no wonder you recommended the 8800GS. there had to be a catch if it was listed with the HD2600XT. looks like the UK gets the better price on entry/mainstream cards. to the TC, you should be able to play on med/high settings with decent framerates.
You won't be able to play all current games on high on that budget, especially not with anything larger than a 17" monitor. You will however be able to play them all to a good detail level, with the exception of Crysis, DiRT and Rainbow Six Vegas.
Sorry but when I see dollars written unspecifically I assume the poster is american, we don't see anywhere near enough canadians here to assume that dollars means they're from Canada, not the US. In this case use the site for the same parts. It may come out up to $50 more. cee: the 8800GS is £77 ($150) and the 9600GT is £105 ($205). Even the HD4850 is only £120 ($230) here, so I'd hardly say we get good value on lower end cards...
ah, now i get it sam. alright, i tried to do a ncix list for the TC. came out to $498.23 CAD, not including rebates. but that's without the case, as they don't have the NZXT alpha. also, the HIS HD2600XT is limited in stock and the sale is until tomorrow, and the sapphire is special ordered. everything else is right down to what sam listed. CPU: MB: PSU: RAM: GPU:
You could use this for the case instead then...
can you help me with a another thing this is how iam going to get my money fro the new gaming cpu i have to sell me cerrent laptop this are the specs acer 5100 series amd turion 64 2.0ghz 512gb ram windows MCE media center bluetooth technology 60gb HDD ati radeon express 1100 infrared extra battery worth 50 $ extra 1gb ram worth 75 $ and barely scratched all that for 450$ then my parents will give 50$ each so ill have 550$ in total to buy my new gaming cpu so do you know anyone that would want this in cash or paypal 450$ final price
The Phenom X3 is an ingenius bit of technology, but realistically, it doesn't offer much of a performance benefit. The very top phenom quad core for example, is about the same speed as the very bottom Intel quad core, and is more expensive. Combine this with the fact that only the Intel quads can be overclocked any significant amount, the Phenoms just aren't worth buying. As for finding a buyer for the laptop, I certainly wouldn't know anyone personally, I'm not american...
thanks for the advice but iam going to sell it on ebay all for 450$ in total ill have 550$.. ill buy the e7200 insteaad and a sapphire card...
thanks for all your help ... so this is my computer all together intel dual core e7200 sapphire radeon 512mb asus gigabyte motherboard coolmaster case 320gb hdd 2gb ram corsair VX 450w logitech keyboard+ mouse wireless and a xbox 360 game controller usbfor pc all for 532.67$ CAD
which is better asus or gigabyte can you again write al lthe things iam supposed to buy you dont have to give me links .... thanks
It's not as simple as A is better than B. However, I would recommend the Gigabyte EP35-DS3R as a good, reasonably priced motherboard.
Depends what sort of games you play. The PC is ultimately the better platform for games, both graphically and in terms of the number of games you can play on it. If there are several titles that you'd like to play that aren't on the PC though, consider a console. Call of Duty 4 looks 10 times better on a PC than on a console though, I've seen it on both, no contest.
there's gonna be the exclusives to each platform. my reason for getting the ps3 is for GT5 and MGS4. possibly the new hitman 5, but it's gonna be more detailed on the pc. basically, any shooter is better on the pc.
Almost any game is better on the PC. I used to dislike PC racing games because I was using a keyboard, but now I use a windows xbox 360 pad for them, they're fine. If you have a good enough PC then games will always be better on it, especially strategy ones, ugh, C&C with a gamepad, no thanks. However, the downside is that you have to spend a lot more to get a PC that will play every PC title well. A PS3 may be limited in its potential, but doesn't suffer the cost of upgrades and a higher initial build cost. I too would like a PS3 pretty much solely for GT5, but given how long it'll be before that game arrives, I've no reason to own one yet.
same here, but with MGS4 out, that makes me want to get a ps3, so i can complete the solid snake storyline. with racing games, i feel more comfortable on the console. for some reason, pc racing feels weird to me; might be due to me starting out with the original GT on the original playstaion. and after seeing moderator Oner's logitech G25/obutto setup for his ps3 and youtube vids of custom chassis', racing games will never be the same. only real life driving can top it.