@ bunnyrip These were purchased at Best Buy in Baton Rouge, La about 8mo ago. TDK 8X DVD+R. There was no sale price in their Sunday circular. Just happened to walk passed them. Bought stack of 100 for $17. I should have bought them all. But at the time I didn't know they coded out out as TYs. I only started using them 3mos ago. That's when I checked the coding. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD+R:YUDEN000-T02-000] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disc & Book Type : [DVD+R] - [DVD+R] Manufacturer Name : [Taiyo Yuden Co. Ltd.] Manufacturer ID : [YUDEN000] Media Type ID : [T02] Product Revision : [Not Specified] Blank Disc Capacity : [2,295,104 Sectors = 4.70 GB (4.38 GiB)] Recording Speeds : [1x-2.4x , 4x , 6x-8x] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ DVD Identifier V4.2.0 - http://DVD.Identifier.CDfreaks.com ] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thanks garmoon! My Local Best Buy does have TDK DVD+R 8x media. I will have to see what they have. I am a "regular there, and If I open them & they don't code as TY, as long as I have my receipt, they'll let me exchange or refund. Thanks Buddy! Those You got, they were in a 100 pack spindle? Curious. It makes a difference sometimes.
I got an awesome deal on verbatim dvd-r's at sam's club, 100 disks for 40$. Tob quality, if anyone gets a chance, I'd definitly partake. -chan45
@bunnyrip yes they were a 100pack spindle. Sorry i didn't respond I must have missed the thread update till now. @chan45 You can do better than $40 for Verbs than Sams. Watch the Sunday circulars for the sales at Best Buy, C City, Off Dep,Staples etc. Most offer 100 spindle $20-30 range.
Suddenly having problems with AnyDVD with CloneDVD. When trying to playback on any of my DVD players I get "Playback feature may not be available on this disk" error and the disk will not play. Some players won't even recognize the disk. I tried both Sony +R and TDK +R to no avail. Any suggestions.
ALSO . . Some movies apper to copy fine but will freeze up near the end or even the middle on playback. Again using AnyDVD and CloneDVD. Thanks.
the only time I had that problem was when I tried to push the speed up on my burns, try starting at the slowest and moving up
chan45 Hopefully in the past 2 months the problem has already been resolved. It appears the user here may have had a user interface problem as most others suffer few if any problems with Slysoft ware.