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Burning Itunes downloads

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by tonyk2311, Apr 19, 2007.

  1. tonyk2311

    tonyk2311 Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Evening Peoples
    just brought some music off itunes (luckily not a lot) and went to burn to and mp3 disc and it wont let me. didnt even know this wasnt allowed. i mean whats the poitn in that!?!? anyway does anyone know of a way get round this as ive paid for the music i should be able to do what i want with it. incase anyones wandering why i want to put it on a mp3 disc, its cus i got cd player in my car that plays them.

  2. Platy767

    Platy767 Regular member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    Are you trying to burn to an MP3 disc from iTunes?

    In the Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Burning option you can select MP3 disc as your target burn.

    But, if you have already tried that, I suggest you burn the tracks to an Audio CD from within iTunes and then rip them to whatever format you need with your favourite encoder (can use iTunes). Then go ahead and make a MP3 CD with your favourite burning application (can use iTunes).
  3. tonyk2311

    tonyk2311 Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    the problem is that songs purchased from the itunes store are not useable on an mp3 cd. when you try t burn them it gives an error saying that as they have been purchased they cannot be burned. if you try and use another peice of software to create a disk they are just unreadable by most devices (tried ad xbox360.ps2 and pretty expensive dvd player) and my car stereo
  4. Platy767

    Platy767 Regular member

    Jul 26, 2006
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    So, I suggest you burn the purchased tracks to an audio CD from within iTunes.To do that, make a playlist of your selected purchased tracks, put in a blank disc and hit the Burn CD icon. You may have to setup the burn parameters in Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Burning option

    After yo have an audio CD, you can then rip them to MP3 with whatever encoder you like, import them into iTunes if you like, and burn an MP3 cd.

    iTunes rights management is (i think) very reasonable. You can burn your tracks to a normal audio CD and then do what you wish.
  5. barlaa

    barlaa Guest

    The music you purchased may be protected by DRM, so you cannot play it on other player except iPod.

    You may convert these music to plain one firstly.

    If you just need play these music on other player, you may try a program named SPAM. I found it on another forum. It can convert iTunes music to mp3 playable on normal mp3 players.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 15, 2008
  6. tonyk2311

    tonyk2311 Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    Thnaks to both of you for your help, the sad thing about all this is that apple dont even warn you that purchased music isnt readable on most media.

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