Comcast DVR Freezes

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by weewood, Jan 11, 2005.

  1. TerrileeL

    TerrileeL Member

    Jan 28, 2006
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    Update: Comcast has done everything - replaced connectors, re-wired from the pole, sent tech after tech, etc. The final solution they have given me is that my house needs re-wired - something to do with the wiring being outdated verses what the digital box needs.

    I don't know but they have made sure I understand that if they do re-wire the house, I'm responsible for getting the drywall redone as well or they could run wire around my home then drill into the room through the outside to put cable in that room. Ha-ha funny huh?

    Anyway, my digital box locks up with no rhyme. We've tried all kinds of solutions and ya know what - it seems that a dish is no better either. So I have to get up off the couch and re-boot the box sometimes twice a day, sometimes every other day and then wait for programming to come back up as well.

    Otherwise, I'm a DVR addict and by my location, I'm limited to what I can get in this house anyway. I think the prices are outragous though and even though I've got so much credit from them that they won't give me anymore, it doesn't make it right either. I missed lots of time off work waiting for a technician as they've been to my house atleast twice a month since last August when Comcast first installed or rather put a box in my family room and turned the service on (the house was originally wired for cable in 1991 when it was built). I have to deal with it as I need CABLE and INTERNET. I did however get better internet - in that I'm losing packets the way I was since they replaced the line from the outside pole to the house. Small feats of glory...

    I'm done complaining for today... glad this forum was here so that I able to tell Comcast - B.S. I know you know about this box freezing up crap - it's been going on the East Coast for some time and you all blame the motorola box, etc... blah, blah. It did get their attention that I knew this and got me some resolution be it small I do get better picture and internet when it works!!!

  2. deemtee

    deemtee Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    well... like I said... since I got rid of the extra minutes.. not 1 of my 2 comcast dvr boxen have frozen at all.. and it was a daily if not twice a day occurrence for me as well...

    You might consider trying this ....
  3. ASR

    ASR Member

    Aug 21, 2005
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    Comcast's line about rewiring the whole house sounds fishy to me.

    I've had my DirecTv DVR for almost a month now and it's far better then the comcast box but NOT as good as my old TiVo.

    The solution may be a real TiVo, they have a unit that is also a DVD recorder and TiVo box in one unit, but the issue is that you can not record 2 shows as the same time, while watching a 3rd previously recorded show, but I've heard they should have that capacity in some units shortly, it’d be nice if that came with the DVD burner..

    Additionally, with the REAL TiVo / DVD burner, you can of course burn to DVD’s and there is internet functionality, programing remotely, downloading to your computer and so on.

    The other thing I want to watch is that Comcast and TiVo have something coming in 6 months to a year [or?] but I’ve also heard we may not get the TiVo / Comcast up here as we are in Billy Gates backyard [Microsoft does the software for the current, crappy Comcast DVR]

    Then another option I keep thinking of is setting up a PC as an entertainment unit, say goodbye to playing CD and all that.

    Gotta love all this junk, right?
  4. dabig25

    dabig25 Regular member

    Aug 31, 2004
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    About the re-wiring.

    Don't buy it, if the signal strength hitting the box is fine then it does not need to be re-wired. If the signal is weak then maybe.
    Did they tell you what the signal was behind the box ?

    Other people on this forum are having the same problems. I highly doubt that everyone here needs their house re-wired. I wired my own house & I know it does NOT need to be re-wired.
  5. sanable

    sanable Member

    May 22, 2006
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    I had the same problem with my dvr from comcast (motorolla). My 6 year old figured out how to fix it-typical. If your dvr freezes just hit your dvr button and start a recorded show. Then hit exit and your tv will work just fine. Its works every time. Q
  6. eatsushi

    eatsushi Regular member

    May 7, 2006
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    That's because the Motorola DVR was designed by a six year old. I have the same DCT6412 from Comcast and the hiccups have been very rare.
  7. walajm

    walajm Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    I had problems with the 6412 freezing, not recording, etc. Comcast just replaced it with the new Motorola 3416. The technician said the 6412 is old and is often refurbished. So far so good with the new one.
  8. GingkoW

    GingkoW Member

    May 17, 2007
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  9. 75aces

    75aces Regular member

    Dec 18, 2007
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    Anyone out there have issues with the Pace DVR Cable boxes from Comcast? Mine freezes while recording live tv. It tends to happen when you are watching it live and recording at the same time. I keep getting the same song and dance from customer service saying that it could be a signal issue or the box. I've gone through a half dozen since they forced their analog customers to use the ota boxes. I'm very frustrated and tired but how do you get a different dvr to use. Where I live they don't give you motorola boxes unless you have hd service.

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