And a hell of a lot of waiting -Mike EDIT : Yeah I was right, -
PS3 Info - Sony have yet to disclose a release date. Can't wait to see the online play myself -Mike
Yip, the PS3 looks so hot. I have heard rumours that it is out about May this year... but i myself think thats a little too soon. EDIT: Yahh! Jin is in Tekken 6 Jin666
LOL, good cover there jin666, almost got urself into bit of trouble...btw, NO, i'm not satan worshipper either, but i've been known to have a VERY bad temper, as if i were demon possessed, in my earlier years~ docTY~
Haha , I myself would say i do have quite a bad temper... i can get quite stropy if things dont go my way. Persnoally, I put it down to [bold] Teenage Hormones!![/bold] Jin666
Doc, what happened to one safety valve post per month? If you ever feel like the bad temper is creeping through, send me a PM ;-)