BQuicks, lol, yeah, I wasn't sure what you were driving at. Director's cut has the infinifilm and theatrical doesn't. Endings are TOTALLY different, but when I bought mine it was on a flipper. I just assumed they were all like that. Flip, I see you're still promoting theatrical version, I guess it is the more feel good of the two. heh heh
Thanks guys. Looks like Netflix doesn't have the theatrical release. Curious, the director's cut has two equal length tracks, but one has about half the # of chapters. Any explaination?
hey salvara85 I've been having the same problem with mine but without the scratch so I don't think its that I've been trying to find out myself what to do I have used just about every program to rip you can think of, when I use shrink it begins to analyze it goes through about 53% of the movie and towards the end gives up, with dvd decrypter it gives up on file VTS_01_5.VOB and skips which is the ending of the movie any suggestions? thanks in advance