Hi All, I am a sportshooter and regularly shoot .22LR series at 50 meter using iron sights, so the hits on the paper target are not visible with the naked eye. Many shooters use spottingscopes with objectives 60 mm or more and magnification 50 or more(50x 60mm is a minimum to be able to see the small .22 (5,5 mm) holes in especially the black part of the target), but depending on the situation you often have to move out of your shooting position to be able to look in the spotting scope eyepiece. Now I'm wondering, if I would use a relatively cheap camcorder with a 2,7-3" lcd panel and a combined zoom of at least 60x (of which at least 30x optical)would I get a picture on the display clear enough to recognize the hits? I'm thinking of for instance Sony DCR-SX30 or something in that range. Thanks for looking, Erwin