I’m learning about DVD-RB. (Trying out with Free version first.) Somewhere here at aD, I read that I should set target output file size to 4300-4400 in DVDShrink to avoid writing at the edge of the disk. Can I do same with DVD-RB free version? How about with Pro? Thanks in advance.
Not sure about the free version but the Pro version is already set to about 4.32GB. You can put a line in the INI file such as TargetSectors=2264000 or you can use the three step mode and after the prepare phase, use the Video Segment Viewer/Editor and adjust the sliders on each segment to get the size you want. Note that these are just esitmates.
I just watched the movie I burned (CoN Prince Caspian). I left here for that reason. So forgive me for being rate to say “Thanks for the info.”. Indeed, It came out 4.32GB, little smaller than 4.35GB. Other movie I compressed with Shrink, which set as 4350MB, came out 4.24GB. So if I can, I’ll try to make it little smaller with RB. (I’ll try to add the line you mentioned in ini file for next time.) Though, it took 3.5 hrs (214min) for RB to process (I ripped with DVDFab movie only), it may be too hard for my old PC. I guess I need little more reading here to study. Till then, most likely I’ll stick with Shrink… Again, thanks.
Thanks again. I respect your opinion and I’ll keep it in mind. I put the line “TargetSectors=2264000” under [options] in “Rebuilder.ini” and processed the same movie. Total size came out as 4.37 GB. Without the line yesterday, it came out 4.32 GB. So it seems that setting the parameter value works for the free version too. Is one sector length fixed? (I meant that “Is “TargetSectors” * Sector length going to be the target file size?”) I understood that the actual output does not come out as targeted size. Though, have anyone ever experienced that the output wouldn’t fit in DVD-5? Yet I did not try the three step mode that you mentioned.
I knew I should do searching before posting. I’m sorry that I didn’t. I understand “TargetSectors” better now, by reading; http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/515779#3117308