ewwwwww <!> DIRTY, you sick little monkey, my precious mind has been soiled.... LOL its all jokes ppl...
I haven't congratulated ddp yet so I skimmed over the smutty stuff to say ..Congrats ddp and creaky And now... back to reading the filth LOL
thats only because i'm more vocal about it, then again it's hard for Neph to speak from my crawlspace with that rag and duct tape covering his face.
@jim_dandy - cheers, a bit behind with my replies, they're working me too hard been bogged down with the kiddywinks in the console forums, it's nonstop "but he said this", and "but he said that", thank God i'm not a teenager anymore
Congrats ddp and creaky! @darthnip WOW i never knew... LOL thank god im only a teenager and will probably get high in the next few months and forget LOL JJs i dont do drugs but...DARTHNIP...OHH GOD THE VISUAL IMAGERY!!! UUUGGGHHHH lol just kiding! once again congrats on the Mod status! (edited for SP)
you dont have to say sorry to darth, he is used to being insulted by all of us j/k PS: Starrift how old are you <?> (teen)
see it through your eyes... f*ck, why the hell would we wanna do that... its bad enough having to see it through our eyes j/k
congrats to ddp and creky ive said it b4 but congrats.as for hair styles i went to school with crazy ones.purple mohawk.anakin skywalker plat down to nearly my bum.i wnet to school with 9 plats down my back.looked like a bazilian soccer player.my hair styles were very popular.and im not going bald for another 20years until that happens and i will probably die of lung cancer first.
LOL to answer your question im about 14-15 (in highschool) oh ya how would i find out the number of posts ive made? and did you(phantom69)create all the moving Sigs?
get over 10000 and you might be able to become a moderator.i know creak had about 12000 if i recall correctly.