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CloneDVD 3 vs. CloneDVD 2

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by iatik, Jun 16, 2005.

  1. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I personally can't see what you're making such a fuss over. I'll have you know i just paid cold hard cash for my latest Fisher Price DVD ripping software and the GUI is excellent, and it usually gets updated every couple of weeks


    Well i fibbed slightly, i used paypal, as cold hard cash was what was used to buy Fisher Price stuff when i was a nipper back in the 60's due to no paypal back then.
  2. rednroll

    rednroll Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    ....and how is that any different from me choosing to use DVDFab instead of CloneDVD? I stated I don't like the user interface of CloneDVD. Ever hear of different folks, different strokes? So what's your problem? Why, are you taking this so personal and getting so upset? It's an opinion and my opinion is that I don't like the GUI of CloneDVD. The tools that I use most frequently are not on the front of the GUI where I need them to be, but instead there is some stupid looking sheep taking up valuable screen space. So how is a sheep eating popcorn more useful to you than tools that you can use to back up a movie? I'm failing to see your argument.

    Where did I ever say that I didn't realize that an ISO must be burned or mounted? I never even mentioned the ISO file format. I know what an ISO image file is....but I was specifically talking about CloneDVD's image file format, which is what it defaults to. Sorry, I can't recall the file extension off the top of my head since, I no longer have CloneDVD installed. Look, obviously you like putting words in my mouth that I didn't say and then you further resort to name calling. Obviously, trying to have a conversation with you, is like clapping with one hand and your maturity level rivals that of a 12 year old. This most likely explains why you enjoy the animated sheep on the front of the GUI instead of more useful tools. That's fine, enjoy. Like I said, different folks...different strokes. Someday when you grow up, maybe you should wander over to the website link below and try out a more useful program that caters to a more mature audience.

    Here's a picture of what you've been missing, all nicely laid out on a single screen with everything that you want to do, all within 1 mouse click away.


    Oh, and I don't need to start 2 separate programs to do what I need to do either, plus I can rip a movie to portable devices also if I choose....all within the SAME GUI window.

    and yet once again, you miss the entire point. I want useful tools on the front of the GUI which allows me to select the DVD content that I wish to keep or select to eliminate. I don't need a sheep eating popcorn or to watch some bitrate display where neither have no use in backing up a DVD.
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2008
  3. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    rednroll - why do you insist on arguing, i haven't read all of your latest rant yet but it seems to me you're protesting too much, and for what i don't see...

    edit- i personally can't comment on the wildlife as i don't use CloneDVD, i just make sure to subscribe to any CloneDVD threads if anybody's pushing the DVD Cloner scam versions on us (not you, previous posts in the thread)

    edit- i've now read your rant; there's no need to get all steamed up, Neph's replies weren't personal, however i think you've taken them personally anyway...

    edited due to mouse problems
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2008
  4. rednroll

    rednroll Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I Guess the mods in here only have selective reading then huh? It seems you've totally missed who the one who's taking this personal. Moding a mod must be a difficult task for some.

  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Nothing selective here; plus he's big enough and old enough to deal with arguers on his own :)

    I'd already stated why i was here, not very wise to second guess me, when you're wrong...

    Anyways, have you heard of dry humour ? (most of us mods are dry).
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2008
  6. rednroll

    rednroll Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Yeah, that's pretty obvious. I'll be waiting for him to start breaking out the "My dad is bigger than your dad" statements next or to be called a "stupid dork face retard jerk".
  7. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Look, the joke's over, now how about the thread gets back on track and you knock it off...
  8. SatLady

    SatLady Member

    Apr 6, 2008
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    For what it's worth Rednroll, I agree with you about the interface for CloneDVD2. And... before anyone starts flaming me (give me a minute to put on my fire-retardant suit), I want to point out that I am a technical writer/usability expert.

    I'm not saying the program doesn't do what it's marketed to do - I'm speaking specifically about the interface.

    I don't like having to use two programs either, and while I had heard of DVDfab, I have never used it. I definitely will check it out, and thank you RnR, for mentioning it!
  9. xNECx

    xNECx Guest

    I just happened to download the trial version of AnyDVD and CloneDVD2 from Slysoft and was very pleased with the outcome. I dont like the whole idea of having to purchase the two seperate from overseas. However, I found the interface of this software to be very easy to understand. For my first title (Alvin and the Chipmunks), it took a total of 20 minutes to read and burn on maximum speed setting. The quality was 100% like the original. I did not hear about DVDfab until I read this post. Its funny because after the talk about the sheep and fox, I decided to look up DVDfab via rednroll's link and I just thought it was ironic that there was a monkey for the mascott. HAHAHAHAA!!! Ok...i'm done. And no, i'm not implying that anybody is a monkey.

