Can't Burn faster than 4X on nero

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by zforum69, Feb 24, 2005.

  1. zforum69

    zforum69 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    Can't do that as it is a laptop so I'd have to replace the whole unit.
    I know the PIII 700Mhz processor is relatively old but what I needed to do did not require processor speed, and my cursory examination on the CPU utilization seemed to confirm that.

    Anyway, as per my post i have isolated the probem to the USB enclosure, and have since been able to do several burns at 8X with the PIII 700Mhz processor.
  2. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    thanks for that info z but i found rpc and ive updated my motherboeard, dvd writer, and the pl3507's fireware luck but i did find that another person was experiencing my exact same problem (out of the 200+ posts ive read in the last day or 2 i cant find the damn thing again!!). but when i burn the buffer on the drive fluctuates from ~20-~80% and where is where the problem is i think.

    how does that work out? ...and y does neros speed test my drive at 7.99x so i have to burn at 4x then it still burns at .6-.7x (according to dvd decrypter)? grrr

    ne way i tried to use iolo's system mechanic v5 it earsed some system files so rather than restoring it myself (since the windows cd wouldnt repair it) i sent it bakc in for the 7th time in the year n a half ive owned this computer ...any1 covered by city assurance plan actually get a replacement pc?! --cause hp sure as hell wouldnt replace it after 3 sending it in 3x's for over heating ...they replaced different parts so they said it wasnt the same problem HA HA HA ...not funny!!!

    btw the point of ^ was to let u know i wont be able to try ne thing else for about a week or so

    ok ima stop b1tchin now
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2005
  3. zforum69

    zforum69 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    I definitely had that problem, but after a lot of experimenting I realised that the buffer configuration was not the issue, just a symptom
    1X DVD is is definitely 1.32 megabytes per sec which equates to 10.56 megabits per second (just multiply by 8), there are various references out there on the web. I'm not sure how you got the speed test done, but if it was when you checked the "determine maximum speed" box in the burn dialogue box then i'm pretty sure all that does is to work out how fast four PC can deliver the data (ie disk), it acutally doesn't send anything to the DVD drive. Just to confirm that your usb 1.1 interface cannot deliver faster that 1X DVD try copying some files from a DVD disc to your PC. Transferring a whole single layer 4.5GB disc will take around an hour at 1X.
  4. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    ha the whole but byte thing gotcha ...ud think a comp sci major would b able to figure that 1 out.

    so r u sayin im just outta luck or what did you get you buffer to stablize?

    thnx again z
  5. zforum69

    zforum69 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    no, just do what I did and get a USB 2.0 PCMCIA card, or in my case it was a USB 2.0 and Firewire combo PCMCIA card (my Toshiba Tecra 8100 only has USB 1.1 built in as well).
    When I changed the USB enclosure with a different chipset it stablised and successfully burned at 8X (see the details in my post on 4. March 2005 @ 16:01). In your case it may well be the USB 1.1 performance. Your performance of .6-.7X, is probably getting to the limit of your usb 1.1 interface.
  6. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    ill wait till i get my comp back till i buy nething else but i can c that im out 50

  7. zforum69

    zforum69 Member

    Feb 21, 2005
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    I got mine on ebay here in Australia for around AUD$40 (~USD$30) delivered. I would be very suprised if you could not do much better in the US (I'm assuming you live in the US). If you don't want the firewire interface (just the USB 2.0) it should be even cheaper. Good luck
  8. Pna352

    Pna352 Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Ive had the same problem before with my laptop and Pci card, but figured out that the card was a piece of junk. By any chance is the card your useing from ADS ? If so then you had the same problem that took me a year to figure out. GET RID OF ADS PCI CARD IF THATS THE BRAND YOUR USING .
  9. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    z funny thing is that there were plenty cheaper ones but i got this one cause i didnt want a cheap one ...i thought i was gettin a great case to go with a great burner much for gettin what you oay for ha!
  10. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    EDIT: my ide controller went to pio so today ...6 months after i bought this thing i have finally made my first error-free, full speed dvd burn ...feels good!
    -now to try out those ps2 games again :->

    well i got my comp back ...first thing i did was to try to make a dvd
    ...on to the next problem:
    now the buffers fill up and the write begins ...full speed 4 or 8x then somewhere between 10 and 20 % the computers buffer just drops to 0 then the drives buffer clears out then the computers buffer fills up and no more writting is done ...the program just sitd there (nero or dvd decrypt) and the only way to get the program to respond again i have to shut off the dvd drive.

    so now ive got all the latest firmware and the firewire part of it seems to work but now i got a different problem ...just to add in i used to have this problem making cds on the dvd drive that came inside my comp when i used roxio ez cd 6 i changed to nero and no more prob

    ...any help this time!?!

    Last edited: May 8, 2005
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @nomad311 - you could be running out of RAM maybe. Post relevant section of your Nero log (it's in c:\program files\ahead\nero\nerohistory.log or similar, but don't post serial number which starts with '1A21' or similar. All burns, good or bad are appended to the log.

    ps dunno what all that talk earlier in the thread was all about - re a P3 700 being insufficient, as there are quite a few members around here who use machines with less grunt than that. I myself did too previously.. for higher burn speeds maybe , but certainly no problem using a lesser machine at 4x burning..
    Last edited: May 11, 2005
  12. nomad311

    nomad311 Member

    Jan 30, 2005
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    oh srry i guess i didnt make it clear but it finally worked out for me ...ive burned 2 data dvds n a few cds data and mp3 all workin fine and at 8x bout that!!!

    thnx again

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