not sure why.. but all my clone backups come out somewhat grainy. i am not professional, but it is easily seen. shrink does not give me the same bad grainy effect. anyone know why that may be? thanks.
Well if thats the case u made need to encode with shrink and only give the burining step to CloneDVD 2. Also what speed are you burning at and what media are you using...
I agree CloneDVD2 can produce a grainy picture as well as unacceptably low compression, why? I don't know. I own this program despite this fact because in some difficult back up circumstances CloneDVD2 will work in combination with AnyDVD to back up a given movie when other programs don't. I don't believe burn speed plays a part, at least not for me. I regularly back up my movies at 8x without flaw using SHRINK or NERO 6 Recode2. 16x is another story though not a problem on my home SONY players, movies burned at 16x and played on older players (2 to 3 years old) has resulted in skipping using what I deem as the best 16x media on the market VERBATIM. I also have noticed that older DVD players have trouble playing the original copy skipping and bouncing back to the previous chapters particularly with newer titles. I feel this may be the effect of a couple of things, The presence of improved encryption on the disc as well the possibility that newer films are being manufactured to disc at higher speeds possibly causing playability issues with older DVD players.
Try using "Verbatim" "Made in Japan Maxell" "Made in Japan Fuji" or "Sony" discs and burning at a slower speed. I did get a batch of "Is it live or is it Memorex" that turned out to be "Ritek" media before, but for the most part they are CMC. Try burning at 8X or even 4X speed and I bet that will alleviate a lot of your problems, it did for me anyways. Allen
Well theres your major problem change your media use another brand of disc because memorex are the worst discs out there for any copy of any sort Try Tayio Yuden's or Riteks. Speed when you changr your media i recommend you burn at 4x speed. It's safer. I hope that clears things up.
thanks alot guys. only problem i have is that in the past i used sony discs and they wouldnt work. i dont want to pay for discs to only have them not work. is there any way to tell what discs will work? thanks.
what type plus or minus dvd's and two you can go to your burners website and see if the media works hope this helps ciao
If i had to take a guess its because your using the transcoding functionality of CloneDVD2 is compressing the stream a bit too much and thus starting to affect picture quality. I think the transcoder in CloneDVD2 is good for >75%, if its going to have to go lower than that it would be better to use DVD Decrypter with CCE (x number of passes)
I think you have said it all in this statement, these are horrible discs even when they are burnt at a slow max speed horrific. As advised get some Verbatim or Sony that are made in japan and you'll see the difference. Heres a link about memorex
@gwendolin Thanxs for telling him again. I stated that above earlier but i guess he did not take it on board thanxs for posting that link
@2NDVD Manufactured discs are pressed and not burned as you and I would. Encryptions could be the cause of the problems mentioned or possibly just a bad press.
thanks Gwendolin... just worried about new discs not working, cause in the past sonys never worked on my computer for some reason. sorry Borhan, i read what you said.. didn't reply. i appreciate the help, now i just gotta find a disc that works with my computer.
no problem... Sorry if i seemed to be a bit agitated by the whole thing. But I really dispise Cmag media cause i think they are just coffee and tea or for a lot of others they could be beer coasters. Like i mentioned before try the following. 1.Tayio Yuden Media 2.Ritek 3.Verbatim media (for dual layer burning) Happy burning...
Thanks for the help. Definitely gonna give those a shot. I guess this is what I get for listening to the guy who works at Office Depot. "Memorex are the way to go. They're the best."