    Rednroll, is that the correct place to get the DVDFab that you are talking about? Are you using the gold or platinum? Have you used it to convert anything to MPEG-4 for iPOD use? I am very interested in trying out the all-in-one software. If the outcome is the same with less steps and less programs, I can see your point in some of your replies and would love to try this out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2008
  10. rednroll

    rednroll Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    I have not tried out DVDFab for the iPod and other portable device transfers. At this time it's just nice to know that they are there if I ever decide to use them and I don't need to purchase another software title to have that ability as well as having to learn yet another interface. I do own an iPod and also a PS3, so it's comforting to know that I'm using a software tool that is already capable of doing things before I'm even interested in doing those items. Things like Blue-Ray Disc backup and transferring video on the PS3 HD and iPod.

    I own the Platinum version of DVDFab, the price difference between that and the Gold version is not that much of a difference, so I figured why not get everything?

    That was another thing that was disappointing with Clone DVD2. It seemed that if I wanted to do portable device backups, then I would additionally need to purchase a 3rd title from Slysoft "Clone DVD Mobile". In fact it seems to get the full capability of DVDFab from the Slysoft suite of software, I would need to purchase "AnyDVD",the "AnyDVD HD Option" "CloneDVD2", and "CloneDVD Mobile". Sorry, but I have to put on my flame suit here and make this statement...but it just kind of seems like a nickle and dime business approach, that I just wish to avoid.

    I don't have anything personal against Slysoft and CloneDVD2. DVDFab's GUI was just more to my liking and just seems to offer a lot more for less money. I'm sure CloneDVD2 does things just as well as advertised.

    In regards to the monkey logo in DVDFab :)....well, it isn't taking up valuable screen space on the front of the GUI like in CloneDVD2, and it's a more recent addition to the software, since I've been using it. It's logo used to be a blue "F" for "Fab" I suppose.

    Yes, that's the website to get ahold of DVDFab and try it out for yourself. www.DVDFab.com
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  11. xNECx

    xNECx Guest

    Ok, I went ahead and downloaded the trial of DVDFab to compare the two. Personally, I found no difference in difficulty with either interface. I used the same dvd (Alvin and the Chipmunks). Time wise, I would say it was about the same. Quality, the same. This next portion of posting is for rednroll's benefit since he hasnt tried out this feature. I then proceeded to try the iPOD conversion feature to MPEG-4 format. For that, I used Knocked Up. I didnt realize that it was a movie over 2 hours long. Anyways, that took a little more time to do...just shy of an hour. After that was done, I easily loaded it up on the itouch. Beautiful!

    To sum it up, after testing both CloneDVD 2 and DVDFab.. They both deliver the same outcome. Pro's and con's wise, I do believe that there are more pro's to DVDfab than the Slysoft software. ONLY because you have to purchase two seperate programs from Slysoft to achieve the same result as the cheaper DVDFab. That would be my only arguement about the two. They both have and equally simple interface.
  12. F4HAD

    F4HAD Guest

    i am happy this was stickied, i would have fallen for this, and its good to see that afterdawn and its users will help more and more ppl :)
  13. Sars103

    Sars103 Guest

  14. digeus

    digeus Guest

    Nice topic. Thank you!

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2008
  15. Jason44

    Jason44 Guest

    [​IMG]I had no idea about this either thanks I will try and spread the word as well!
  16. guoqk

    guoqk Guest

    spam removed
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2009
  17. BluRayLvr

    BluRayLvr Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    if this is not related to the topic at hand please delete. i was looking for a related thread or a appopriate place to post this. hope this is ok here. if it isn't can you please direct me to where i can discuss with other AfterDawn readers. thanks.

    i've been using anydvd by Slysoft and clonedvd by elby for a while now and haven't had any problems at all really. but i just found out of a another clone dvd that is from a company called DVD X Studios CloneDVD i have CloneDVD by Elby at version both my anydvd and clonedvd are full registered versions. my question is this dvd x studios version any better than elby's? does it work better? more reliable? i saw the stats on that version by dvd x and it looked pretty good. i just want the best for my dvd-rs. i use verbatim blanks and i always use 100% quality for top notch copies.

    please let me know. thanks!
  18. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    The software that you currently have has been proven over and over again to be reliable and perform the tasks at hand. I would recommend that you stay with it.
  19. BluRayLvr

    BluRayLvr Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    thanks pal for the speedy reply. yeah i read that too over the years. i was just wondering what the word was from the people in the know about this dvd x studios version of clonedvd. know anything on it pal or anyone else? really curious. but i will stick with what i have for now cause i know they're the top stuff.
  20. kelvin001

    kelvin001 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2009

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