that might help.I dont know.
  12. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    I feel your frustration. Especially since CloneDVD is so error free for me. You can try emailing slysoft tech support with as much info as possible to see if they can help solve.
    Hopefully brobear can give you more assistance - he knows his stuff!
  13. DVDultra

    DVDultra Guest

    YES I HAVE SUCCESS !!!!!!!!
    IT was after all the Media disc i was using.The Verbatim clashed with my DVD burner LITE-ON DVDRW SOHW 1693S.I went out after work and purchased Sony DVD+R 4.7GB 8X.and it workes perfect.YEPE!!!!

    Thanks binkie7 & brobear for all your help,this is the best Troubleshooting site ever!!!!

    P.S USED AnyDVD with CloneDVD2 on Fun with Dick And Jane (sony protected)today,no problem what so ever,im so happy.
  14. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Good news indeed!! Glad your got it worked out and txs for posting what ended up working for ya!!
    Happy Burning!
  15. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Glad to see you got things going. I find it a bit ironic that Sony is developing and using the most difficult copyright protections while they also sell the hardware and media to accomplish the task. It's a shame not all drives handle all media equally well, but that's part of the imperfect world we live in. Currently the Sony/TY and Sony/Sony 8X +R are my favorites, but I usually suggest a number of the top brands because of the difference in drives. Just recently a bunch of drives were updated on firmware for the Verbatim/MKM and other media. So, even with an individual drive, things sometimes change.

    As I said, I'm glad to see you found the combination that works for you and good luck in the future. As another suggestion, get DVD Identifier or the like (if you don't already have ID software) and use it to know where your media is coming from. Some brands have good and poor media from different sources.

    BTW, you're welcome.
  16. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Hi Guys. Just along the same thread. I was using Nero 6 and upgraded to Nero 7 only to find that I was having heaps of trouble burning. Someone on the forums suggested that Nero 7 had some problems and to uninstall and go back to Nero 6. I see you suggesting here to use Nero 7 for burning etc and wondered if the problems have now been fixed and if its worth me downloading Nero 7 again. Thanks in advance.
  17. brobear

    brobear Guest

    I've had Nero 7 since it released and the only problem I encountered was with the update before the last one. Bugs were reported, but I didn't find them and then the updates were supposed to have cured that. The last version of Nero 6 has been more trouble than 7. If you go with Nero 6, use the nero clean tools and use the files to install.

    For most users it doesn't matter, 6 or 7. Nero 7 is a larger program with more to offer and some of the software has been upgraded. I wouldn't worry about it as far as working.
  18. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    When you are in DVDShrink go to edit, then click on preferences and click on ISO at the bottom select auto burn with Nero. Good Luck! Nero works well with DVDShrink.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2006

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