not to mention we also watch the UK UL Basketball game go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue go big blue
Lol, Does anyone have a Zen? I was googling around, and I saw a 2gb mp3/mp4, and looked of intrest, just wondering if there worth the money. Ipods are overrated, and too expensive.. MARRY X-mas, in like 72 days lol.
Also, why would you want to download it again, if you already have it on VHS? I'm sure you can do a google search and BUY it, for a cheap price, and may seem like your getting it for free. The best way is to pay...
i wanted to have a divx copy for my media system. I don't see the problem downloading them from p2p/torrents if you own the original and want a backup, but and again everything is illegal under the DMCA unless you buy everything
*shrugs* getting a version from a different media is just like getting a different cut; it's illegal to download the director's cut of a film if you have the original, etc. if you're in canada or another filesharing-allowed nation, you're good. i say get it anyway >.>
Lol, i'm pretty sure just about everyone who has a p2p program, has vialiated some piracy law, I know I have..
that's cool. hey, buddy, you need to get that slideshow outta your sig. it doesn't correspond with the rules whatsoever and thus will royally piss off a mod.
tucker001 do not let the dog in ye bed-room to sleep.. just think the dog licks him self and he licks ye sheets/ pillows and ye put ye face on ye pillows.. thats like picking up the dogs crap and smearing it on ye face..