i have convertxtodvd which i use to convert and also to burn avis and so far ive been unsuccessful ive been able to watch the movie for a bit then it either skips or freezes i tried max speed then 2 speeds lower i havent tried 2.4x(lowest),is this a problem with the converting part or burning part, and i would like to know if its worth trying the 2.4x speed or if i should just get the best software to convert and burn dvds. thank you for any input
There is no need to start another thread, I believe you are using a very good program in ConvertX..I dont believe it's the program but the quality of the discs you are using or your downloads. What brand of discs are you using.
Well therein lies your problem, you have chosen a very poor quality disc, memorex is a shocker, read this thread about memorex http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/262544
so if i get maxell dvd-rs it will work?, and would i have to switch the burning settings for convertxtodvd to prefer sao burning with dvd-r ?
If you go the Maxell route, use the +R 8x speed. The -R are being made by CMC and they are junk. +R is made by RITEK, G03 media code, they work great for me.
On the SONY's look at the bar code and be sure it says Made in Japan. You will find MIJ on the maxell's by getting the ones that come in their individual cd cases. A little more money that way. The +R Maxell's in the 50 pack were going for 15 bucks at Wal Mart about 2 weeks ago. Taiwan made but they are Ritek which are ok.