I recently played a show and the gentleman recording the show recorded one long audio file and put it on a CD-RW. I am able to play this CD in my car stereo, though it takes a while to load. I wanted to slice this track down to mp3 on my computer however when i put it in my drive on my computer, it dosent show anything on the disc, or play it in media player. How do I go about ripping this down? Thanks in advance for any help!
One solution is to use the Nero Burning Rom program any version from 6 or newer will work fine. It has a menu option to allow you to "rip" the audio from the CD(r/rw doesn't matter). As the track is being ripped from the CD it can be saved as an uncompressed Wav file or converted and saved as an MP3. If the CDRW is one long track including multiple songs, then you can split the track into more smaller tracks, so you can have a play list and skip and mix the different songs. After the track is captured, use the Wave Editor to make/insert the track splits. If you don't have Nero you can download Audacity for free. Here is a link for its tutorial. http://wiki.audacityteam.org/index.php?title=Splitting_recordings_into_separate_tracks